February 1, 2009
Adding easy sudoku to compare results from a hard version of sudoku to an easier one. Adding extra numbers to easier sudoku version row 5 column 1 & 8. problem making them dynamically read only if using easier version.
February 2, 2009
Solution – made two sudoku boards – calls up easier one if using easy version. This way able to have read only and not read only.
When added 2 numbers – seem to take me faster to do the hard version. 2 possible reasons.
1. my second time doing it right after the easy one
2. I started with easiers rows first, etc.
Add another 2 to see what happens.
February 8, 2008
Adding questions to beginning information on instructions page – error when compile
1>c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\include\xlocale(2385) : fatal error C1004: unexpected end-of-file found
February 9, 2008
Fixed the problem by moving over the xlocale file from my other laptops visual studio and moving it into this laptops.
February 11, 2009
Figured something out today. Some of my radio buttons have to be programmed to switch the button (so not all are pressed at same time or none), but some work already – better to use that kind of radio button. Then in order for it to know which groups to work by – need to separate them out by having text in between each groups of radio buttons.
I also added questions after for likert scale and before
February 15, 2009
If hit escape in immediate or sequential mode window disappears. Added pretranslate message to take care of that. Error until I added in header file virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG *msg); exactly like that.
Added that to other files since all screens disppear I notice with escape key. Removed enters while I was out it, so have to hit the button.
February 18, 2009
Did pilot3 yesterday.
1. Problem with agree/disagree buttons sometimes disappear. - Needed to make sure they are far enough apart – don’t make width so big, can manually size it sticking into next even if don’t notice, so when clicked on some problem. Fixed this.
2. Added warning that couldn’t reuse letters for find words.
3. Added warning for sudoku – reusing numbers inside boxes.
Problems haven’t fixed yet:
1. Words/Visual come up when filling out end if 5 min or 15 passed.
2. Instruction Screen can’t get any larger.
3. May not have gotten to last question and asks it anyway.
February 19, 2008
1. Killed timer earlier – test this!
(testing grad students – only fresh/soph – should be fine though)
February 22, 2008
2. Grey out questions in sequential if didn’t get to it. For immediate if didn’t get to it cuz too fast, put questions anyway right after.
February 23, 2009
Added a graduate level.
Added comment/suggestion field. Was getting error when too many characters over what assisgned, so I made it that can’t scroll horizontally can only put in till the amount of space provided.
February 25, 2009
Added graying out of sudoku rank if never played.