The application materials that need to be completed depend on the certification you are seeking for your operation. Please use this as a guide in determining which forms to submit when applying for certification. Additional documents may be applicable as requested within the OSP and OHP. We recommend filling out and submitting applications electronically, as the renewal process in subsequent years is easier. Applications may be emailed or mailed to the contact information below. Please contact the office with any questions or needed clarifications. Application fees are due when the application is submitted.
New Stellar NOP Farm
- Organic System Plan Questionnaire (OSP) – outline of you overall farming operation
- Three-year land history – all material inputs, including crops planted, compost, minerals, pest control material, etc., used on the land for the 36 months prior to application for certification
- Seed Search – documentation showing the origin and certification status of all seeds used for the crop to be certified
- Crop Plan
- OSP Crop Input Materials List and OSP/OHP Sanitation Materials List
- Map of your operation
- OSP Livestock Application (if applying for livestock certification)
- OSP Livestock Pasture Plan, if applying for ruminants
- OSP Livestock Healthcare and Management Materials List
- Records of purchased feed and livestock healthcare administrations
Additional documents you may need are:
- Previous Owner Affidavit to verify material inputs on the land if you have not owned the land for 36 months prior to application for certification
New Demeter® and/or Aurora Certified Organic® Farm
- All of the forms listed above in Stellar NOP section
- Organic System Plan-Demeter/Aurora Addendum
- Organic Livestock Plan – Demeter/Aurora Addendum (if applying for livestock certification)
- DA Crop Plan
New Stellar NOP Processors
- Organic Handling Plan (OHP)
- Individual Product Profiles for all products to be certified
- OHP Sanitation Materials List
- Process flow for all products to be certified
- Maps of the facility
- Labels to be used on products to be certified
Additional documents you may need are:
- Independent Storage Affidavit for product stored at an off-site facility
New Demeter® and/or Aurora Certified Organic® Processor
- All documents listed above in the Stellar NOP Processing section
- Organic Handling Plan – Demeter/Aurora Addendum
- If you are applying for Demeter certification of wine, the Wine Making Application must be completed.
BL/110 Application Instructions 06_13
Demeter Association, Inc. & Stellar Certification Services, Inc. PO Box 1390 Philomath, OR 97370
(541) 929-7148