When the Scapula Moves Anterior & Lateral It Is Called ______

When the Scapula Moves Anterior & Lateral It Is Called ______



When the scapula moves anterior & lateral it is called ______.


Calcitonin is secreted by which cell?


Which pulse is palpated just proximal to the hypothenar pad?


Which types of cells are found throughout the respiratory tract?

Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar

The palatoglossus & palatopharyngeus form which of the following?

Pillars of Fauces

What is a characteristic of the large intestine?


The esophageal hiatus is located @ which vertebral level?


The peronius longus tendon goes under the foot & crosses the groove of which bone?


Which of the following structures pierces the central tendon of the diaphragm?

Internal Vena Cava @ T8

The apex of the lung is @ what level?

Just above the 1st Rib

Which of the following produces surfactant?

Type II Alveolar Cells

The chordae tendineae are fibrous cords that connect the _____ to the ______.

Valve Cusps, Papillary Muscles

Which of the following are the largest taste buds?


Which of the following are the fewest taste buds in number?

  1. Fungiform
  2. Filiform
  3. Foliate

D. Cirumvallate

Which of the following structures pass through the deep inguinal ring of the male?

Spermatic Cord

The posterior costal pleura extend caudally to the level of the _____.

12th Rib

Which of the following is the superficial boundary of the peroneal cavity?

Colles Flexure (fascia)

Name the plane that divides the body into right & left halves?

Median or Sagittal

What is the thickest part of the heart?

Left Ventricular

What is the most muscular part of the heart?

Left Ventricular

Muscle spindles are ______receptors.


Which of the following structures is found in the peritoneal cavity?

Sigmoid Colon

What granular structure excretes renin?

Afferent Arteriole

Which type of joint is a fibrous articulation?

Intervertebral Disc

Symphysis Pubis

What do larynogotracheal diverticulum develops from?


What canal is located on the lateral wall of the ischiorectal fossa?


What organ is devoid of lymphatics?


What organ has both endocrine & exocrine functions?


Fibrocartilage unites bone in which of the following articulations?

Intervertebral Disc

Pubis Symphysis

Meissner’s Plexus is located in which part of the intestinal lining?


At what vertebral level is the horizontal fissure of the lung located?

T4 @ Mid Axillary Line

T6 @ Mid Clavicular Line

The ______is located between the epidermis & the dermis.

Basement Membrane

Cryptorchism causes sterility because of ______.

 Temperature of the Testes

During swallowing the posterior entrance to the nasal cavity is blocked by the ______, therefore preventing aspiration.

Soft Palate

The main function of the oval window is to ______.

Transmit Sonic Vibration to Ossicles of Perilymph

What types of cells line the pleural cavity?

Flat Mesothelial Cells

The thoracic crura of the diaphragm attach to the ______.

T12 - L1 Vertebra

What part of the mediastinum is the heart located in?


What is the cause of penile erections?

Arterial Dilation of Corpus Cavernosium

Posterior costal pleura extend to what thoracic level?


What structure passes thru the left & right crura of the diaphragm?


What is a derivative of the parameonephric duct?


The pituitary gland sits in a depression of bone called the ______.


Taenia Coli feature what structure?


Where does the floor of the palatine tonsil lie?

Palatopharyngeus & Superior Constrictor

The vermiform appendix is an out pouching of the______.


Where does spermatogenesis take place?

Seminiferous Tubules

The Thymus Gland is located in the ______mediastinum.


The true pelvis is located ______.

Below the Pelvic Inlet but above the Pelvic Outlet

The _____ rib is @ the junction of the manubrium & body of the sternum.


Which duct opens into the vestibule of the mouth?


What types of cells are corpus spongiosum?

Erectile Tissue

What is a synonym for a dust cell?


Which function do muscle spindles aid in?


Which gland commonly undergoes calcific changes?

Pineal Gland

The Cupula is located in the ______.

