The Sabbath

Which is your Sabbath?

First we need to understand that every word God has spoken is literal and much more, or he wouldn’t be God, and no different than man. I realize some people don’t believe in a (revelation) of God’s word, which pursues a much deeper spiritual meaning, or should I say understanding. His thoughts are so much higher than ours, and he has to coincide so much to speak to humans. God is not a human being, but he is a spirit. You can go as deep in your understanding of god as you wish or that he would allow. They that have an ear to understand let them hear what the spirit hath to say. For the natural minded man doeth not understand the things of the spirit.

The Sabbath


Let’s begin with the Sabbath.

·  Genesis 2:2 and on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made, and (he rested on the seventh day from all his work he had made). (natural work).

·  Numbers 23:19 (God is not a man) that he should lie. Neither the son of man, that he should repent, hath he spoken, nor shall he not make it good.

·  Questions: if God is a spirit and not (flesh and blood) how can he get tired? When the word says God rested on the seventh day which is the number of perfection. It means he simply completed the task at hand. God neither sleeps nor slumbers.

The Sabbath

·  Mark 2:27, 28 The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath (Holiness). Verse 28, therefore the son of man is Lord also of the (Sabbath).

·  He is Lord at all times, days, seasons, and years.

o  The revelation is this

·  Genesis 2:2 it says god rested on the seventh day from all his (natural) works he performed. Should we not walk in the spirit at all times, we don’t, but we should; therefore in completeness the seventh day. Even now no matter what day of the week you say the Sabbath is on, do you keep it? I think not. The word of god says he that walks in the spirit has ceased from sin. He that has ceased from his own works has ceased from sin. We should always set aside certain days of the week when we can come together to worship the lord, and fellowship.

Please keep in mind that God said in Romans 6:14 that sin shall not have dominion over you. For you are not under the law but Grace.

At this point I would like to be somewhat more conclusive. In Hebrews chapter 3 verses 18, 19; god said that they could not enter into his rest because of unbelief. Hebrews chapter 4 verses 1-9; God stated that all of his people should fear of not entering into his rest because of unbelief. He says the same gospel has been preached to (us) as well as unto (them), I would much rather be of (us) than of them that don’t believe. The word preached to them was not (mixed) with their (faith) to them that heard it. Now, the word (mixed) in this text is the Greek word (soon-ger-anamee) meaning, saliva. When you eat natural food saliva must be present to help break down the food; that you may chew, breakdown, and swallow your food that it may go down to be digested, and the nutrients will be dispersed throughout the entire body for nourishment. Remember, we are using some Greek words within the Hellenic language, which the bible was originally written in, and the original meanings have a broader context than our English does. So we must eat or consume God’s word mixed with faith, and it must be mentally digested, that our born again spirit will be well nourished.

Best Regards

Pastor, Thomas L. Meaux