Which God do you pray to?
If you are one of those people that accept as ‘God’ only the ‘One Supreme Being’, the ‘Omnipresent and Ever-present Superpower in the Universe’, then you do not have a God to pray to. For, this UNIVERSAL FATHER, being thus omnipresent and ever-present, has no interactive or objective personality. He is universally and uniformly constant and subject to no Space or Time variables. He is absolutely Subjective, Invariable and Immutable and cannot receive or respond to any external stimulus, (or prayers). He is constantly active invariably at every point in Infinite Space and is manifest at every Point-of-I as the basic subjectivity of every sentient being.
Which God should you pray to then?
In the same way that you ask favors from your superior, may he be your father, your boss or the administrative head of the administrative domain you belong to, it would be logical that your prayers should be addressed to our Heavenly FATHER.
Heavenly FATHER is the administrative Head of our Super-galactic region and it would seem not only futile to address your prayers in the midst of such obviously congested traffic of prayers and other administrative correspondence but also arrogant to place yourself directly under the Supreme Commander of such a vast administrative Universe. As for your personal Companion from Him, you do not even have to pray. All you need is moral compatibility and clarity of purpose and he will assist you in your free-will plans.
Father is the Cause of our existence and nobody dares confront Him. Even Calicastia says that Father’s purpose will be accomplished through him and Lucifer claims that his transgression was not against Father but against the Authorities immediately above him, what he calls the ‘Bureaucracy’ that abused its authority.
Father rules through a pyramid of command. Unfortunately, on this planet there are two contesting Authorities. If your religion stems from Abraham’s covenant, then your God is Jhwh. The first commandment says “I am Jhwh your God; you shall have no other God but me”. The commandment implies that there are other gods. Pray to Him. Or you can pray to JESUS instead; (not just ‘Christ’ or ‘Lord’ because these are just titles that address any ‘christened’ king or local Authority). Your prayers will still reach the same address. Jesus said: “I and my Father are one”. The same is true of course for the other side. So, we use the name ‘Satan’ not only for the personal envoy of Lucifer throughout Lucifer’s System but for all the Rebel Authority in this System, from Lucifer himself down to Sanat Kumara in Shambala and their servants. They are like peripheral terminals netted together and executing the commands of the same mainframe computer.
If you just address your prayeranonymously to God or Lord or Adonai or Allah or Christ, then be sure that this will not go beyond the local Planetary God or Prince. Such addresses cannot jump rank. Earth’s Planetary Prince is Calicastia* and, being a Prince of a planet in a quarantined system, he will make sure that your prayer does not go further up the ranks. (Even the word ‘Amen’ links to his name: ΑΜΗΝ = 99 = ΚΑΛΙΚΑΣτΙΑ*). He may answer your prayers if you are an obedient and ‘good’ servant but most certainly not, if yourock the boat of his Authority by adhering to JESUS or JHWH the God of Abraham. If you are an outspoken follower of Jesus or Jhwh, Calicastia* and his angels will persecute you to the ends of the Earth. Beware also that, as no would-be follower of Jesus (i.e., Christian) would recognize and address him as his ‘God’, Hermes, Calicastia’s Red Dragon initiate and founder of Christianity, has created substitutes of all personages that may be addressed by Christians, except of course for the personages of Jesus, Jhwh and company. Among others, Hermes has substitutes of ‘Archangel Michael’, mainly for the Germanic people, and of ‘Mother Mary’ and ‘Christ’, which are most widely addressed by the Christians. If you enter any of these names with ‘…Sanat Kumara’ next to it or, instead, enter ‘White Lodge’ or ‘Alice Bailey’, in any search engine on the Web, you will see that all these are part of Sanat Kumara’s spiritual hierarchy in Shambala, which once hadMermek/Christ at its head.
(Hermes used to secure most of his energy from the ‘Mother Mary’ worshipers. Now that the fervor of worship and Church going has subsided, he has resorted to feeding on the energy from fans and spectators of football grounds and all ‘showbiz arenas’).
If you are in America, or the Industrial World in general, and you are involved in high tech or the multi-media or the cinema or other centers that control public thinking, addressing ‘God’ anonymously will connect you to the 666, the Titan of Fire. The Titan is not a planetary Authority but Calicastia* has granted him part of his planetary authority on Lucifer’s request. And this because, apart from the fact that the technology of Fire is relatively safer than the Primary technology in the hands of aggressively competitive humans, the Grays, who are under this Titan’s deployment, have a much faster brain processor and much faster conscious thinking, which makes them very efficient in the subconscious control of the human species that have a relatively slow conscious thinking.
