What You Need When The End Of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAWKI) Arrives
This is a minimum list. It is always better to exceed your expectations.
Supply yourself with as much as you can. Barter may become a way of life.
When you run out, you may not be able to acquire new stocks.
The rich people will be the ones that have what everybody else needs.
Most of the items on this list will have great barter potential.
- Rural Retreat away from urban areas – at least 10 acres 50 miles away from the nearest large city. The more remote, the better for security. However, keep in mind that you will pay a premium when building in remote locations because it is hard to get the building materials and equipment to the location. Just remember, the harder it is to get to, the safer you are once you get there.
- A 4-wheeldrive Bug-Out Vehicle (BOV) to get to your retreat.
- A Predetermined Group. There is safety is in numbers. It is best to have a small group of like-minded capable people with a wide range of skills to help get through bad times. All of these people should pre-screened. You not only have to screen them, but also immediate family members they might bring along at the last minute. Outside associations need to be checked lest you end up with the unexpected arrival of 40 bikers that takeover control of your group because someone's son belonged to a motorcycle gang. You cannot save everyone. You will have to limit this number to people that are assets to the group and not liabilities so the word "No" will need to be in your vocabulary. Survival of your group depends on your choices. Everyone needs to be of the same mindset.
- Firearms – at least one rifle and one handgun for each member of your group. When you cannot buy guns at your nearby gun store, where will you get one for protection? You cannot have too many, only to few.
- Shotguns. At least one 12 gauge pump shotgun.
- Firearms training for each member of your group. No one is allowed to handle a firearm without proper training.
- A minimum of 1000 rounds of ammunition for each firearm.
- A Tactical Strategy For Defending Your Property. In bad times, there will be good and bad people that will be tempted to steal your supplies. Do not give them a reason to be tempted. A low profile is the best way to avoid unwanted attention. It is good to keep the following in mind when living in a remote rural location. There will be three reasons that someone unknown to you shows up at your home:
1)They are lost
2)They need help
3)They are going to hurt you. Defending your homestead is of paramount importance.
- A reliable source of fresh water.
- Water Filtration/Purification System. If needed, you cannot live without this item.
- Axes, shovels, and other related tools.
- A toolbox with a full complement of tools. A couple of wrenches are not going to do it.
- Off-Grid Electrical Power Generation (Wind, Solar, Hydro, etc…).
- Portable Generator. Get a good one. Do not get the cheap one from Sam's Club that is made in China that you see at the low price of $300. A good generator costs money. A generator is not where you want to skimp on quality.
- Fuel stores for at least one year. Whether you use gasoline or diesel, you should add a fuel stabilizer to keep fuel longer than six months. Propane does not have this problem. It has an indefinite shelf life without deterioration. The only problem with propane is that is must be stored under pressure and a small leak could empty your supply before you ever know there is a problem. Denatured Alcohol is a good fuel as it does not deteriorate and can be stored almost indefinitely without problems.
- Duct Tape. It has 1001 uses. It is cheap so stock up.
- Rope. At least 100 feet of 3/8 inch should be a minimum. Rope is one of those things that nothing else will replace.
- LED Flashlights. LEDs usually have a 40,000+ hour expected life.
- Batteries. 10 batteries for each electronic device. Batteries will last several years if properly stored. Rechargeable batteries are more expensive, but you can get more use out of them.
- Oil Lamps.
- Lamp Oil – as much as you can store. Clear oil is preferred.
- Wicks – as many as you think you need X 2.
- Candles – as many as you can store.
- Stick Matches – as much as you can store.
- Knives, Forks, Spoons, Plates, etc... At least 2 place sets for each person.
- Cookware. Pots and Pans and anything else you need to cook food.
- Knives – one for each person. Hunting, folding, whatever your preference is, a good knife is an important tool.
- Toothbrushes – as many as you can store.
- Toothpaste – as much as you can store.
- Dental Floss – as much as you can store.
- Deodorant.
- Razors, Razorblades, Shaving Cream, and Aftershave.
- Garbage Bags – as many as you can store. You cannot have too many.
- Toilet Paper – as much as you can store. Imagine life without it.
- Paper Towels – as many as you can store.
