When can I start using my new address?
Monday 16 March 2015 will be the date you can commence using your new address
Please do not use your new address until this date
By this date all roadside signage and new road name signs should be installed. Emergency services and government agencies mentioned in this information brochure shouldhave also updated their systems to recognise your new property address.
Your mailing address will remain the same (i.e. PO Box) unless you receive anAustralia Post Roadside Delivery Service
For more information contact us by phone, email or view our website 1
Phone 8256 0333 (during business hours)
Rural Property Addressing Program
The Rural Property Addressing Program is a State Government initiative run by the Department of Transport and Infrastructure in partnership with Council and Australia Post.Visit the City of Playford’s website for more information.
Community Consultation Period
Community consultationwas undertaken from Monday 8 December until Friday 19 December.All requests for alterations that were highlighted during this period have been processed.
Sign Installation
Roadside signage installation will occur between February and March 2015. Roadside Services has been contracted by Council to undertake this work. Council will be funding this initial installation of the new roadside signage.
Can existing signage still be displayed?
We encourage you within a reasonable timeframe of the new roadside signage being installed to remove any existing numbering such as lot numbers and RAPID numbers to ensure emergency services and others can locate your property quickly and easily on and after 16 March 2015.
Ongoing Maintenance of Signage
For details of the ongoing maintenance of roadside signage please refer to our website,
Australia Post Roadside Delivery Service
Residents who currently receive aRoadside DeliveryService (RDS) will be contacted by Australia Post with information regarding when and how to commence using your new Rural Property Address as your postal address.
Australia Post has also provided “post free” change of address cards which are included with this letter to assist you to notify people of your new address. If you require any additional cards please contact Council.
Road Renaming
Through the Rural Property Addressing Program a number of roads have been renamed. Information about road name changes and a detailed road map can be found on Council’s website,
New road names will commence at the same time as the Rural Property AddressingProgram on Monday 16 March.
Delay to the Renaming of Some Roads
As a result of community feedback the renaming of the following roads are on hold until further notice:
- Womma Road, Virginia/Penfield Gardens (west of the Northern Expressway)
- Road001 (un-named public road off Carclew Road, Penfield Gardens)
- Winnifred Road, Penfield Gardens
Further details regarding the renaming of these roads will be communicated to affected residents in due course. Refer to Council’s website for more information.
Primary and Secondary Address Allocation
Some properties have been allocated a primary and secondary address. The purpose of two or more addresses is to clearly identify multiple access points to a property. Each of the points will have a sign installed. The primary and secondary address can be used as your individual need requires, such as for delivery of goods, friends and family visiting or courier deliveries.
Assistance / Advice for Business Owners
We acknowledge this change of address may initially impact on your business, but we are confident the new Rural Property Addressing will enable the collection and delivery of goods, emergency services and other people to locate your business quickly and easily.
Council’sBusiness Support and Attraction Project Officer, Mike Richards, can be contacted on 8256 0511 or 0401 125 436 to assist with any business development needs you may have. Businesses can also access the services of the Polaris Centre The Polaris Centre is the hub for innovation and business in northern Adelaide.For help and advice for your business call 8260 8205 to make an appointment to talk to a business advisor.
Who will be notified of my new address?
The Department of Transport and Infrastructure on behalf of Council will notify the national address database which is used by:
- Australia Post;
- Emergency services ;
- Telstra;
- State and Federal Australian Electoral Commissions;
- SA Power Networks; and
- SA Water.
You should also give your new address to:
- Family and friends;
- Businesses and other organisations you deal with – e.g. banks, medical organisations, motor registration, insurances.
Below is some information about how to change your address with the following agencies:
Australian Electoral Commission
The Australian Electoral Commission will receive the updated addresses, but if you have any enquires please call their office on 13 23 26.
State Government concessions e.g. energy or water, you must advise Centrelink on 132 300 or Department of Veterans’ Affairs 133 254 of your new address details. You will also need to contact the State Government Concessions Hotline 1800 307 758 to update your address details to ensure continuation of your concession. Centrelink or Department of Veterans’ Affairs need to be advised first then the Concessions Hotline.
Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC)
All Australian companies must advise ASIC of any change of address including registered office, principal place of business and office holder residential addresses. Provided that the physical location has not changed, companies will not be charged late lodgement fees even if the notification reaches ASIC more than 28 days after the change.
Motor Vehicle or Boat Registration Licence
Please contact Service SA for the following:
- Driver’s licence
- Registered Vehicle
- Boat licence
- Boat registration
You can update your address details online at phone 13 10 84 Monday to Friday 8.00am–6.00pm. Alternatively, you can visit a Service SA office and arrange to have your address details changed.
Please ensure that you change your license and registration details after you have started to use your new rural property address.
For more information contact us by phone, email or view our website 1
Phone 8256 0333 (during business hours)