Exam 1 Review:
Supplemental Instruction
IowaStateUniversity / Leader: / Alecia
Course: / Bio 211
Instructor: / Dr. Deitloff
Date: / 09/22/13
  1. Which is not a characteristic of a hypothesis?
  1. It is falsifiable.
  2. It is testable.
  3. It is a prediction.
  4. It is always correct.
  1. Which describes a Theory?
  1. It is a fact accepted by scientists.
  2. It can never be proven true.
  3. It is not supported well by evidence.
  4. A Phylogenetic tree is a theory.
  1. Which is not true of phylogenetic trees?
  1. They include both living and extinct species.
  2. It is a hypothesis about evolutionary relationships.
  3. It includes clades.
  4. It is always a correct representation of organism relationships.
  1. Which is correct representation of genus species?
  1. Canis Familiaris
  2. Canis familiaris
  3. Canis familiaris
  4. Canis Familiaris
  1. Which is not true?
  1. A sporophyte produces spores.
  2. Spores grow into a sporophyte.
  3. A Gametophyte produces gametes.
  4. Spores grow into a gametophyte
  1. What is not a derived trait of a land plant?
  1. A localized region of cell division called the apical meristem.
  2. Sporangia that grow from spores and Gametangia that grow from gametes
  3. A reproductive cycle that includes alteration of generations.
  4. A dependent embryo.
  1. Which is not a characteristic of vascular plants?
  1. A life cycle with a dominant gametophyte
  2. Tissues for support and transport
  3. Adaptations to protect against desiccation
  4. Roots, Stems and Leaves
  1. In Pteridophytes______
  1. The sporophyte is miniaturized.
  2. The Sporophyte is within the gametophyte.
  3. The Gametophyte is dependent.
  4. The sporophyte and gametophyte are independent of each other.
  1. The field of biology that is concerned with the describing, naming, and classifying living and extinct organisms and viruses.
  1. Systematics
  2. Ontogeny
  3. Taxonomy
  4. Phylogeny
  1. The evolutionary history of a species is it’s what?
  1. Systematics
  2. Ontogeny
  3. Taxonomy
  4. Phylogeny
  1. Which order of hierarchical groups is correct?
  1. Kingdom, Phylum, Order, Class, Family, Genus, Species
  2. Genus, Family, Genus, Phylum, Order, Kingdom, Species
  3. Phylum, Kingdom, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.
  4. Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
  1. A common ancestral species and its entire descendant species from a phylogenetic tree is called a ____.
  1. Clade
  2. Family
  3. Ancestors
  4. Node
  1. Which domain has membrane lipids with ether linkages that help resist damage by heat and extreme conditions?
  1. Archaea
  2. Bacteria
  3. Bryophytes
  4. Protists
  1. Which of the following is an Archaea that thrives in salty environments?
  1. Hyperthermophiles
  2. Cyanobacteria
  3. Halophiles
  4. Protezoa
  1. What produced earth’s first oxygen rich atmosphere?
  1. Hyperthermophiles
  2. Cyanobacteria
  3. Halophiles
  4. Protezoa
  1. Bacteria and Archaea reproduce asexually by a process known as what?
  1. Phagocytosis
  2. Binary Fisson
  3. Pili
  4. Cilia
  1. Protists can be labeled according to the type of habitats in which they live. Which are the Protists that are swimming or floating and the basis of the food chain?
  1. Phytoplankton
  2. Periphyton
  3. Pseudopodia
  4. Pilli
  1. Which Protists are in the eukaryotic supergroup land plants?
  1. Green Algae
  2. Red Algae
  3. Red and Green Algae
  4. Dinoflagellates
  1. Charophyceans share several key traits with land plants, which is not true?
  1. Both share a distinctive type of cytokinesis
  2. Both have intercellular connections known as plasmodesmata
  3. Both reproduce by means of an egg and sperm
  4. Both have specialized structures that generate, protect, and disperse reproductive cells
  1. In alternation of generations the plant cycles through a multicellular haploid ______stage that produces ______, and a multicellular diploid ______stage that produces ______.
  1. Sporophyte, spores, gametophyte, gametes
  2. Gametophyte, gametes, sporophyte, spores
  3. Spore, sporophyte, gamete, gametophyte
  4. Spore, gametes, sporophyte, gametophyte
  1. In alternation of generation the haploid sperm cell and the haploid egg cell are _____ to produce the diploid zygote that develops into multicelluar diploid sporophyte stage through the process of _____.
  1. Fertilized, meiosis
  2. Pollinated, mitosis
  3. Fertilized, mitosis
  4. Pollinated, meiosis
  1. Haploid cells are produced in the ____ by the process of meiosis.
  1. Sporangium
  2. Embryo
  3. Fetus
  4. Liverwort
  1. This vascular tissue transports water and minerals
  1. Xylum
  2. Phloem
  3. Move’em