- Bar Soap – as much as you can store.
- Feminine Hygiene Supplies – as much as you can store.
- Shampoo – as much as you can store.
- Dishwashing Liquid – as much as you can store.
- Rubber Gloves – Several pairs for cleaning.
- Cleaning Supplies – as much as you can store.
- Liquid Laundry Detergent – as much as you can store.
- Portable Non-Electric Clothes Washer. There are several small hand crank portable clothes washers on the market today. These are compact washers that only use a gallon or so to do a small load of laundry. They take up very little space and are inexpensive.
- Chlorine Bleach – as much as you can store.
- Several pairs of Scissors.
- Knife and Scissors Sharpener.
- Electrical Tape.
- Shortwave Radio.
- CB Radio. Probably the most popular radio communication. No license is required and the equipment is very accessible and cheap. Good for short range communication.
- Amateur Radio also known as Ham Radio. A Ham Radio gives you the ability to speak to other amateur radio operators.Unlike cell phones, amateur radio requires absolutely no infrastructure to operate and long range communication is easily accomplished. Information may prove critical during a disaster. Being cut off from the rest of the world can cause people to grow fearful and make irrational decisions. You cannot protect yourself if you do not know the dangers. Having a way to contact the outside is a good way to know what is actually happening.
- Television. A communication medium that everyone grew up watching. It does require a certain amount of infrastructure since the change to digital modes of transmission.
- FTA Satellite TV Receiver. Free-To-Air Television is a satellite service that is not controlled by the FCC. Once the receiver is purchased, there is no subscription required. This will allow news from global media to help keep you informed of world situations regardless who is in control. If you are worried about the government takeover of all television broadcasting, this is a safety valve because the FCC and FEMA have no control of the content from other countries.
- DVD Player.
- DVD Library.You may have to entertain yourself and others.
- 20 cords of Seasoned Firewood – if you have a fireplace or wood burning stove.
- Cooking Oil.
- 100 lbs of pasta.
- 100 lbs of sugar.
- 300 lbs of flour.
- 100 lbs of rice for each person.
- 100 lbs of beans for each person.
- 10 lbs of salt.
- 10 lbs of peppercorns.
- Five pepper mills.
- Popcorn (unpopped) – as much as you can store.
- Popcorn Popper.
- Bouillon Cubes.
- Beef Jerky – as much as you can store. Beef Jerky is a great source of protein and it has a long shelf-life if properly stored.
- Honey.
- Chocolate.
- Coffee.
- Tea.
- Powdered milk – as much as you can store.
- Dehydrated or Freeze-Dried Foods – as much as you can store.
- Whiskey. This could be a really great barter item.
- Deep Freezer.
- Six months of meat in freezer.
- Canned goods for two years minimum.
- A working garden large enough to supply food for every member of your group plus 30%. An aquaponics garden is a good choice depending on the area you live. Aquaponics will provide a garden of vegetables and fish to eat.
- Five Year Supply of Heirloom Seeds. This is good barter item so you might consider vegetables you do not enjoy but other people will.
- Chickens, ducks, sheep, or some other livestock.
- A Good Vacuum Food Sealer – not the $49 bargain value model you can find at Costco.
- A Working Knowledge of Canning Foods.A working knowledge is the ability to actually put into practice what you have learned. Just reading a book on the subject does not give you a working knowledge. This is something you have to know how to do prior to needing know how to do it.
- A cool, dry, and dark place to store all food.
- Microwave Oven.
- Sleeping Bags.
- A complete first aid kit put together by a medical professional.
- Aspirin, Advil, Benadryl, cough and cold, and other such medicines.
- First Aid training.
- Cold Weather Clothing.
- Four dozen pair of underwear for each person.
- Four dozen pair of socks for each person.
- Four dozen complete sets of clothing outerwear for each person.
- Several pairs of shoes and boots for each person.
- A cache of gold and silver bullion coins.
- Any skill that other people need. This will vary geographically.
- Survival Training pertinent to the geographic area.
- Self-Defense training for each person.
- A working knowledge of Self-Reliance and Independent living.
- The ability to keep what you have a secret and not go on television telling the world of your plans.
- A Good Mental Attitude knowing you prepared when others did not.