Development Plan: Bristol & West AC. 2015-2017
Headline Objective 1. To develop a clear and progressive pathway in all disciplines and for all age groups.Enabling Objective 1-1. To provide clear and progressive pathways and raise the levels of individual and team performances in all young athlete activities.
Project / Targets/Timing / Action / Lead/Partner / Benefits / Costs
1.Appoint a Club Young Athlete Development Advisor (YADA) to lead the Young AthleteDevelopment Project Team. / Agree the role and person specification by23 January 2015. / 1. Discuss the position with suitable candidates by the end of January 2015.
2.Appoint a Young Athlete Development Adviser with the Contract for Services to be effective from 1 February 2015.
3Agree strategy for approval by 31 March 2015. / Young Athlete Development Advisor . Young Athlete Development Project team. / Clear leadership and of junior development within the Club. / £800 per calendar month
2. Initiate a Young AthleteDevelopment Project Team to plan and organise an agreed programme. / Agree membership of Team by 22 January 2015. / 1.Establish the membership and chair for the Young Athletes Development Project Team.
2. Review the existing provision for athlete training and development competitions. Consider and make proposals for enhancements and expansion in the provision for training and development. Submit the revised programme to the Club Committee for approval.
3. Complete the revised programme for submission to the Club Committee by 31 March 2015. / Young Athlete Development Advisor . Young Athlete Development Project team. / Clear leadership and review of the delivery of training and development opportunities for young athletes. / YADA time
Volunteer Hours
3.Increase the number of competing young athletesavailable for selection year on year in 2015, 2016 and 2017 through recruitment and retention. / Members as at 14.01.2015
7 boys/2 girls
12 boys/9 girls
29 boys/29 girls
26 boys/15 girls
27 men/4 ladies. See next column for targets.
Review Membership targets in October annually / 1. Convert Junior Academy and Young Athlete Session attendees to club members.
2. Recruit by re-establishing and developing links to Primary and Secondary Schools/Colleges.
3. Continue to issue promotional literature and invitations at School events we are able to support.
2015 membership targets:
20 boys and 20 girls @ u11
25 boys and 25 girls @ u13
35 boys and 35 girls @ u15
30 boys and 25 girls @ u17
30 men and 10 ladies @ u20
4.Review actual against target and establish targets for the following year. / Young Athlete Development Advisor. Simonne Lowery. / Increased participation.
Improved team performance. Increased membership. / YADA time
Volunteer Hours
4.Review and codify the methods used for team selection, communication and match day activities. / Report findings and recommendations by 27February 2015.
Increase utilisation of team places.. / 1. Analyse and review the methods in order to codify best practice for selection, communication and athlete support at team competition events.
2.Provide support and guidance to existing and new team managers. / Young Athlete Development Advisor . Young Athlete Development Project team. / Assurance that the best provision is being made to support young and developing athletes competing for the Club.
Improved athlete satisfaction.
Higher club profile in young athlete competitions. / YADA time
Volunteer Hours
Enabling Objective 1-2. To provide clear and progressive pathways and raise the levels of individual and team performances in senior track and field activities.
Project / Targets/Timing / Action / Lead/Partner / Benefits / Costs
1.Develop performances in the British Athletic League. / 1. Maintain Division 2 status in 2015.
2. Achieve Promotion to Division 1 in 2016.
3. Maintain Division 1 status in 2017. / 1. Appoint Team Captain and Assistant Team Captain by 1 January 2015 and thereafter on an annual basis.
2. Appoint an Assistant Team Manager by 30 April 2015 and thereafter on an annual basis.
3. Develop more cohesion between the club, the coaches and the individual athletes.
4. Link award of grants to attendance at League matches as well as higher level competition.
5.Make most effective use of higher competition athletes.
6. Produce an action plan for the close season by 30 September annually based on de-brief of previous season. / Roger Brocklesby/Caspar Elliot/Development Adviser / Make Bristol & West the club of choice for people seeking high level competition in the south-west.
Raised club profile.
Improved retention of elite athletes. / Volunteer Time.
Cost of travel and accommodation.
2. Develop performances in the UK Women's League / 1. Maintain Division 1 status in 2015.
2. Challenge for Promotion to Premier League in 2016.
3. Challenge for promotion to Premier League in 2017 or maintain status if promoted in 2016. / 1. Appoint Team Captain and Assistant Team Captain by 1 April 2015 and thereafter on an annual basis.