I must insert a parenthesis here to explain a few things about the ‘Grays’ (or Greys):
[The ‘Grays’ are a non-breathing species. This has its advantages and disadvantages. First advantage is that they can survive for quite long periods of time in our atmospheric environment whilst we cannot survive in their atmosphereless environment. A strong disadvantage is that they cannot sing and their scale of sound communication is very limited. This disadvantage is associated with the advantage that they are by design very efficient in telepathic or thought communication. This means that they are in effect ‘internetted’, with a common ‘mainframe’ memory bank or common Mind. This is accompanied by the disadvantage of limited ‘Individuality’ and lack of initiative. They have a much faster processor than our species, almost machine-like, and faster conscious thinking. This faster processor and faster conscious thinking is not altogether an advantage for a sentient being. Direct emotions require energy transference, which in turn needs some time for resonance between influx stimulus and recognition reference. In this we humans have the advantage because our conscious resolution is quite low. The resonance energy and, hence, the intensity of primary emotions, like pleasure, hedony and joy, falls very sharply with the decrease of resonance time. Thus, the intensity of primary emotions in the ‘Grays’ is much lower than in us humans. In this we can be considered as being of a higher sentient design than the ‘Grays’. The ‘Grays’ have more intense ‘secondary emotions’, i.e., the emotions induced by the thought process, like stress, anxiety, worry, fear, panic etc.. Their much faster conscious thinking enables the ‘Grays’ to run quite ahead of our own conscious thinking and, thus, they have the upper hand in controlling us subconsciously. This is the most important service they offer the 666 and, in extension, to Calicastia in the subconscious control of his ‘rebellious’ and disobedient subjects, (apart from building spacecraft for his ‘One Hundred’ on Mars).
In chapter 22 of Courtney Brown’s book ‘COSMIC VOYAGE’, Courtney is given an unknown target by his Monitor. The target is ‘GOD’. Courtney’s first contact describes the target as ‘slimy’ or ‘yucky’, with a distinct smell of engine oil and things burning and a sound of machines. (‘Engine oil’ with the relevant distinct smell is also the medium in which the cloned offspring of the ‘Grays’ are cultured in their laboratories on the Moon, according to Courtney’s previous ‘target’ investigations). After this first impression, Courtney discerns the presence of the particular Gray that invariably watches Courtney in all his investigations concerning the ‘Grays’. Courtney says that this Gray just watches, quote, “without interfering”. In this Courtney is wrong. You see, as soon as Courtney notices this Gray, (and as soon as the Gray notices Courtney), the scene changes abruptly. The slimy feeling and the smells and noises disappear and he is given a view of the future in which the ‘Grays’ evolve into a magnificent species, each one of them at least as good-natured as Jesus, with the difference that the ‘control’ or ‘rule’ syndrome, present in Jesus’ personality, is lacking in them. This, like all other experiences that Courtney has when this ‘non-participating’ Gray is around in all his investigations of the ‘Grays’, are Virtual Reality scenarios presented to him by this particular Gray.
One cannot travel into the future or into the past.Time may be a factor in algebraic equations involving motion of bodies but IT IS NOT a co-ordinate dimension in which a 3-dimensional ‘space body’ can move. When one sees the past, he just experiences the records of the past, presented to him as Virtual Reality (VR). This is how the Akashic records or the ‘Living’ records are experienced. You may find yourself in the middle of the Trojan War unfolding ‘live’around you but the participants in the War cannot see you or interact with you in any way. You are not ‘in the Trojan War’ but ‘in the Virtual Reality Records of the Trojan War’. You are viewing History ‘AS DONE’. When you see the future, you are similarly presented with a Virtual Reality scenario of the Future AS PLANNED; and, there can be various PLANNED SCENARIOS, as the Author of the book ‘MATRIX V’ discovered, to his amazement, when all the forces of the ‘Orion Queen’ were neutralized comprehensively in a few minutes and the ‘Queen’ herself placed in confinement by higher forces; (this should give you an idea of the kind of forces commissioned from the Center to this planet for its rectification).
[Of course, once you download a file or a scenario into your own memory banks, you can play about with it, modify it and even involve yourself in the plot, in the same way that a child re-enacts in its own fantasy the scenario of a film it has seen, with itself as the protagonist, or changes the plot to save its favorite hero. Once you edit this scenario it is automatically uploaded onto the Mental Internet. Thus there are many falsified records on the Mental Internet accessed by astral travelers, channelers and remote viewers. Most such viewing is a mixture of Truth and crap. Only very experienced viewers can tell the true original or factual records from the crap. The Akashic records or Living records are very well guarded.Those who have Out of Body Experiences (OBE) or do Astral Traveling know that almost all their first ‘experiences’ are their own creations or projections from their own memory banks. This creation or projection continues even in objective viewing, sometimes without realizing it, until what is actually real is added to so extensively by their own creative intervention that it evolves into a fantastic world of their own. Many make the mistake of thinking that this mixed World of Reality and Fantasy is all Real and that they can actually live in it forever.It has its ownReality but it will not last without continuously drawing energy from its creatoruntil he is exhausted. As for channeling, even channeled personages can LIE.There is a real War of misinformation going on. Even I cannot rely on the information I receive from my spy angels and have to use very elaborate filtering techniques.The Grays are masters in feeding even experienced viewers with all sorts of false Virtual Reality scenarios, some of this deception aiming at encouraging them to leave Earth for a better World!]
