Substance Use Assessment – Key Questions

Which substances do you / have you used




LSD / magic mushrooms


Cocaine / crack cocaine


Prescription drugs

Volatile substance abuse

Other (name, include e.g. caffeine, nicotine)

For each substance - Explore the pattern of use

How –Smoked (bong/ joint/ foil), Injected (where), Inhaled, Swallowed, Sniffed

When - Daily / weekly / morning evening. Any substance free days

What pattern - Binge pattern, little but often. Typical day, typical week

How much - Amounts - £, units (litres*ABV), g, oz, bags, rocks, joints, tablets

Where - Pub, club, home, park

Who with – Alone, partner, anyone, particular friends

From what age – continuously or not

Is / was it - A major activity / part of identity

Polydrug use eg to deal with comedown Multidrug use eg to maximise effects - Why

Why - What are/ were the main benefits of using each substance

Mental state

Social / Boredom

Thinking/ Feeling- before, during, after

Why not – Are/ were there any drawbacks

Physical health/ Blackouts/ Withdrawal/ Sleep problems

Legal problems / Forensic - ever offended for money for substances

Mental health – voices, paranoia, anxiety

Dangerous activities undertaken

Relationship problems

Financial – debt



Use linked to any significant life events

Would you say substance use has ever been a problem for you

Have you ever tried to stop or cut down

How / Did it work – Hospital, prison, quit

Experienced withdrawal symptoms

Any previous input to address substance use – group programmes, methadone script

How do you feel about substance use now

Future intentions – Cut down, give up, reduce risks, continue as usual

What kind of treatment or intervention do you think would be useful for you now

Are you in contact with substance use services. Worker’s name -