Cervical Pleura

What part of the fallopian tube contains uterine ostium?


The ______is an outgrowth of the hepatic diverticulum.

Cystic Duct

The tail of the pancreas is in contact with the ______.


The lymph nodes of the breast drain into the ______.

Pectoral Nodes

Which part of the uterine tube contains abdominal ostium?


Which of the following structures is adjacent to the suprascapular artery?

Scapular Notch

What types of cells make up the uterus?

Simple Columnar Cells

The ostium of the maxillary sinus opens into the______.

Middle Meatis

Which hormone(s) do the Parafollicular cells of the thyroid produce?


What structure comes from the urogenital sinus?

Urethra & Urinary Bladder

The lateral aspect of the rectus abdominal sheath is known as the ______.

Linea Semilunaris

Plasma cells are derived from what?


Which cells are controlled by the pituitary gland?

Follicular Cells

Which GI structure contains central lacteals?


Which of the following structures lay posterior lateral to the testes?


The pampiniform plexus is located where?

Spermatic Cord

The haustra of the large intestines are formed from the ______.

Taenia Coli

Which plane divides the body into anterior & posterior halves?


What structure passes through the right & left crura?

Aortic Hiatus

When the adenoids swell they occlude what?

Eustachian Tube

Which structure is composed of hyaline cartilage?


The majority of the respiratory tract is composed of which of the following cells?

Pseudo Stratified Columnar

From which part of the pleura is the cupola derived?

Cervical Pleura

The junction of the esophagus & stomach is located where?

Inferior to the Diaphragm

The uncinate process is part of which of the following?


In which of the following linings of the intestines is Meissner’s Plexus found?


Where is the vertebral prominence?


Which is a vertical plane @ right angles to the sagittal plane?


What structure is the demarcation between visceral & parietal pleura?


Which of the following produce steroid hormones?

Adrenal Cortex

The union of what forms the common bile duct?

Common Hepatic & Cystic Ducts

Which structure is the proximal attachment for the semimembranosus muscle?

Ischial Tuberosity

Articulation between the thumb, trapezium & the base of the 1st metacarpal forms what type of joint?

Saddle Joint

What would be the same anatomical position as anterior & posterior?

Ventral & Dorsal

The majority of lymph is returned to the circulation via the ______.

Thoracic Duct

The adenoids are located where?


The skin from the anus to the rectum is made up of which type of cells?

Stratified Squamous & Simple Columnar

The trachea is lined with which type of cells?

Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar

The glenoid labrum is made up of what type of tissue?


Respiratory bronchioles terminate in the ______.

Alveolar Ducts

The junction of the esophagus & pharynx is @ the level of the______?

Cricoid Cartilage

The esophageal hiatus is located @ which of the following vertebral levels?


The distal ascending colon is located in which abdominal quadrant?

Right Upper

The stomach is located in which abdominal quadrant?

Left Upper

The descending colon is located in which abdominal quadrant?

Left Lower

The cecum is located in which abdominal quadrant?

Right Lower

Which cell types are responsible for the maturation of RBC’s?


Which of the following regions of the stomach is adjacent to the esophagus?


The superior border of the esophagus is located @ which vertebral level?


Which of the following is the function of kupffer cells?


Which type of epithelium lines the esophagus?

Stratified Squamous

Which of the following organelles of skeletal muscle transmits action potential from outside to inside the cell?


Which cells are formed by the fragmentation of megakaryocytes?


Sperm are allowed to mature in which of the following structures?


Glandular cells that produce renin come from which of the following?

Afferent Arterioles

Which of the following is a pivot joint?

Proximal Radioulnar

Ankylosing of the sternoclavicular joint would cause difficulty with which of the following?

Abduction of the Shoulder

Which of the following is the dermatome to the nipple?


Red pulp is located in which of the following organs?


The anterior portion of the trigone is formed by the ______?


What is located between the isthmus & the vagina?


The superior portion of the uterus above the fallopian tubes is called what?

