Chapter 8
What should I do with the other three files in the Chapter08\parks folder?
You do not need to copy the other three files. Keep the drive containing your data fileshandy, however, because you will open the files later.
What is the tooltiptrigger text?
The tooltip must beattached to anelement on the page.If you insert a Tooltipwidget withoutselecting an element on the page first,Dreamweaver insertsthe placeholdertrigger text, whichyou can change asnecessary. Whenusers point to thetrigger text, thetooltip contentappears.
What do users seewhen they open thepage?
When users openthe page, theysee the tooltiptrigger text, which is“Complete the formas indicated” in thiscase.
When does thetooltip text appear on the page?
When users point to the tooltip trigger text (Complete the form as indicated), the tooltip text appears, which is “Click each field and then enter or select the requested information” in this case.
When should I use the 'Hide on mouse out' check box?
Select this option when you want to display the tooltip text even if the mouse is moved from the trigger text. This givesusers plenty of time to read the tooltip. It also is useful if the tooltip includes links, buttons, or other interactiveelements.
What are the purposesof the other optionbuttons in the Effectarea?
Select the Blind optionbutton to reveal thetooltip from bottom totop and then hide thetooltip from top tobottom, similar to awindow blind. Select theNone option button to display the tooltip without any effect.
Why does no tooltiptrigger text appear for the Name Textfieldobject?
When you click anelement in thedocument, and thenclick the Spry Tooltipbutton, the Tooltipwidget is attached tothe element, so thetooltip trigger text isunnecessary.
When does thistooltip text appearon the page?
When users pointto the Name textbox, the tooltiptext appears toprovide instructionsfor enteringinformation in thetext box. In otherwords, the Nametext box is thetrigger for thetooltip text.
Can I format thetooltip text?
Yes, you can formatthe tooltip textusing the same toolsyou use to formatany other text. Forexample, if thetooltip text provides cautionary information, you could format it in a red font color.
Only two tabs aredisplayed in theTabbed Panelswidget. Can I addother tabbed panelsto the widget?
Yes, you can addpanels to the widgetas necessary. You willsee how to do soshortly.
What does the eyeicon indicate?
An open eye iconindicates that theContent panel inthe tabbed panel isclosed on the Webpage; click theopen eye icon toopen the panel.
When should I entertext in the Contentbox for each tab?
You enter the text for the Content boxes later in the chapter.
How do I move atabbed panel up inthe Panels list box?
Click the ‘Movepanel up in list’button.
What styles does the.TabbedPanelsContentrule set?
The.TabbedPanelsContentrule sets the stylesfor the content panelsin the widget, includingthe text that appearsin the tabbed panels.
Why did I addsans-serif to the stylerule?
In case a user doesnot have the Arialfont installed ontheir computer, you specify sans-serif so that the browser can use a similar font that the user does have installed.Dreamweaver does not display “sans-serif” in the CSS Styles panel, though it does use it if necessary.
What styles does the.TabbedPanelsTabrule set?
The.TabbedPanelsTabrule sets thestyles for the tab inthe widget,including the textthat appears on thetabs in the TabbedPanels widget.
Can I type thehexadecimal valuefor the color insteadof selecting it fromthe color palette?
Yes, you can enterthe hexadecimalvalue by typingthe value in thebackground-colortext box.
What styles doesthe .TabbedPanelsTabSelected ruleset?
The .TabbedPanelsTabSelected rulesets the styles forthe selected tabin the widget,including thebackground color.
What styles does the.TabbedPanelsTabHoverrule set?
The.TabbedPanelsTabHoverrule sets the styles foran unselected tabwhen the mousepointer is pointing tothe tab, including thebackground color.
Can I apply a differentcolor to the selectedpanel?
No, you can changeonly the color of all thecontent panels.
Only two tabs aredisplayed in theAccordion widget. CanI add other tabs to thewidget?
Yes, you can add tabs tothe widget as necessary.You will see how to doso shortly.
What does the eye icon indicate?
An open eye icon indicates that the Content panel in the Accordion widget is closed on the Web page; click the open eye icon to open the panel.
What should I do if the Image Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog box is displayed?
Enter the alternate text (in this case, Whitetail deer) as the Alternate text, and then click the OK button. Do the same for the other images added to the Accordion widget.
What does the .Accordion rule cover?
The .Accordion rule covers styles for the entire Accordion widget.
The Tag Inspector tab does not appear in the panels group. How do I open it?
Click Window on the Application bar, and then click Behaviors.
The montana_map image did not change after I applied the Shake effect. Did I do something wrong?
No. The Shake effect does not appear until you display the Web page in a browser or in Live view.