Do you remember? Exam #3 – Ch. 14 - 19
These questions come from the “Do You Remember” slides in the Power Points and lecture videos. They are designed to help you with the exams. I suggest printing them out, having them in front of you when listening to the videos. Finally, listen for the answers and write them in the form to study from.
Ch. 1 4 –Adolescence – Biosocial
What signals the beginning of puberty in boys and girls?
In what order does the growth spurt occur?
What are the changes in organs and glands?
What is the relationship between hormones and emotions?
What is the relationship between adolescent emotions and logic?
What are the circadian rhythms that effect puberty?
How does body fat effect puberty?
What is the effect of family stress and conflict on puberty?
Why is hitting puberty at normal ages best?
What is anorexia?
What can cause it?
What is bulimia?
What can cause it?
What is one strategy to reduce eating problems?
What changes does sexual maturation produce?
What are the effects of early pregnancy?
Ch. 15 – Adolescence – Cognitive
What is adolescent egocentrism?
What is the personal fable?
What is the invincibility fable?
What is the imaginary audience?
Which of Piaget’s stages are adolescents in?
What is one of the major achievements in this stage?
What is the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning?
What is an example of each
What types of thought are there?
What are the thinking fallacies?
Give an example of each
What are the positives of technology related to adolescent egocentrism and social isolation?
What are the negatives of technology related to antisocial attitudes, depression, and cyberbullying?
Ch. 16 – Adolescence – Psychosocial
According to Erikson, what is the main goal of adolescence?
What happens when identity is not yet achieved?
Give an example of each of the three
What can build closeness in a family?
What is an example of parental monitoring?
What is the effect of peer pressure?
What are the concepts of peer selection and peer facilitation?
What most strongly influences adolescent sexual behavior?
Which sex is most apt to complete a suicide?
Why do you think that is?
What ages is drug use most common?
What are the effects of tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana?
What are useful strategies for preventing drug use?
What about scare tactics?
Ch. 17 – Emerging Adult – Biosocial
When does senescence (aging) begin?
With frequent intercourse (w/o) contraception) a woman in her 20’s will become pregnant in how long?
How do men and women’s attitudes differ on the purpose of sex?
What is the most common mood disorder?
What types of anxiety disorders are there?
What are the symptoms of schizophrenia?
What were the main results of the CARDIA study?
What is the weight “set point”?
What is it affected by?
What types of risks are teenagers more apt to take?
What is the difference between drug abuse and drug addiction?
Ch. 18 – Emerging Adult – Cognitive
OWhat are two of the main developments in post-formal thought?
OCan you give an example of “delay discounting”?
OWhat two types of thinking does post-formal thought focus on?
OWhat are the effects of the stereotype threat?
OWhat would be an example of the concept of cognitive flexibility?
OWhat would be an example of the concept of dialectical thought?
OWhat main forces create our concepts of morality and religion?
OHow do men and women differ regarding moral absolutes?
OWhat are some of the main effects of college?
OWhy does college education correlate with better health?
OHow are colleges changing?
Ch. 19 – Emerging Adult – Psychosocial
Is identity being solved?
Which of Erikson’s conflicts is being worked on during this stage?
How do men and women deal with intimacy differently?
How has the decision of marriage been changing?
What is the three parts of Sternberg’s triangular theory of love?
What is the concept of hookups?
What is the new research on the effect of cohabitation on your later chance of divorce?
Of 100 marriages (including remarriages) how many will divorce?
Marriages of persons with different social characteristics is called what?
How do women and men interact differently during conflict?
What is the relationship between emerging adults and their parents?