- Consent should be sought from each person who may feature or be identified in any visual or sound recording or a photograph (referred to as “the model”).
- Where the model is 16 or under, the consent should either be signed by aParent or a Legal Guardian.
- Consents should be kept on file in the appropriate Directorate or School and should be available for consultation if challenged.
- Paragraph 2: The purposes for which the recording or photograph will be used should be clearly and specifically identified as far as possible. If any specific purposes are known, these should be added to the section in square brackets.
- Paragraph 4(b): Where the images and/or recordings or other personal data may be shared with third parties ,the relevant third parties should be detailed in this paragraph as accurately as possible.
- The model should be provided witha copy of this form along with the University’s contact details.
- The sections in grey should be completed by the University as appropriate. Please delete these drafting notes before using the form.
- If you have any queries in relation to using this form, please contact the Marketing team atExternal Relations
University of Dundee
Information Governance – Data Protection
Model –One-off Consent for the use of photographs, video recordings and/or sound recordings
Name of the Event / [University to Complete before event]Date of the Event / [University to complete before the event]
This consent relates to the University of Dundee (delete as appropriate) / [University to complete:]
- [Taking photographs]
- [Recording video]
- [Recording sound]
Name of model
Age of model / (If the model is 16 or under, this form must be signed by a Parent or a Legal Guardian)
Address of model / Number:
E-mail address of model
Contact number of model
- I understand that the University of Dundee (the University) wishes to use images and/or recordings which have been taken and/or recorded at the above Event featuring me and/or the model named above.
- I grant the University permission to use the images and/or recordings throughout the world in perpetuity in all and any media, including in the University's printed publications, presentations, promotional materials, in the advertising of the University's goods or services or on the University's website, social media (such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter), e-Learning environment, digital signage and [add any other specific purposes] (the Purposes).
- I consent to the use of my and/or the model’s, likenessand voice throughout the world in perpetuity in connection with the Purposes.
- I consent to the University:
(a)storing copies of the images and/or recordings for the Purposes or to it storing my contact details on its database in case it needs to contact me;
(b)the University passing to third parties (such as printers, online services, research partners and [clearly outline other third parties who may be given access to the images]) my and/or the model’s likeness or recording for the Purposes; and
(c)transferring the images and/or recordings and the above contact details to a destination outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or storing them at a destination outside the EEA for the purposes set out in4(a) above.
- The images and/or recordings and any personal data will be processed in accordance with the University’s Data Protection Policy.
- This agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Scotland. Each party irrevocably agrees that Scottish courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this agreement or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims).
Signed by model
If the model is 16 or under, this form must be signed by a Parent or a Legal Guardian.
I confirm I am the Parent or Legal Guardian of ______(name of model) and consent to those images and recordings being used for the Purposes according to the terms detailed above.
Signed by Parent or Legal Guardian