What should this strategy set out to achieve?

Understand the complex relationship between sectors and set out the process / strategy for managing this

Get to a point where there is a joint understanding of needs

Good communication

Better services

Stronger communities

Recognition of the great work that already exists

Two way dialogue

Communication strategy

  • Addressing premises issue
  • Two way
  • Recognition of the role of business and corporate social responsibility

Not too long and plain English





More health equality

Lead to change

More trust and understanding

Buy in from all

Future proofed

Helpful in guiding us through difficult decisions

Better use of community assets

Engage the corporates

Using CSR better

Helping the small community groups

Keep it simple

Achieve a level playing field

Value localism and work locally

Councillors need

More resources to early intervention

Build on richness of vcs

Use vcs for co-creating solutions

Decrease delays in developing joint bids with vcs / councils and ccg bring sector together

Quicker info on opportunities from council / ccg

Vcs equal partner – treat with respect and dignity

Lots more social action - Potential that comes with that

Holistic / wellbeing is cost effective

Measuring impact

Avoid duplication

Make most fo parts of system

Social prescribing

Mapping social assets

Achieving wider knowledge of whats available

Who are the community leaders

Advising London have SC community champion – teach new communities

Wider approach to wellbeing

Care act

Changes in welfare system – impact of change – housing benefit assessment

Increase strategy needs and take into account….

Prevention and early intervention

  • Contribution of vcs to prevention
  • How do you define prevention

Social isolation





Start from where people come from


Information sharing

Partnership working

Think outside the box

Maximise benefits per £ spent

Sharing of non-financial resources (premises, knowledge)

Strategy not to come up with a set of needs but to come up with a process of working with the sector to co-produce needs / solutions

Resources - how will the council identify how to direct resources to need more effectively work together

Need to be clear on the things we are no longer prioritising

Local residents get access to services for their needs

Measureable outcomes and clear focus – realistic

Cost effectiveness in a different way (John Seddon model)

Recognise and build on relationships

  • Bring it together
  • Know us as partners and professionals

Achieve genuine collaborative working (by being at the foundation)

Understanding what each sector is good at

  • Respecting
  • Valuing
  • whats unique
  • strengths and allowing each sector to play those strengths


  • security for different thinking

whats the future need of community groups?

Outcomes focussed for population

Invest locally / think local

Improve ways we learn and develop

360 degree learning

Appropriate funding / costing

Innovation(valued) but not for the sake of it

Greater confidence within voluntary sector that we are being heard and responded to

What can do and not what cant

Central database for volunteering opportunities

Range of voluntary opportunities available (people in or not in work)

Connecting people locally (contributing not necessarily receiving support)

Local ownership delivery (draw in schools and businesses)