  4. Cilia
  1. In all vascular plants the sporophyte is _____ compared to the gametophyte.
  1. Dominant
  2. Dependent
  3. Similar
  4. Recessive
  1. A waxy cuticle is an adaptation that
  1. Assists water loss
  2. Helps to prevent water loss
  3. Produces toxins to deter insects
  4. Serves no purpose
  1. A seed plant that has flowers, produces seeds enclosed in fruits, and has an endosperm.
  1. Angiosperm
  2. Gymnosperm
  3. Pteridophyte
  4. Lycophyte
  1. Part of a leaf that can close and open to help assist the entrance of water or prevent the evaporation of water from cells that make up the leaf.
  1. Channel
  2. Stomata
  3. Cuticle
  4. Lignin
  1. Megaspores produce _____ gametophytes
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Bisexual
  4. Changing
  1. Which of these is not something that characterizes an organism as alive?
  1. Ability to reproduce
  2. Use energy/metabolism
  3. Homeostasis
  4. Growth and development
  5. All of the above are characteristics of a living organism
  1. Which one of these is not a domain?
  1. Bacteria
  2. Anamilia
  3. Protista
  4. Archaea
  5. Both B & C
  1. ______is a change in frequency of genes in a natural population
  1. Mutations
  2. Descent with Modification
  3. Evolution
  4. Adaptation
  1. ______is/are the ultimate source of variation
  1. Evolution
  2. Mutations
  3. Adaptation
  4. Natural Selection
  1. Which was not a point made by Charles Darwin?
  1. An explanation for the duality of unity and diversity
  2. Descent with Modification
  3. Natural Selection
  4. Humans evolved from apes
  1. Which is not a characteristic of bacteria?
  1. They are the smallest cells
  2. They are simple organisms with less complexity than eukaryotes
  3. They are diverse
  4. They are the earth’s oldest organisms
  1. What resulted in the transfer of mitochondria, plastids, and many genes from bacteria to eukaryotes?
  1. Endosymbiosis
  2. Horizontal gene transfer
  3. Mitosis
  4. Binary Fission
  1. Which is not a type of Proteobacteria?
  1. Rhizobium
  2. Agrobacteria
  3. Vibrio Choleral
  4. Cyanobacteria
  1. The supergroup protist belongs within which domain?
  1. Archaea
  2. Bacteria
  3. Eukarya
  4. Protista
  1. Which of these are photoautotrophic?
  1. Protozoa
  2. Algae
  3. Mitochondria
  4. Proteobacteria
  1. Metamonad is parasitic within animals, has a feeding groove, and 2 equal-sized nuclei. It belongs to which protist supergroup?
  1. Excavata
  2. Diatom
  3. Rhizobium
  4. Alveolata
  1. This protist is known for its biolumenesce, cilia, and saclike membraneous vesicus, and is a member of the supergroup Alveolata
  1. Metamonad
  2. Radiolaran
  3. Diatom
  4. Dinoflagelattes
  1. ______are the closest relatives to animals, while ______are the closest relatives to land plants
  1. Choanoflagellates, cyanobacteria
  2. Mitochondira, cyanobacteria
  3. Choanoflagellates, charopyceans
  4. Cyanobacteria, charopyceans
  1. Apical meristem can differentiate into different types of cells. Where are these located?
  1. Inside the stem
  2. On the surface of the leaves
  3. At the tips of the roots and shoots
  4. Inside the endosperm
  1. Which one of these is not part of the alteration of generations cycle?
  1. Haploid zygote
  2. Diploid Sporophyte
  3. Haploid gamete
  4. Multicellular cells
  1. Which of these is not a Bryophyte?
  1. Liverwort
  2. Moss
  3. Hornwort
  4. Pteridophyte
  1. Spores are produced by ______
  1. Mitosis
  2. Meiosis
  3. Binary Fission
  4. Conjugation
  1. Which is not true about gymnosperms?
  1. They are vascular plants
  2. They are known as “naked seeds”
  3. They are gametophyte dominant
  4. They lack an endosperm
  1. What is the male gametophyte in a gymnosperm?
  1. Pine cone
  2. Spore
  3. Pollen Cone
  4. Pollen grain
  1. The zygote in an angiosperm life cycle produces a(n) ______
  2. Embryo
  3. Sporophyte
  4. Megasporangium
  5. Microspore

49. Which of these is not a parasitic fungi?

a. Fusarium

b. Hemileia Vastatrix

c. Fosty pod

d. Penicllin

50. Which of these is necessary for a plant disease to develop

a. Pathogen

b. Host

c. Favorable environment

d. All of the above

True or False:

  1. Adaptations involve changes in individual organisms rather than populations: True False
  2. Newton’s law of gravity describes how gravitational force is transmitted:True False
  3. Theories never become laws: True False
  4. Phylogenetic trees are a way to represents facts that have been discovered about evolutionary history: True False
  5. The theory of evolution was once thought to be a tree of life, but now is thought of as the web of life due to horizontal gene transfer: True False