Using the attached form, please provide a forecast of new academic degree programsthat your institution plans to submit to the BOR for approval for implementation during FY 2017 (a program start date between July 1, 2016-June 30, 2017). The listing of programs should bewithin the current institutional mission and the forecast should be the result of vetting through a systematic campus process (including any appropriate faculty curricular/governance processes).

While we encourage each institution to plan for programs beyond this time frame, we are asking you to submit only your plans for the next academic year. Please include only degree programs which you reasonably expect to implement in this time frame. Do not include Certificate programs in this forecast.

When a Prospectus is submitted, institutions will be expected to demonstrate that:

(1)there is significantstudent and employer demand for the proposed new program,

(2)the proposed program does not duplicate existing USG programs (or that there is sufficient program demand to justify a duplicate program), and

(3)the institution has qualified faculty (see SACS COC Comprehensive Standard 3.7.1) and other resources necessary to implement the program.

Forecasts should be prioritized and include programs currentlyunder consideration by the BOR at either the Prospectus or Formal Proposal stage. Programs currently under review that do not appear on this forecast will be removed from SharePoint and the review process. Only in exceptional circumstances will programs not listed on this form be accepted for review prior to July 1, 2016.

In addition to providing information on new academic degree programs, we also ask that you provide the information requested regarding: (1) anticipated changes in delivery format, (2) programs that have been approved by the BOR, but have not yet been implemented, and (3) programs planned for deactivation or termination.

Please return completed form (with signature) to .


VPAA Signature: ______

I. New Academic Program Forecast

Degree Level /Degree Title:
(List programs in priority
order with highest priority
program first) / InstructionalDelivery
(list all that apply):
2. Hybrid
3. Online / Physical Location
(list all that apply):
1. On-site
2. External Location
(indicate location) / Will you be requesting a tuition rate different from your currently approved rates?
1. Yes
2. No / Source of funding
(list all sources that apply):
1. Tuition Revenue
2. Redirection of Existing Funds
3. New StateAllocationRequired / Will the program
use existing facilities, or will new/renovated facilities be required?
1. Will use only existing facilities.
2. Will require new facilities and/or extensive renovations. / Is this program currently under review at the BOR/USG system office as a Prospectus or Formal Proposal?
1. Yes
2. No

II.Providea briefnarrative describinghow programs were chosen and prioritized for inclusion in the forecast.

III. Change in delivery format: Currently approved face-to-face or hybrid programs to be offered completely online

Degree Level /Degree Title / Expected Implementation Date

IV. Programs approved by the BOR,but not yet implemented:

Degree Level /Degree Title / Reason Program was not Implemented / Expected Implementation Date

V. Planned deactivation/termination of existing programs

Degree Level /Degree Title / Deactivation or Termination? / Planned Date of Deactivation/ Termination