Where’s the Latest Finance Information?
Keep up to date with information provided by the LGSS Finance team by logging on to our website. Go to and click on Information for Schools, then LGSS Schools Financewhere you will be directed to the Latest Information page.
Finance Calendar for May - September 2017
Action Required / Finance / SchoolSubmission of the Monthly Payroll return for non LGSS payroll schools (LB18) / 2 May
Close Accounting Period 1 on FMS / 2 May
Reconciliation file and Oracle reports for May (period 2) sent by AVCO to FMS schools / 11 May
Deadline for submission of Budget Proposal + 3 year Plan and SB1 / 5 May
Deadline for LB14 Confirmation of Final Closure / 12 May
Submission of the monthly bank account reconciliation (LB6) / 15 May
Deadline for receipt of journals and virements in LGSS Schools Finance for processing in May 2017 / 19 May
2nd Advance into bank accounts / 31 May
Close Accounting Period 2 on FMS / 1 June
Submission of the Monthly Payroll return for non LGSS payroll schools (LB18) / 1 June
Reconciliation file and Oracle reports for May (Period 2) sent by AVCO to FMS schools
/ 13 June
CFR (Consistent Financial Reporting) to be submitted to Schools Finance / 9 June
Submission of the monthly bank account reconciliation (LB6) / 15 June
Deadline for receipt of journals and virements in LGSS Schools
Finance for processing in June 2017 / 20 June
3rd Advance into bank accounts / 30 June
Submission of the Monthly Payroll return for non LGSS payroll schools (LB18) / 3 July
Submission of the Quarterly Expenditure Analysis and VAT reimbursement Claim (LB4) / 3 July
Close Accounting Period 3 on FMS / 3 July
Reconciliation file and Oracle reports for June (period 3) sent by AVCO to FMS schools / 11 July
Deadline for receipt of journals and virements in LGSS Schools Finance for processing in July 2017 / 14 July
Submission of the monthly bank account reconciliation (LB6) / 15 July
4th Advance into bank accounts / 31 July
5th Advance into bank accounts / 31 Aug
Submission of the Monthly Payroll return for non LGSS payroll schools (LB18) for July and August / 1 Sept
Close Accounting Periods 4 & 5 on FMS / 1 Sept
Note: All forms are available on the Forms Library page.
Other updates
April 2017 and May 2017 Budget top ups are now available on the Website:
Monthly Top up Information
SIMS Update note 62 for Support Staff Pay awards available on the website:
Support Staff Pay Awards 01/04/2017
CFR Notes have been updated ready for Submittal by all schools on 9th June 2017.
CFR Guidance Notes
National Funding Formula
As you are aware the Government have recently undertaken the second stage of their national funding formula consultations for the schools and high needs DSG funding blocks. The Local Authority and Schools Forum responded to these consultations by the March deadline.
Following a number of requests for information on these consultations and their potential impact we have created a page on the NCC internet web pages to include the key documents and information -
This will be added to but currently contains information or links to –
-The Government’s consultation information and papers
-The responses from the LA and Schools Forum
-The Government produced information identifying the potential impact on each primary and secondary school in the county. (Please note this comparison is to each schools 2016-17 funding formula allocations NOT 2017-18. We understand the Government should make this information/comparison to 2017-18 actuals schools funding available later)
-Schools Forum papers from March 2017 onwards where items on the options available to the Forum and the LA regarding the local ‘soft’ funding formula for primary and secondary schools in 2018-19 are considered. During 2017 there is likely to be a Northants consultation with all primary and secondary schools prior to final discussions with Forum and decisions by the LA in January 2018.
I hope you find the information on this important area useful
Please note the proposals may change but the second stage consultation identified that Northants would be a gainer from the proposals for both the schools and high needs DSG blocks!
Information: 40% savings from new printer deal
The Department for Education (DfE) working together with Canon, are offering a money-saving deal for school printers.
The deal is part of the schools’ buying strategy that aims to make buying easier and offer the best value for schools. Early feedback is positive with schools regularly reporting savings of more than 40%.
The DfE has secured this deal under a framework competition process so there's no need for schools to obtain 3 quotes. All you need to do is choose your device and place your order.
Canon has set up a help desk for schools, on 0800 029 4981 to answer questions
Apprentice Levy – LA schools
We have created a page on the NCC internet web pages to include key documents and information on this area.
This currently includes the letter that was sent out previously to schools via the Childrens service weekly email to schools. The web site will be added to as additional information becomes available.
LGSS Schools Finance Contacts
Appointment / Name / Tel (01604) / Email AddressGroup Accountant – School Strategy and Corporate / Bob Seaman /
Accountant – School Funding / Beth Baines /
Schools Support Team Manager / Cathryn Walker / 07920 785120 /
Senior Schools Accounting Adviser / Charlotte Dennison / 07500 607933 /
Schools Accounting Adviser
Kettering/Corby / Julia Miller / 07500 607322 /
Schools Accounting Adviser
Wellingborough/SE / Charlotte Allford / 07500 607522 /
Schools Accounting Adviser
Daventry/SW / Andrea Botterill / 07500 606962 /
FMS6 Helpdesk
(9.00 – 4.00 term time only)
(Closed 12.30 – 1.00 for lunch) / Monday - Charlotte D
Tuesday - Andrea
Wednesday - Julia
Thursday - Charlotte A
Friday - Email only /
Email address for all general queries /
Other Finance Related Contacts
Area / Name / Email AddressEarly Years Funding /
GPC Enquiries / Thomas Antwi-Agyei –
High Needs Funding applications /
Pupil Growth Fund / Storm Phillips /
Statement queries /
VAT Queries /