The Fundus

What forms the apex of the heart?

Left Ventricle

The greater omentum extends from which of the following?

Greater Curvature of the Stomach to the Transverse Colon

Which structure is located in the superior mediastinum?

Arch of the Aorta

Which of the following structures is retroperitoneal?


Which of the following organs has endocrine & exocrine functions?


Which of the following structures does not contain smooth muscle?

Alveolar Sacs

Which quadrant of the abdomen is the appendix located in?

Right Lower

The external iliac artery supplies blood to which of the following structures?

Lower Limb

At what level does the esophagus begin?

Cricoid Cartilage @ C6

What hormone does the corpus luteum produce?


What stimulates hair follicles?

Pucinian Corpuscles

Which of the following locks the knee with weight bearing?

Internal Rotation

The spinothalamic & spinoreticular tracts are found in which portion of the spinal cord?

Lateral Fasciculus

The T-lymphocytes are derived from which of the following?


The tissue of the mitral & tricuspid valves is made up of?


The union of which 2 structures forms the ejaculatory duct?

Vas Deferens & Seminal Vesicle

Which types of cells line the vaginal canal?

Non-Keratinized Stratified Squamous Epithelium

What is the location of the angle of Louis?

2nd Rib

Blood is supplied to the primary bronchi directly from which of the following?


What do cells in the suprarenal cortex secrete?


What is the layer of skin on the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands called?

Stratum Lucidum

What type of tissue is found in the alveolar sac?

Simple Squamous

What is considered the pacemaker of the heart?

SA Node

Axial rotation is most greatly restricted in what part of the spine?


Where is the apex of the heart located?

5th Intercostal Space

Adduction & abduction of the vocal cords are dependent upon what?

Arytenoid Cartilage

What structure causes the nasal passage to swell or shrink?

Nasal Membrane

What is the mucous membrane of the urinary bladder made up of?

Transitional Epithelium

What type of tissue makes up the valves of the heart?


Which structure connects the stomach to the liver?

Lesser Omentum

Which structure attaches the stomach to the transverse colon?

Lesser Omentum

Which organ lies directly anterior to the splenic vein?


Brunner’s glands are in the ______portion of the duodenum.


What is the location of Bartholin’s glands?

Lower Part of the Vagina

Which structure holds the tongue to the floor of the mouth?

Lingual Frenulum

Abduction of the arm brings the inferior border of the scapula in what direction?

Superior & Lateral

Which of the following is a distinguishing feature of the 1st rib?

Scalene Tubercle

What are appendices, epiploicae & taenia coli features of?


What do the Islets of Langerhan secrete?

Glucagon (alpha cells)

Which of the following secrete epinephrine & norepinephrine?

Adrenal Medulla

At what vertebral level does the trachea bifurcate?


Peyers patches are lymphoid tissue located in the ______?


What does the sphenoid sinus lay immediately inferior to?

Hypophyseal Fossa


What are the 3 embryonic shunts?

Ductus Arteriosus

Ductus Venosus

Foramen Ovale

In the fetus, blood bypasses the liver sinusoid through which structure?

Ductus Venosus

Which of the following provides communication between the atria of a fetal heart?

Foramen Ovale

Which of the following connects the left pulmonary artery directly to the descending aorta in the fetus?

Ductus Arteriosus

Which of the following are derivatives of neuroectoderm?

Neural Crest

Neural Tube

The lens of the cornea is derived from ______.

Surface Ectoderm

What structure is the suprarenal medulla derived from?

Neural Crest

What does the urogenital system develops from?

Intermediate Mesoderm

An abnormal development of which of the following is a result of malformation of the hindgut?

Urorectal Septum

What is the embryonic origin of the adenohypophysis?

Rathke’s Pouch

What are lens placodes derived from?


Which of the following give rise to brachial arch cartilage?

Neural Crest

Which brachial arch gives rise to the thymus?