2. Appoint an Assistant Team Manager by 30 April 2015 and thereafter on an annual basis.
3. Develop more cohesion between the club, the coaches and the individual athletes.
4.Link award of grants to attendance at League matches as well as higher level competition.
5.Make most effective use of higher competition athletes.
6. Produce an action plan for the close season by 30 September annually based on de-brief of previous season. / Chris Elson/Charlotte Green/Development Adviser / Make Bristol & West the club of choice for people seeking high level competition in the south-west.
Raised club profile.
Improved retention of elite athletes. / Volunteer Time.
Cost of travel and accommodation.
3. Develop performances in the Midland League. / 1. Maintain Division 2 status in 2015.
2. Achieve Promotion to Division 1 in 2016.
3. Maintain Division 1 Status in 2017 / 1. Appoint Team Captain and Assistant Team Captain by 1 January 2015 and thereafter on an annual basis.
2. Appoint an Assistant Team Manager by 30 April 2015 and thereafter on an annual basis.
3. Develop more cohesion between the club, the coaches and the individual athletes.
4.Link award of grants to attendance at League matches as well as higher level competition.
5.Make most effective use of higher competition athletes.
6. Produce an action plan for the close season by 30 September annually based on de-brief of previous season. / Steve Grant/Peter Mountain/Development Adviser / Make Bristol & West the club of choice for people seeking high level competition in the south-west. / Volunteer Time.
Cost of travel and accommodation.
4. Develop performances in the Avon and South-West Athletics Leagues. / Finish first senior club in the Avon League in 2015 and subsequent seasons / 1. Appoint Team Captain by 30 April 2015 and thereafter on an annual basis.
2. Appoint an Assistant Team Manager by 30 April 2015 and thereafter on an annual basis.
3. Develop more cohesion between the club, the coaches and the individual athletes.
4. Continue to use the South-West League as base level competition for athletes living in Somerset, Devon and Cornwall. / Dave Taylor/Development Adviser / Increased member satisfaction.
Improved profile in the local area. / Volunteer Time.
5. Increase the number of club athletes (senior and under-20) competing in UK Championships year on year. / 17 competed in 2014 increase to 22 in 2015, 26 in 2016 and 29 in 2017. / 1. Support elite and developing young athletes through the 'Hargreaves Scholarship Grants'.
2. Provide appropriate coaching support to all athletes with National Championship aspirations. / Development Adviser/Individual Coaches/Mike Down / Make Bristol & West the club of choice for people seeking high level competition in the south-west. / Volunteer Time
Sponsor's Funding
Enabling Objective 1-3. To provide clear and progressive pathways and raise the levels of individual and team performances in adult endurance running.
Project / Targets/Timing / Action / Lead/Partner / Benefits / Costs
1. Develop the "Adult Beginners" section of club. / 1. To bring 60 new runners into the Sport each year.
2. To feed 80% of all beginners (48) into faster groups year on year. / 1. Start five new 8 week courses throughout the year with a target of 12 runners per course.
2. Monitor the progress of course members and work on weaknesses and strengths to enable 80% of them to graduate to the "Recreational Runners" section of the club, with 10% staying in the Beginners Group for a further course and 10% leaving after the course. / Paul Taylor-Morris, Fleur Cockley. / 1. Start development from the grass roots upwards.
2. Greater community awareness of the existence of the club. / Time and education of Coaches.
Funded by course fees.
2. Develop the “Recreational Runners" section of the club. / 1. To increase the numbers of “Recreational Runners" from 150 in 2014 to 250 in 2015,to 300 in 2016 and 350 in 2017.
2. To improve the performance of “Recreational” runners. / 1. Recruit 52 more non-affiliated runners from parkruns and Aztec West Fast 5K and running groups run by club members within 2015, with reducing numbers in subsequent years (26 in 2016 and 20 in 2017).
2. Provide 2 additional group sessions per year in each of the next 3 years. / Chris Elson, Roger Brocklesby,
Keith Brackstone, Chris Elson, Pete Mountain, Roger Brocklesby, Alan Wilcox, Alison Engledew / 1. By widening the club base we increase the chances of indentifying runners with talent.
2. Gives runners a broader pathway to increasingly faster groups / Coach and Leader in Running Fitness time.
Funded by session fees.
