What Your Second Grader Needs To Know!

Health Education

·  Identify basic health habits which affect self and others and prevent spread of disease and importance.

·  Describe importance of regular visits to health care providers.

·  Identify community guidelines that promote healthy environments / safety.

·  Determine procedures for obtaining needed emergency assistance and information. (911, fire & police departments, poison control).


Your child will be subjected to a variety of assessments this year. These could be in the form of teacher created tests, teacher observation, class participation, projects, presentations, etc. Each child will be given the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills in September.


A homework assignment is sent home every night Monday through Thursday. It consists of spelling, reading, and a math paper. This should take approximately 30 minutes. Assignments will be explained in class.

Classroom Behavior Management

Following school and classroom rules are necessary for each student to learn. If rules are not followed there are individual consequences for these actions.


·  Birthday treats are welcome. You may send them in with your child in the morning. He/She will distribute them to his/her classmates at an appropriate time.

Please refrain from distributing party invitations at school unless you are passing them out to the entire class. This can cause hurt feelings among the students if someone is not included.

·  If your child forgets his/her backpack, lunch, lunch money, homework, etc., please take it to the office and they will send for your child.

·  If your child is absent from school, please complete any missed work and return it to school. Please remember to notify the school concerning your child's absence and send a note to school with your child when he/she returns.


Monday – World Language & PE

Tuesday – Music

Wednesday – Art

Thursday – Library & Moral Instruction

Friday – P.E.

Lunch – 11:35 – 12:05

Schofield, Karen – B.A. Morehead State University, M.A. Northern Kentucky University, Rank I Education Professionals Standards Board