Of all the prophecy scenarios (plans) the one that will prevail is the one put together by the most powerful Authority, the servants of the Spirit of Truth.
As I pointed out to Mr. Brown, if the ‘Grays’ could really see into a definite Future and confirm such a magnificent evolution of their species, their intense panic concerning the end and death of their species, which he invariably noticed among them on all his other encounters with the ‘Grays’, would be quite unjustified. The absence of the ‘ruler’s’ characteristic from their future nature was included in order to waive any possible suspicion by Courtney as to their intentions concerning their relations with humans. Their actual intentions are revealed by the great number of abductions, which have as their purpose the use of human DNA for their own needs as well as the study of the human brain and the installation of control implants in the brains of abductees and new human fetuses. Courtney mentions two colonies of such controlled humans, one in the mountains of West New Mexico and the other in a jungle, in a location not revealed by him. Actually there are many more; in South USA, Central and South America, all over Africa, quite a few in Australia and in SE Asia, (only a couple North of the Himalayas), and very few in Europe, (one in Iceland, one in East Scotland and one in East Sweden).
The bottom line is that for Mr. Brown and his associates ‘GOD’ is the species of the ‘Grays’. This corresponds to the Machines’ mainframe in the Matrix movie, which the Grays present as the ‘Source’, the ‘Deus-über-alles’.]
End of parenthesis.
So, as we mentioned towards the end of July’s article on ‘The Mental Internet’, for this isolated planet ‘Heavenly Authority’ means ‘Lucifer and Calicastia*’. Lucifer issues (until recently) the overall scenarios for the administration of the planet and Calicastia* is the subordinate Planetary ruler.
In the book of Revelations in the Christian Bible, it is mentioned that “on the Day of the LORD” this Heavens will be rolled up like a scroll and a new Heavens will be established. (‘LORD’ with all letters UPPERCASE is a substitute for ‘Jhwh’).
If you read the prophecies of Nostradamus, go to quatrain II.27, which refers to the ‘Divine Word’. In this quatrain it is written:
“The Divine Word is struck by Heaven and not able to proceed further, so that the secret will be buried together with the revelation and people would ‘walk over and ahead’; i.e., continue their ways in ignorance”.
In the absence of the above clarification concerning ‘Heavenly Authority’ on this planet, it would appear terribly contradictory that the ‘Divine Word’ should be struck by ‘Heaven’.
What does the future hold then? Can the planetary Authority block our Father’s plans?
CERTAINLY NOT!! The answer concerning the future of the Divine Word is given by Nostradamus further down in his prophecies, in quatrain III.02. Refer to it:
“The Divine Word will give to substance, comprising of heaven and earth, occult gold in the mystic milk. His body, mind and spirit are all-powerful, having all beneath his feet as at the seat of Heaven”.
This quatrain should give all the fellowship of Jesus a strong reason to rejoice.
*** The change of authority has already started. Lucifer left his throne peacefully around August 20th, (2003), after his ‘Orion Queen’ schemes were foiled.
*‘Calicastia’ is usually written in English as ‘Caligastia’. The name was communicated only orally (mentally). The correct dictation is ΚΑΛΙΚΑΣτΙΑ, which sums to 99. It is not just a name but denotes the rank. Rank 99 corresponds to a ‘Planetary Prince’.
All numeric codes are written in Greek/Phoenician, the only fully ‘gematric’ or numeric alphabet. Greek is a scientifically ideographic language and was used by the priesthood of the Adamite colony, most probably having its origin in Atlantis. (The first Adamitehigh priest, Rwanem, was probably the same person as the Dweller mentioned in the ‘Emerald Tablets of Thoth’. The Germanic or Scandinavian languages are also Atlantoid, though the writing did not survive outside the priesthood and the Nordic people originally adopted the Central European runes, before the Phoenician alphabet spread in Europe through Latin.
─ For the numeric values of the Greek alphabet see end of ‘An Expiry date for Europe. Before the introduction of Arabic numerals the Greek alphabetic numbers were the only numerals used.