Welcome to the new school year – we hope you all had an enjoyable summer!
A special welcome to our new Reception Class. We are sure the pupils will settle quickly and, as always, we will offer our full support to all of our young learners as they start their school life. We also warmly welcome Kai who has joined Y3 and Harry in Y4.
We have a busy term planned with lots of new and exciting opportunities. You can see what your children will be learning by looking at the ‘Curriculum Overviews’ on the class pages on the school website.
We will start the new school year with a whole school focus ‘Around the world in one week’. Reception will be studying the UK, Y1/2- Australia, Y3/4 – Africa and Y5/6 – India.
There are lots of interesting events planned and the children will share their work on our open evening - 6th October 2016.

Phonics Information Evening
All our current Reception parents are invited to a short, informal information session on how to support your child with phonics at home. This will provide an opportunity to see how phonics is delivered in school.
The meeting will take place on Thursday 22nd September at 3.15p.m. Miss Doxey and Miss Garth will both attend the meeting and provide the relevant information. /
Extra-curricular activities this half term
There will be a variety of lunchtime clubs on offer throughout the school year. After school activities on offer this half term are:
Multisports Club for Y1 and 2 pupils – a 6 week course - Tuesdays 3.15-4.15pm (starting 20/09/16). Letter to follow.
Geography Club with Miss Doxey– KS2 – Wednesdays 3.15-4.15pm (starting 21/09/16)
Science Club with Miss Flynn–KS2 – Mondays 3.15-4.15pm (starting 19/09/16)
Please note that places are limited and will be offered on a first come first served basis.

The newsletter will continue to be available on alternate Mondays. Please return the slip overleaf that relates to how you would like to receive the newsletter.

Key Stage 2 Swimming Lessons
All KS2 pupils will be attending swimming lessons on Thursday afternoons at Ribblesdale pool. The first session will take place this Thursday and will continue until the 1st December 2016.
Spelling Homework
The spellings that the children practice for homework are set word lists taken from the National Curriculum for each year group. Further differentiation for spellings is provided in class, but it is felt that homework allows the consolidation and reinforcement of the set list of words and is, therefore, beneficial. /
School Office
School Dinner payments are now due for this half term:
40 Days: £86
Please speak to Mrs Peckham if you would require further information using the new ParentPay system.
The next Lockerbie instalment is due by: 30th September

Dinner Dance
This Friends of Brabin’s event will take place at Chipping Village Hall on Friday 21st October with entertainment by PC Roadshow.
Tickets cost £25 and are available from the school office, Caroline Bretherton or Rachael Stott.
We hope you are able to support this event – an enjoyable evening is guaranteed!

General Health and Safety/Safeguarding Information
Please ensure that children are not left unsupervised on the playground before 8.45am. If any child has not been collected by 3.25p.m they will be signed into ‘After School Club.’ This is a safeguarding policy to ensure the children’s safety at all times as well as allowing staff to attend meetings/run clubs after the school day. We understand that there will be occasions when parents/carers are running late; please inform the office if such a case arises.
Many thanks in advance for your support and cooperation with regard to these matters.

What’s on this half term:

Thursday 22nd September / Phonics Information meeting for Reception parents 3.15pm – school hall.
Monday 26th September / Y5/6 Shakespeare Cast Workshop at Preston Charter Theatre – am. Letter to follow
Tuesday 4th October / Individual School Photographs
Thursday 6th October / Open Evening – 6.00pm- 7.30pm.
Thursday 20th October / Barnacre Road Football and Netball Tournament
Friday 21st October / Friends of Brabin’s Dinner Dance – Village Hall
Thursday 27th October / Whole School Parent’s Evening
Half Term week beginning Monday 31st October 2016 Inset Day – Monday 7th November. Pupils return to school on Tuesday 8th November 2016


*Although you may have indicated your preference previously, nonetheless, it would be greatly appreciated if you could once again highlight the means by which you would prefer to receive updates via the school newsletter.

Name: ______

Please circle how you would like to receive the newsletter by: email / paper copy

Email address (if appropriate): ______

______would be interested in attending the KS2 Geography club with Miss Doxey. (Wednesdays starting 21/9/16)


______would be interested in attending the KS2 Science club with Miss Flynn . (Mondays starting 19/9/16)
