What’s On This Week

Wed 9/9 / 10.30 am / Praise and Fellowship Service in the Chapel. Contact Alison Craige
Thurs10/9 / 9.10 am
9.30 am
1.30 pm / Prayer time
Bible Study in Concourse. Contact Margaret Johnston
Men’s Shed. Contact Graham Giles
Fri 11/9 / 9.30 am / Blue Wrens’ Play Group. Contact Linda Simmons
Sun 13/9 / 8.00 am
9.30 am / Traditional Service in the Chapel
Family Service in the Worship Centre

Thank you to everyone who makes a contribution to our church.

0800 AM / 0930 AM
Preacher / Rev Dr Ross Kingham / Rev Dr Ross Kingham
Leader / Charles Mailler
Pianist / Margaret Jones / Jason Francis
Stewards / Elizabeth Cowan / Wendy Dickson & Robin Fitzsimmons
Bible Readers / Fran Brown / Margaret Johnston & Barbara Jackson
Morning Tea / Fran & David Brown / Pam Taylor & Margaret Johnson
PowerPoint Producer / Kimberly Francis
Power Point Operator / Kimberly Francis
Sound / Peter Norman
Communion Preparer
Communion Servers
Kids Church Teacher / Robin Neideck
Kids Church Helper / Lois Noack
Grounds / Mailler, Muller, Taylor
Carr, Simmons, Norman, Cook




09.00 AM Preacher – Rev Dr Ross Kingham

Leader –Trevor Bail

Bible ReadingsPsalm 23 : 1-6 and James 2 : 1-10 and 14-17

Dear Visitors

Welcome to our Church family today. We are so glad that you could join us!

We would be grateful if you would please sign the visitor’s book in the foyer.

If you would like to be contacted during the week, please let us know.

All are welcome to join us for Morning Teain the Concourse.


First Sunday of the month: 9.00am (Holy Communion) Combined Service

8 am Traditional Service in the Chapel

9.30 am Family Service in the Worship Centre


Paul and Chaa Flack - appreciate our prayers as they share Christ's love in southern Thailand. If you would like to support them financially, their bank details are BSB 012984, A/c No.500936526.

Michelle Kallmier - asks for prayer so she can discern the focus of her Masters dissertation and also "for the Lord to open up His next step" for her.

Council Matters
Rev Dr Ross Kingham -will be on leave from September 14 to November 14. We thank Ross for his generous service as our Supply Minister and for arranging preachers for services while he is away. . "Preachers will include representatives from Gideons, Scripture Union, Margaret Reeson and Rev Ray Hughes."

Council Meeting - Wednesday September 9 at 4 pm. Your prayers for God's guidance and clear thinkingwould be appreciated.


For those who wish to wear name tags, please leave your details in the Office.


The happenings for this year's Craft Show are well and truly under way and it is shaping up to be a fantastic couple of days on the 23rd and 24th October. Applications to exhibit are now available from the church either at the office or near the front door of the church. Please take one or more if you know of anyone who would be interested in selling their craft at the show. Don't forget to reserve the 23rd and 24th October in your diary.


Following the announcement made at the 8 am & 9.30am Services last week, I am seeking information from all members of our Church family on how they feel about moving towards one service on a Sunday morning.

The Worship Task Group will be putting your thoughts and ideas to Council in the near future. Please contact Charlotte Hearder, Leader, Worship Task Group on 6296 5161 or email if you wish to comment.


You are cordially invited to consider accepting an invitation to share in Advent Studies again this year. There is a choice between having several (say four) evenings, or having a one-off Saturday event (1-5pm). Please see separate notice and record you choice! Ross Kingham and Elizabeth Cowan.

For our church
For the JNC deliberations in Calling our new Minister, and
Pray for the wellbeing of members of our Church family who are facing surgery, stays in hospital, and recuperation.
For Presbytery
Wattle Park Congregation, Hall,ACT
Please give thanks for the Wattle Park congregation and pray for the health and well-being of the congregation and the Church Council and lay leaders in this time without a Minister; in particular ChairpersonKate Pope, Secretary Sandra Southwell and Treasurer, Michael Padreny.


The wonderful makers of our jams, chutneys, marmalades are in need of more small and medium size clean glass jars. Please leave jars in the kitchen for collection. Many thanks.


Saturday 19 September 2015 commencing at 9 am. Greenhills Conference Centre.

Theme : Women Going to the Well” Organised by the Tuggeranong UC.

Speaker Rev Margaret Middleton.

Cost $65.00 includes lunch.

RSVP Janine Sharwood 6231 6582 or Mary Howard 6231 3812.

NoticesSchoolies and Young Adults trip from 29 Nov-13 Dec
The Bible Society is taking school groups, youth groups, school leavers and individuals on Mission Experience trips! Do you know someoneaged 13 - 30from your Church, School, family or friends that would benefit from coming on a trip to see God's Word in action? The next trip coming up is a Schoolies and Young Adults trip to Cambodia 29th November – 13th December. Contact Rick George for more information or see site 1300Bibles or M: 0431 682 166

SCHOOL CHAPLAINCY FUNDRAISER You are invited to attend our inaugural Cocktail Evening Fundraiser to be held onWednesday 9th September from 6:30-8:30pm at the Rheinberger Centre cnr Weston and Loch Sts Yarralumla.Come and enjoy a relaxed evening of music, stories and good food, plus hear from our guest speaker Peter James the CEO of SC ACT. RSVP Sept 1st to Di Priest