3. Develop the "Elite" section of the club. / 1. To increase the number of senior club endurance athletes with a top 10 south-West ranking (Power of 10 1,500 metres + including steeplechase) from 23 (men) and 32 (women) in 2014 to 30 men and 35 women in 2015,35 men and 40 women in 2016 and 40 men and 45 women in 2017. (Numbers are rankings and not individual athletes). / 1. Provide 2 additional high quality middle distance or endurance sessions at Whitehall and Kip Keino Athletic Stadium. / Chris Elson, Keith Brackstone, Dave Taylor, Mike Down, Tom Watson / 1. Enables runners to fit training in with life/work commitments. / Hire of facilities.
Coach Time & Education
4. Provide additional competition for “Recreational” runners / 1. To Identify 12 local races of an appropriate standard annually that have team events and facilitate club entries in them. / 1. Allocate Team Managers to enter an increasing number of club teams in events such as the Gwent League Cross-Country, Weston Prom Race, Town and County Harriers (TACH) races, Cotswold Relay, Blaize Blaiser, Sri Chinmoy races and the Avon AA Road Relays. / Chris Elson, Roger Brocklesby, Alan Wilcox, Alison and David Engledew, Pete Mountain, Julia Belyavin, Paul Taylor-Morris, Andy Butterly. / 1. Increases club cohesion and the level of enjoyment for "Recreational" runners.
2. Increases the numbers of “Recreational” runners progressing to higher level competition. / Team Management and race entry fees.
Funded by session fees with club members paying their own race entry fee.
5. Provide appropriate competition for "Elite" runners. / 1. To win medals in the following senior endurance championship events:
Men (2015)
Midland Cross-Country
Midland 12-stage road relay
Midland 6-stage road relay
National 6-stage road relay
National 10k Road
Women (2015)
Midland and National Cross-Country
Midland and National 6-stage relay
Midland and National 4-stage relay.
National 10k Road
National Marathon / 1. Prepare teams for all target events using events selected by the elite squad from 5k to marathons on the road, cross-country events and UKWAL/BAL track events.
2. Facilitate and support the entry of club athletes competing as individuals in the UK Cross-Challenge, the RunBritain Series and Regional and National Track events both Indoors and Outdoors.
3. Review performances in 2015 to set realistic targets for 2016 and 2017. / Keith Brackstone, Mike Down, Chris Elson, Peter Mountain, Steve Grant / 1. Enables elite squad to enter chosen events thereby increasing squad satisfaction.
2. Increases chances of "elite" athletes remaining with the club if they move out of the area.
3. Make Bristol & West Athletic Club the club of choice to attract and recruit additional high quality athletes. / Entry fees and transport to events
6. Provide appropriate competition for "Masters". / 1. To win team medals in the following masters events in 2015:
F45 Cross-Country
F45 Road Relay
F55 Cross-Country
F55 Road-Relay
M55 Cross-Country
M55 Road Relay
2. To win 10 individual medals in regional and national masters endurance events in 2015. / 1. Ascertain from the club's "Masters" the events they wish to enter .
2. Enter teams in those National and Territorial events and disciplines selected by the masters from middle distance to marathon races.
3. Review performances in 2015 to set realistic targets for 2016 and 2017 / Peter Mountain, Andy Malloy, Sarah Everitt, Clare Jolliffe, Tracy Allan / 1. Enables masters to enter chosen events thereby satisfying their ambitions.
2. Success in events generates publicity and interest in the club. / Entry fees and transport to events
7. Develop the success of the Aztec Fast 5k. / 1. Increase the number of competitors to 300 per event. / 1. Broaden pre-race publicity. / Chris Elson, Roger Brocklesby, Emma Jolliffe / 1. Provides good competition for club and other local athletes.
2. Generates additional income to the club. / Volunteer Time
8. Host an in-club major cross-country each season. / 1. To keep the Senior Men's 'Mike Sully' race going.
2. To keep the Senior Women's 'Gemma Butler Bowl' Race going.
3. To provide a full program of age group events to support the two adult races. / 1. Identify a partner or sponsor for 2015 and beyond by 1 May 2015.
2. To stage a successful event annually in October 2015, 2016 and 2017. / Keith Brackstone / 1. Provides good competition for club and other local athletes.
2. Generates additional income to the club. / Volunteer Time
Costs met by race income
Headline Objective 2.To create an effective coaching structure of qualified, experienced and motivated coaches
Project / Targets/Timing / Action / Lead/Partner / Benefits / Costs
1. Extend the comprehensive club coaching structure to multiple venues but centred on Whitehall Athletics Arena. / All athletes have access to qualified coaches at an appropriate level. / 1. Maintain coach database.
