Press release

Where technology and passion carry weight

New generation at Höfelmeyer Waagen from Georgsmarienhütte, Germany

From now on, Felix Höfelmeyer will be in charge of the strategic and operational management of Höfelmeyer Waagen GmbH. A part of the management team since 2014 and shareholder since 2016, Felix Höfelmeyer will take over from his father, company founder Reinhard Höfelmeyer. The family business, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this summer, will continue to pursue its carefully refined product strategy, increase its international expansion and promote innovation among its employees.

Felix Höfelmeyer’s succession at Höfelmeyer Waagen GmbH comes at a time when the technological and manufacturing trends referred to in Germany collectively as “Industry 4.0” are posing brand new challenges for weighing technology. As an insider of the industry, he recognizes the potential that comes with these challenges. He has been familiar with weighing technology since early childhood and even completed his apprenticeship in his father’s business. After working abroad and undertaking intensive preparations for a future management role, he returned to the company to take on a managerial responsibility — initially in partnership with his father. Now, it is only the son of the company founder who is setting the agenda and using digitization to further refine the company profile.

The mission of the scale manufacturer from northern Germany is to fully equip industrial companies with weighing technology and optimally embed it into the existing value chain. Depending on the application, standard products like platform or compact scales may be used, as well as modular systems and individually developed special applications. Examples of Höfelmeyer developments include hygiene scales for even the most extreme conditions, process stations with PC-integrated weighing technology, and complex QA stations. “We think not in terms of machines but in terms of our customer’s processes. That is what our product strategy is built on,” remarks Felix Höfelmeyer. The company’s range of process consulting and services is correspondingly broad.

Five branches throughout Germany guarantee that the weighing specialist can respond quickly and flexibly and supply solutions of the highest technical standard to its customers in the most varied of industries. Thanks to a growing international customer base, the company is now developing its presence overseas too. As part of its strategy “Höfelmeyer Goes to Europe,” service and sales points have already been established in Denmark, Sweden, Austria and Switzerland as of 2017.

To continue shaping developments in weighing technology in the future, innovative spirit is vital. Regular innovation meetings help foster this, along with development work at the company’s in-house technology center. The show truck, too — a mobile technology center where customers can try out Höfelmeyer technology with their own products — is an example of both innovation and customer proximity.

Höfelmeyer considers itself a family business through and through. The company’s working environment is characterized by trust, short and direct communication channels, family-friendly working hours, and the promotion of health and social service (e.g. Wirstartengleiche.V.). When recruiting new employees, great importance is attached to the perspectives that they can bring to the company. At the same time, the workforce is defined by its “Höfelmeyer passion.” Commercial Manager Ralf Schulz comments: “All of the employees actively and fully apply themselves to shaping the work with others in the company and with our customers. That’s the only way to produce inspiring, innovative solutions.”

Characters: X,XXX

Contact for more information:


Team Leader for Communication & Marketing

Tel.: +49 5401 4977-43 | Fax: +49 5401 4977-90 | |

Höfelmeyer Waagen GmbH | Georgsmarienhütte | Hüfingen | Neuss | Hamburg | Leipzig

Tel. +49 5401 4977-0 | Fax +49 5401 4977-90 | |


Fig. 1: Felix Höfelmeyer

Fig. 2: The Höfelmeyer management team: Felix Höfelmeyer, Reinhard Höfelmeyer and Ralf Schulz (commercial manager) (from left to right)

Fig. 3: Höfelmeyer logo

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