H.R. No. 1444
WHEREAS, The many successes of the 77th legislative session have been realized through the hard work and commitment of numerous men and women, and the members of Speaker Pete Laney's staff are especially deserving of recognition; and
WHEREAS, The speaker's staff includes many multitalented individuals, all of whom work diligently to ensure that the speaker, the members of the house, and their constituents receive the information and assistance they need; from providing counsel on legislative issues to responding to the folks back home, these remarkable public servants excel in the performance of their duties; and
WHEREAS, Executive assistant Barry Miller has been a member of Speaker Laney's staff for more than 25 years and has served in his present capacity since the 73rd Regular Session; respected for his knowledge of the legislative process, he is a source of both information and inspiration to members of the house and to his fellow staffers; and
WHEREAS, The overall daytoday operations of the speaker's office are the responsibility of Sandy McKey as director of administration, and Gregg Werkenthin oversees special projects and constituent services for the speaker's district; and
WHEREAS, Bobby Gierisch heads the speaker's outstanding research staff, which provides research assistance to members and committees and monitors committee meetings and the status of legislation; Frank Battle serves as ethics advisor to the speaker and to house members while also acting as a liaison to the Texas Ethics Commission; and
WHEREAS, The speaker's schedule is handled by Mark Bell, who somehow manages to make time in the speaker's busy calendar to accommodate the numerous requests for meetings and appointments that are received each day; and
WHEREAS, The legislative session requires the contributions of these as well as the following staffers in the Speaker's Office who play vital roles in the success of this biennial gathering:Patricia Alofsin, Jennifer Banda, Julie Barbosa, John Bender, Amy Bowersox, Angela Boyce, Cindy Cantu, Joey Colleran, Trish Conradt, Cindy De Roch, Marshal Dooley, Elizabeth Harris, Adam Haynes, Nicole Holland, Edward Johnson, Mark Langford, Leslie Lemon, Matt Matthews, Wendy McDaniel, Johnnie Morales, Ginger Murray, Stacey Nicchio, Ron Olson, Claudia Russell, Mark Thompson, and Andrea West; and
WHEREAS, With the regular session drawing to a close, it is indeed fitting to salute them for their notable service; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 77th Texas Legislature hereby honor the exemplary staff of the Speaker's Office for their dedication and efficiency throughout this legislative session and commend them for their commitment to excellence in their many endeavors; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the staff of the Speaker's Office as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.
Laney Alexander Allen Averitt Bailey Berman Bonnen Bosse Brimer Brown of Kaufman Brown of Brazos Burnam Callegari Capelo Carter Chavez Chisum Christian Clark Coleman Cook Corte Counts Crabb Craddick Crownover Danburg Davis of Harris Davis of Dallas Delisi Denny Deshotel Driver Dukes Dunnam Dutton Edwards Ehrhardt Eiland Elkins Ellis Farabee Farrar Flores Gallego Garcia George Geren Giddings Glaze / Goodman Goolsby Gray Green Grusendorf Gutierrez Haggerty Hamric Hardcastle Hartnett Hawley Heflin Hilbert Hilderbran Hill Hinojosa Hochberg Hodge Homer Hope Hopson Howard Hunter Hupp Isett Janek Jones of Lubbock Jones of Bexar Jones of Dallas Junell Keel Keffer King of Parker King of Uvalde Kitchen Kolkhorst Krusee Kuempel Lewis of Tarrant Lewis of Orange Longoria Luna McCall McClendon McReynolds Madden Marchant Martinez Fischer Maxey Menendez / Merritt Miller Moreno of Harris Moreno of El Paso Morrison Mowery Naishtat Najera Nixon Noriega Oliveira Olivo Pickett Pitts Puente Ramsay Rangel Raymond Reyna of Bexar Reyna of Dallas Ritter Sadler Salinas Seaman Shields Smith Smithee Solis Solomons Swinford Talton Telford Thompson Tillery Truitt Turner of Coleman Turner of Harris Uher Uresti Villarreal Walker West Williams Wilson Wise Wohlgemuth Wolens Woolley Yarbrough Zbranek______
Speaker of the House
I certify that H.R. No. 1444 was adopted by the House on May 28, 2001, by a nonrecord vote.
Chief Clerk of the House