2. Continue consultation with existing coaches.
3. Expand existing coaching forum meetings to quarterly covering all disciplines.
4. Maintain club coach mentoring process.
5. Clarify club coach role and expectations to new coaches. / Keith Brackstone/ and all 62 club coaches, assistant coaches and Running Leaders / Clear pathways for athlete and coach development.
Clear responsibilities for athletes, coaches and parents. / Volunteer Hours.
Coach costs to attend meetings.
2. Expandthe coach education and development programme. / All coaches have the opportunity to gain and/or improve their coaching qualifications and experience. / 1. Work with EA (CCSO) and the Avon AA to offer courses for coach education and& development.
2. Recruit coaches on to Local and National Mentoring/Development programmes. / Development Adviser/
Coaches / Coaches have the knowledge, skills and experience to meet the needs of their athletes. / Volunteer Hours.
Coach costs to attend development events.
3. To review and improve the provision of coaching for young athletes. / Report findings and recommendations by the end of January 2015. / 1. Create young athlete coaching database by 27 February 2015.
2. Allocate athletes to new coaches as they qualify or are DBS cleared. / Junior Development Advisor. Junior Development Project Team / Improved performance.
Improved coach and athlete satisfaction. / Volunteer Hours
4. To review and improve the provision of coaching for senior athletes / Report findings and recommendations by 30 April 2015 . / 1. Identify senior athletes in the club who need to be designated as 'performance athletes.
2. Ensure that all senior performance athletes have an allocated lead coach.
3. Ensure that individual development pathways are identified for all senior performance athletes. / Development Adviser/
Coaches / Improved performance.
Improved coach and athlete satisfaction. / Volunteer Hours
Headline Objective 3. To create an effective structure of qualified, experienced and motivated Technical Athletics to cover Club commitments to Track & Field, Road, Sportshall and Cross Country events
Project / Targets/Timing / Action / Lead/Partner / Benefits / Costs
1. Appoint a person to fulfil the role of Club Officials Secretary. / Appointment made by 1 March 2015. / 1 Appoint a Club Officials Secretary. / Bev Barrett, Mike Strange,
Club Committee / 1. Provide a focal point for Officials Support within the Club.
2. Relieve Organisers andTeam Managers of the worry and responsibility of providing Officials for designated matches / Volunteer time
2. Increase the pool of Technical Officials available to the Club. / Currently the club has 17 officials registered with England Athletics.
Increase to 25 by 1 May 2015, 30 by 1 May 2016 and 35 by 1 May 2017. / 1. Create a Club officials database and identify any club officials not currently recorded on the England Athletics database (at least 3 are known to be missing).
2.AssignClub Officials to events promoted by Bristol West Athletic Club.
3. Create a database by 1 April 2015 of local Officials who are willing to assist at Bristol West promoted events. / Bev Barrett, Mike Strange,
Club Committee / 1. Provide maximum points in matches and less reliance on overused existing officials.
2. Become known as a Club that provides adequate Official support for events.
3. Have a pool of officials sufficient to stage Aztec West 5k Series, Bristol Cross-Country races, Club Open Meetings and home League matches. / Volunteer time
3. Support Technical Officials to expand their experience, knowledge and qualifications. / All officials have the opportunity to gain and/or improve their qualifications and experience. / 1. Signpost officials to education opportunities locally and nationally.
2. Encourage Officials to grasp opportunities to work at meetings away from the Club umbrella to gain experience of the wider world of athletic events.
3 Assist financially toward the costs of ‘Education’ for committed Officials. / Bev Barrett, Mike Strange,
Club Committee / 1. Improve standards of officiating.
2. Improved 'job satisfaction' for officials. / Volunteer time
Course fees
4. Establish a pathway to encourage volunteers into ‘Officials’ roles. / Establish a pathway by 1 April 2015. / 1. Develop a volunteer recruitment plan.
2. Provide outline role descriptions to clarify.
3. Encourage Experienced Officials to Support and Mentor new Officials and Volunteers. / Development Adviser/Club Officials Secretary / Volunteer Time
5. Utilise new high tech appliances and techniques at B&W events. / Bid for specialist equipment or all club promotions by 1 April 2015. / 1. Encourage and expand the application of technical advances at B&W promotions. e.g. Chip Timing, EDM and Photo Finish