November 2006
“What’s it all about”
In October St. Mary’s Church in Banbury held an exhibitionentitled “Harvest of Volunteers”. This was the brainchild of our vicar Janet Chapman and culminated in a special service on October 8th at which Bishop Colin was the preacher.
The ringers were invited to participate and set up a display. This consisted of ringing artefacts, some historical facts about St. Mary’s bells, information on how, why and when bells are rung and examples of Branch social activities and ringing activities.
So far we have not gained any recruits but a lot of interest was shown in the material and it ‘brought the belfry down to the public’s eye level’ - a chance not often afforded to Banbury people.
Janet supports all her volunteer groups with an infectious enthusiasm. She even brought back a leaflet on bells and ringing from a recent visit to Lichfield Cathedral where………..
“there is an opportunity to attend a 4 week course where one can learn about bells, fittings and history, as well as learning how to ring a single bell. Depending on progress made it may be possible to join in with the rest of the team towards the end of the course.”
Might this be a way forward for our own Branch recruitment?
Around Towers
Summer Season
Branch Line – getting steamed up in Hampshire
Following on from the successful SevernValley railway and ringing outing about two years ago it was decided to repeat the format but this time in Hampshire. Twenty five ringers, friends, one man and his dog, left rain soaked Oxfordshire for a hot humid day in mid Hampshire. The day started with ringing at New and Old Alresford and then Ropley which was reached up a very long ladder and Old Alresford was hot, hot hot. The afternoon was spent travelling up and down the Watercress Line from New Alresford to Alton. Many of the passengers appeared to be members of the Duke of Gloucester Preservation Society or followers of the real ale coach! The timing was ideal as it meant that when the rain arrived we were able to take shelter on the train. The evening started with ringing on the Gillett 8 at Alton and then it was on to Hurstborne Priors. It was at Hursbourne that about 15 of the party had an evening meal. The day was enjoyed by all and thanks go to Joan for organising the day.
Richard Duckworth 1650-1706
July 19th was the 300th anniversary of the death of Richard Duckworth a former vicar of Steeple Aston. The occasion was marked with a peal of Yorkshire Surprise Major rung on the evening prior to the anniversary.
The peal band
Tuesday, 18 July 2006 in 2h 47min
5088 Yorkshire Surprise Major
Comp: S Humphrey
2 Joan Warren / 6 Alan J Griffin
3 Julie A Haseldine / 7 Andrew Haseldine
4 Mark D Tarrant / 8 Graham J Clifton
Conducted by Andrew Haseldine
1st peal of major 4. To mark the 300th anniversary of the death of Revd. Richard Duckworth, Rector of Steeple Aston and author of Tintinnalogia. Also wedding anniversary compliment to Bob & Diana Reeves.
Why was Richard Duckworth important to both Steeple Aston and bellringers? The answer is that Duckworth wrote the first book on change ringing - Tintinnalogia, or the Art of Ringing, first published in 1668. He came to Steeple Aston in 1680 and was Head Master at the village school. He was also responsible for improvements to the streets and water supply in the village. A fullerdescription of Duckworth's life appears in the Ringing World for July 14th.
Branch Striking Competition
A break with recent tradition meant that this was held on a Thursday rather than a Saturday. The location for the evening of June 29th was Rousham. On a glorious evening about 70 people turned up. Rousham House gardens were open for people to wander around. Seven teams took part in the competition six representing towers and the other was a scratch band made up of those left over. Judges for the evening were Dave Joyce and Chrisi Cable.
After ringing was over we all walked to Dave Tuckey's garden for a wonderful barbeque provided by the Rousham ringers. After the meal the judges announced the results:
1. Steeple Aston,
2.Great Tew,
3. Scratch Team,
4. Tadmarton,
5. Bodicote,
6. Cropredy,
7. Mollington.
The customary raffle was held with many prizes and this resulted in £112 being donated to Cropredy bell fund. All agreed is was a very enjoyable evening andthanks wereexpressed to Mr. & Mrs. Cottrell Dormer of Rousham House, who were present, and the Rousham ringers.
Autumn Activity
Armistice Day Quarter
The ringing of a quarter peal of Grandsire Triples on November 11th starting at 11.00am has become a well established annual event and this year was no exception. The ringing of the quarter, composed by Sgt. Albert P Wakley in the trenches during WW1., returned to the Branch and it was rung at Banbury.
The details are as follows:
1260 Grandsire Triples 48 mins:
Diana Reeves 1, Lindsey Smith 2, Chris Cox 3, Kay Bartholomew 4, John Lindsay (C)
5, Lorna Smale 6, Barry Davis 7, Robert Reeves 8. Half muffled at 11:02 on
Armistice Day. 1st of Grandsire Triples inside 2.
