Your NCVO update for January

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Your organisation: Darlington LiNK
NCVO membership status: Non member organisation
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NCVOupdate, January 2017

Stuart Etherington's letter to the sector
Our chief executive shares his thoughts on the current situation for the voluntary sector, and calls for 2017 to be a year of being bold for volunteering. /

/ Volunteering and public services: What next?
'Is now the time for a step change in the vision and aspirations we hold for volunteering in this country, particularly in relation to services used by the public?'
Karl Wilding tackled this hot topic at the recentNational Volunteering Forum – do add your comments below the line.
Come what May: preparing for Brexit
After the Prime Minister's recent speech, our EU officerBrendan Costelloe outlines some key areas in which Brexit could effect voluntary organisations – and how you can prepare for them. /

How to talk about charities and campaigning
In response to an opinion piece by Melanie Philips in the Times, Karl Wilding defends charities right to engage in political issues,highlighting that campaigning is needed to make our democracy work effectively.

More news and comment

January 2017: The inside track
Our parliamentary expert Chris Walker's quarterly preview of what's coming up in politics relevatn to charities includes;the latest on Brexit, two important bills for the voluntary sector, and significant changes to select committees as a result of Theresa May’s reshuffle.
Read our latest monthly topical summaries:
  • Volunteering
  • Sustainable funding
  • Governance
  • Public services

New practical advice and support on Knowhow

Download Board Basics
A collection of some of the most important sample documents, templates and tools for trustee boards. *For NCVO members only - join us*
New impact and evaluation resources
Lots of advice to help you develop effective impact and evaluation practices in your organisation.
How to manage paid or volunteer drivers in voluntary organisations
How to be involved in impact as a trustee of a small charity

Upcoming training and events

NCVO Annual Conference 2017: leading with purpose,20April
Extra 10% off early bird discount ends 10 February – book now.
  • Developing a winning campaign strategy and plan, 3 February
  • ​Strategy for growth and development, 9-10 February
  • Understanding the numbers: Financial intelligence for trustees, 3 March
  • Influencing parliament, 6 March

All our upcomingtraining and events

Latest from our trusted suppliers

Lucas Fettes Death in Service provides cover for employees so that in event of their death, a tax-free cash lump sum will be paid to their dependants.
LSI energy offer a competitive energy rate and can assist voluntary organisations in obtaining the best deal in a complex market.
GCEN FX Services are a global currency exchange network who workto mitigate the currency risk in a volatile market.

Your career

The latestvacancies on our CharityJob page include:
  • Training and Events Co-ordinator,Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT)
  • Project development manager,The Centre for Justice Innovation
  • Head of Finance, Mothers Union

View all38 CharityJob vacancies
Looking for a trustee postition?
There are 26 vacancieson our Trustee Bank(free formembers to advertise on).
And here's a newopportunity from Trustees Unlimited:
Cool Earthare recruitingtrustees to help with their mission of saving the rainforest.


Supporting you to manage your impact
TheImpact Management Programmeis an excitingnew programme to build the capacity of voluntary organisations to manage impact. Join a free introductory workshop across the country to find out more. Sign up to an event today:21 Feb, Plymouth|22 Feb, York|7 Mar, Ipswich
The GALAXY Hot Chocolate Fund
The GALAXY Hot Chocolate Fund, open until 26 February, will distribute five £300 awards to deserving recipients every week.We’re also looking to reward unsung heroes with an ‘Outstanding Volunteer Award’. Register your organisation and nominate a volunteer who always goes the extra mile too! Make an application. /
The Centre for Charity Effectiveness at Cass Business School offers a unique suite of postgraduate degrees for nonprofit sector professionals. Courses include specialist teaching for Accounting, Grantmaking, Marketing, NGO Management and Voluntary Sector Management. The courses start from April 2017, attend an info session to find out more. /
Youth exchanges and volunteering abroad – how to apply for an EU grant
Do you work with young people? Are they interested in volunteering abroad? In meeting young people from other countries? We will be helping organisations to develop successful bids for Erasmus+ funding throughfree application workshops across England. To register go toour website. For more information see our briefing. /
Advertise Here
If you want to raise the profile of your event or services with over 25,000 contacts at NCVO member organisations see our advertising details or contact
National Council for Voluntary Organisations
Society Building, 8 All Saints Street
London, N1 9RL
Registered Charity No. 225922
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