How many stages are there in mitosis?


What are the 5 stages of mitosis?






Which of the following give rise to the spleen?

Lateral Mesoderm

Which of the following give rise to pharynx & thyroid epithelium?


Which of the following give rise to the muscles of the trunk?

Paraxial Mesoderm

Which of the following give rise to the Adrenal Cortex?

Lateral Mesoderm

Which of the following give rise to the muscles & connective tissue of the head?


Which of the following give rise to the pineal gland?

Neural Tube

What is the 1st stage of mitosis?


What is the 2nd stage of mitosis?


What is the 3rd stage of mitosis?


What is the 4th stage of mitosis?


What is the 5th stage of mitosis?


Which stage of mitosis is the resting stage?


At which stage of mitosis does the nuclear membrane disappear?


At which stage of mitosis do the chromosomes move towards the poles?


At which stage of mitosis do the chromatids move towards the poles?


At which stage of mitosis do you have separation of the chromosomes?


Which of the following is derived from mesoderm?


Which of the following is derived from endoderm?



Urinary Bladder

Which of the following is derived from endoderm?




Which of the following is derived from the neural tube?

Central Nervous System

Which of the following is derived from the neural crest?

Cranial Nerves

Sensory Nerves

What are the 3 germ layers?




Which of the following forms the epithelial lining of the GI Tract?


The mid gut forms which of the following structures?


Which structure shunts blood from the Right Atrium to the Left atrium in the fetus?

Foramen Ovalis

Which of the following give rise to skin, hair, & nails?

Surface Ectoderm

Which of the following give rise to the retina?

Neural Tube

Which of the following give rise to the tonsils?


Which of the following give rise to the posterior pituitary?

Neural Tube

Which of the following give rise to the enamel on teeth?

Surface Ectoderm

Which of the following give rise to the skull?


Which of the following originate from the trilaminar embryonic disc?




Which of the following give rise to blood cells?

Lateral Mesoderm

Which of the following give rise to the anterior pituitary gland?

Surface Ectoderm

Which of the following give rise to the lymph cells & the lymphatic system?

Lateral Mesoderm

Which of the following give rise to the dermis layer of skin?

Paraxial Mesoderm

Which of the following give rise to the muscles of the viscera & limbs?

Lateral Mesoderm

Which of the following give rise to the tympanic cavity?


Which of the following give rise to the cardiovascular system?

Lateral Mesoderm


Which bone articulates the appendicular skeleton with the scapula?


Which carpal bone articulates with the 2nd metacarpal?


Which of the following structures remains from old lamellae after remodeling?

Interstitial Lamella

Which cells are responsible for removing calcium during bone remodeling?


Which of the following bones forms the middle malleolus?


Which of the following articulates with the anterior portion of the calcaneus?


What 2 bones go into the formation of the perpendicular plate?

Ethmoid & Vomer

Which bone of the foot has 3 articular facets?


Which bone makes up the lateral malleolus?

Distal Fibula

What type of bone is the occiput derived from?


Is the cervical curve primary or secondary?


Which of the following curves are present at birth?



Which of the following curves are formed last?


At what vertebral level is the apex of the lumbar curve located?


Where is the smallest spinous process in the lumbar spine located?


Which of the following refers to the ends of long bones?


Which of the following is located between the diaphysis & the epiphysis?


Which of the following is the most vascular growth zone in a bone?


Which of the following refers to the shaft of a bone?


Which of the following refers to the cartilage between the end & the shaft of the bone?

Epiphyseal Plate

Which of the following is a bone forming cell derived from mesenchyme?


Which of the following is a feature of the humerus?

Coronoid Fossa

The sesmoid bone in the foot is located in which tendon?

Flexor Hallicus Brevis

The resting stage of the epiphyseal plate is composed of what?

Hyaline Cartilage

The intertrochanteric crest is located on the ______aspect of the femur.


The tibialis posterior muscle attaches to which bone?