Social Work Business Process

Form Name / Description / Who completes / When
R / Referral / Referrer (internal and external) / The UNOCINI Referral will be completed whenever a professional or agency wishes to refer a child or young person to children’s social services for support, safeguarding or a fuller assessment of a child’s needs.
A1 / Initial Assessment / Social Worker / Once a referral has been received and deemed appropriate by the Duty Team, a decision will be made as to whether it meets threshold for initial assessment. If a visit is required, then a UNOCINI Initial Assessment should be completed by children’s social services within the HSC Trust, proportionate to the assessed need(s).
FS1 / Initial Family Support Plan / Social Worker / The Initial Family Support Proposed Plan will be developed by the FIT Social Worker in partnership with key professionals, the parent/carer and the child/young person. It can be agreed within Supervision (for medium family support cases) or at a Family Support (Case) Planning Meeting. If it is agreed that the concerns are such that a Family Support Pathway is needed, this is recorded on the FS1.
FS2 / Family Support Pathway Assessment / Social Worker / Within the next 3 months following completion of the FS1, the case will be assessed by the social worker using Family Support Pathway (FS2). A Family Support Planning meeting will be convened initially within 3 months and thereafter on 6 monthly cycles (or earlier if the concerns have escalated).
FS3 / Review Family Support Plan / Social Worker / If the case remains a medium level Family Support case with no Pathway Assessment required the case will be reviewed in 3 months and then a 6 monthly cycle using the Review Family Support Plan (FS3).
If the case is deemed high level Family Support and a Pathway Assessment has been completed, the FS3 should also be completed for each review.
CP1 / Assessment (Child Protection Pathway) / Allocated Social Worker (FIT) / This will be completed for the 1st review Conference and subsequent Review Conferences. This is brought with the CP7 (Review Conference Proposal).
CP2 / Initial CP Conference Proposal / Allocated Social Worker in Gateway or FIT / This document will be used to begin Child Protection process only. The SW brings this document with the most recent Pathway Assessment (IA, FS, LAC).
CP3 / Conference Agenda / Copies of these should be available to meeting (Admin to provide) / Prior to meeting commencing.
CP5 / Child Protection Conference Record / Admin (Admin complete the majority of this task within the meeting and given time immediately after the conference to finalise areas of discussion and analysis) and this is quality assured by Conference Chair. / To be completed during the conference and updated at the conclusion of conference.
This document replaces conference minutes. This document, upon completion, will populate data for Registration/De-registration and Conference Details.
CP6 / Core Group Meeting Record / Case Co-ordinator/SSW / During and at the conclusion of the core group meeting.
CP7 / Review Child Protection Conference Proposal / Allocated Social Worker (FIT) / This will be used with all review conferences (nb. CP2 used for initial only) and brought with CP1 (CP Pathway Assessment).
LAC 2 / Looked After Child Pathway Assessment / Allocated Social Worker / This is a comprehensive assessment of the Looked After Child’s circumstances and should be completed when following the 3 month LAC Review.