A Family Affair
For the first time on September 15th, all the ringing members of the Conway family rang a quarter together at Great Tew. Congratulations go to Abbott our Branch Chairman and his two daughters Catherine and Sarah
Details of the quarter are as follows:
1260 Grandsire Triples: 45 min:
Dorothy Clifton 1, Sarah Conway 2, Malcolm Hensher 3, Abbott Conway 4, Mick Journeaux 5, Sue Burchell 6, Graham Clifton (C) 7, Catherine Conway 8.
1st quarter for all three Conways together. 1st on 8 for Catherine. Congratulations to Sarah on passing her driving test first time. Congratulations to Catherine on her BMus. degree at McGillUniversity.
Steeple Aston Course
I would just like to say a big thank you to Simon Cole, Joan Warren and Graham Clifton for organising such a well structured course at Steeple Aston.We had a great day.A special thank you to Alan Griffin who ran the Plain Bob Minor Course with such skill and devotion.Also thanks to all the experienced ringers who gave up their whole Saturday to help us. It was much appreciated.
And Oh Boy, at the end of our ringing day brain dead I was! Back to Steeple Aston Village Hall we went where a cup of coffee was waiting for us and the most delicious supper cooked by Dorothy and her team. Our day ended at 8pm.
I would also like to add my congratulations to all on the committee in the Banbury Branch for all their hard work in organising all these activities throughout this year.
Ann Cubitt Mollington
Get well soon
Keith Abbott has had both hips replaced last Thursday (9th November). The operation went well and he was made to walk on the Saturday.
He has since developed some problems and they have been doing all kinds of tests and scans to find out what is causing his permanent sickness and complete lack of energy.
John Griffin
A quarter wasrung at Wardington on Wednesday 8th November in remembrance of John Griffin (tower captain of Wardington) who died recently. Many will remember John at Branch events.
The quarter was as follows:
1260 changes of St Simons, St Martins and Bob Doubles in 51 minutes
1 Brenda Day, 2 Keith Abbott (C), 3 Jon Beer, 4 Andries Bosland, 5 Stephen Day, 6 Geoff Upton. First quarter and Wardington ringer 6.
ToKate and Josh Eldridge on the birth of a son. A quarter peal was rung
Kirtlington, 7 Sept, 1260 Stedman Triples: 45min:
Joan Warren 1, Barbara A Forster 2, Chris Cox 3, Jane Broadbent 4, Malcolm Journeaux 5, A John Stanworth 6, John Lindsay (C) 7, C Abbott Conway 8.
To celebrate the birth of Thomas Robert Eldridge, born 18 August; a son to Josh and Katie. 1st of Stedman Triples 3.
ToCatherine Stanworth who on completing the
‘Race for Life’ wrote
“I would like to thank the Branch for sponsoring me in the Race For Life. This raises money for Cancer Research UK.I took part in the race on Sunday 4th June 2006 at Milton Keynes. It is run over five kilometres, which I completed in 44 minutes 10 seconds. Overall I collected about £180.”
ToCropredy on getting a mention in the Ringing World – from Diary of an indexer May 12th 2006
“…. am looking back at a wonderful day out with the Lichfield Diocesan mobile belfry to Cropredy, Oxon. How pleasant it is when duty and having a good time coincide …. Sunshine, a warm and friendly welcome, keen ringers, water buffalo burgers, Morris and maypole dancing, narrow boats on the canal, rural England writ just the right size, cider, cups of tea and a good chat about gardening. It was a Mayfest to mull over… .
Puzzle Page
Clueless Crossword
DFit the words into the grid so that they all read correctly vertically or horizontally. The first letter is filled in for you.
Answers to June Puzzle Page
Trebles, Wheel, Sallies, Calls, Quarter, Chime, Changes, Eight, Minimus, Minor, Gudgeon
Vertical wordBellringing
Wordplay 3
Use bellringing terms to complete these well known phrases and sayings
------and awaydon’t ------your chickens before they hatch
one good ------deserves anotherclear as a ------
take the ------out of ------one’s hopes
------the lead------the tonethe ------We
------your mind
Matters arising
Half Yearly meeting and Tower Reps meeting
- Branch practices both for learners and at surprise level are going well
- The next course will be Plain Bob Minor
- New taxation rules will make branch fund liable to corporation tax. This is a matter which will need considerable debate in the near future
- A minutes silence was observed in memory of John griffin, tower captain of Wardington, who died in October.
- Three new members were elected
- December 2nd Advent Carol Service Cropredy
- December 26th Ringing Deddington 10.30am – 12.00pm
- January 1st Ringing Banbury 10.30am – 12.00pm
- January 13th Quiz Night at Bodicote
- February 3rd Branch Outing
- March 10th Branch Dinner