NEURO UNIT II: Psychology What to Do If you think Someone is Having a Stroke

What to Do When you think Someone is having a Stroke:

Every second counts if you or someone you love is having a stroke. A stroke is a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment. Just a few hours can make the difference between recovery or learning to walk and talk all over again—or worse still—death. If you think you might be having a stroke, don’t wait, note the time, call 911, and say,What is a stroke? Why is it so serious?

A stroke is an interruption of the blood flow to the brain. When the blood supply to a part of the brain is restricted or cut off, the affected brain cells can die. That’s why it’s so important to be treated for stroke as soon as possible. Your brain is involved in everything you do—walking, talking, stopping to smell the roses—whatever you enjoy doing. If the part of the brain involved in those activities is damaged by the stroke, you might not be able to do those things anymore. So don’t wait. Take care of your brain—Call 911.Quick Check for Stroke—It Can Save a Life

If you’re with someone and you notice a sudden change in appearance or behavior, make sure it’s not a stroke. Ask them to do these three simple things—

1.Smile—Is it the smile you know and love? Or, is one corner of the mouth drooping down?

2.Close your eyes and raise your arms—Are the arms held high together, or is one drifting back down to the side?

3.Repeat a simple phrase—Why not make it funny? If the person is fine, you can laugh about it later. Try “If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.” Listen for slurred words and unusual sounding speech.

If you notice a droopy, lopsided smile, one arm held lower than the other or drifting down on its own, or slurred speech without reasonable explanations, call 911 immediately and tell them that you’re with someone who needs to get to a stroke treatment center as quickly as possible.

“I think I’m having a stroke”. Please take me to the nearest stroke treatment center as quickly as possible.” You should also call 911 if someone you’re with might be having a stroke. Don’t hesitate. Every moment you wait increases that person’s risk of permanent disability.

You only have three hours from the time of your first symptom to receive treatment that can minimize the damage to your brain that can cause serious, long-term, disabilities.

Warning Signs

Learn the two things you should do if you think you’re having a stroke. Save precious time—know and respond quickly to the warning signs of stroke: Most of us have headaches or clumsy spells now and then. But the symptoms of stroke will seem unusual and come on suddenly. Call 911 if you or someone you’re with notices these unexplained, sudden warning signs: A feeling of numbness or weakness, rapid heart beat…numbness in your face, arm, or leg (You might notice it on one side more than the other.)

NEURO UNIT II: Psychology What to Do If you think Someone is Having a Stroke

  • Vision problems in one or both eyes
  • Dizziness or loss of balance; difficulty walking
  • Confusion
  • Problems speaking or understanding what other people are saying
  • Severe headaches without warning or explanation

NEURO UNIT II: Psychology What to Do If you think Someone is Having a Stroke

  • Pains in the face or legs
  • Hiccups
  • Nausea
  • Feeling weak all over
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath

NEURO UNIT II: Psychology What to Do If you think Someone is Having a Stroke