About you

Your name .

iPod number:

Are you…? (circle your answer): Male Female

Where did you connect to a WiFi network? (list all)

About reading eBooks

1.  How many eBooks did you buy?

□  How many of these did you finish?

□  What were the main reasons that you didn’t finish the book(s)?

2.  How many eComics did you buy?

□  How many of these did you finish?

□  What were the main reasons that you didn’t finish the comic(s)?

3.  Where did you read your eBook?

Most / Often / Sometimes / Never
Home (shared room)
Home (own room)
Library (school)
Library (public)
Other public space

4.  How often (roughly) did you use your eBook reader to read books?

□  Every day

□  4-5 days per week

□  2-3 days per week

□  Once per week

□  Less than once per week

□  Other ……………………………..

5.  How did you feel about reading eBooks in public? (tick as many as you want)

□  It didn’t bother me

□  I enjoyed it

□  I didn’t read them in public

□  I don’t like reading in public

□  I didn’t want other people to see me reading in public

□  I was worried about theft

6.  How did you feel about reading eBooks overall?

Strongly Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree / Undecided
I enjoyed reading books on a screen
I found it easier to read an eBook than a printed book
I prefer reading eBooks to printed books
It was important to have all of my books with me to choose from all the time
I read more during the project than I normally would
It took me a while to get used to reading in this way
I was interested to begin with, but the novelty soon wore off
I didn’t get into reading in this way during the project
I would read more books if I had an eBook reader
I would read more school books (books that you need to read for exams, etc) if they were on an eReader
I would like to read both print books and eBooks
eBooks are value for money
eBook readers are good value for money for a school

7.  If your school was going to buy eReaders, how many do you think would be needed?

□  One for every pupil

□  One for every GCSE pupil

□  Enough for 1 year group at a time

□  Enough for 1 class at a time

□  Only enough for a small group


About buying eBooks

8.  How did you feel about the selection of books available (not comics) and the experience of buying online? (tick as many as you want)

Strongly Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
There was a good selection of books available
There was nothing that I wanted to read
The age range was appropriate for me
There was a good selection of books for younger readers (years 7 - 9)
There was a good selection of books for younger readers (primary school)
It was easy to connect/ access the online store
It was easy to use the online store
It was good that we could choose whatever we wanted to read
I would have liked to have been given books to read
It was easier for me to get access to print books than eBooks

9.  Write any other comments about the books available to buy

Also - was there anything missing from the eBook store that you think should have been there?

About the eBook reader

Strongly Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
Overall I found the eBook reader easy to use
I had some problems with the eReader
I enjoyed using the iPod Touch to read eBooks
I would have preferred to use another type of eReader
I would have preferred to use a PC/ Laptop to read eBooks
It would make no difference if the eReader screen was black and white
It is important that the device is pocket-sized
It is important that I can buy/ choose books without having to connect the device to a PC

Add any comments you have about the device:

List any technical problems that you encountered any how much of a problem they were on a scale of 1 (an annoyance) to 5 (a large problem).

Write as many or as few as you wish

My problems were… / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

About the project

Strongly Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
We had enough time for the project
We had enough money for the project
I enjoyed taking part in this project
I received the support I needed during this project
I understand why we took part in this project

Do you have any other comments about this project overall and how it could be improved in the future?