American Heart Association

Voices for Healthy Kids

Strategic Campaign Fund Grant Application

Thank you for your interest in the AHA/RWJF Strategic Campaign Fund’s award opportunity. This funding is intended to supportstrategic issue advocacy campaigns focused on fighting childhood obesity through state and local public policy campaigns aligned with the Voices for Healthy Kids’ policy priorities.Funded campaigns must align with the Voices for Healthy Kids’ policy priorities which can be found at


Over the past four decades, obesity rates have soared among all age groups. Today, nearly one-third of children and adolescents in the United States are either overweight or obese.[[1]] Obese and overweight children and adolescents are more likely to become obese adults,[[2]],[[3]] placing them at increased risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, hypertension and certain forms of cancer.[[4]]

Together, the American Heart Association (AHA) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) are working to reverse the childhood obesity epidemic in the United States and to decrease racial, ethnic and income disparities in prevalence. The Voices for Healthy Kids’Strategic Campaign Fund is awarding grants with a mix of lobbying and non-lobbying resources to support strategic issue advocacy campaigns focused on fighting childhood obesity through state, local, and tribal public policy campaigns aligned with the Voices for Healthy Kids policy priorities. Applications must be specific to an individual campaign for public policy change in one state, local or tribal geographic location. Specifically, grantee proposals must be:

  • Impactful: The specific binding policy being pursued must actually deliver population impact
  • Viable and Promising: The application must be engaged in a viable and promising childhood obesity public policy effort
  • Supported by Match: The applicant will commit a small amount of its own funds and resources that will provide critical ownership, additional advocacy operations, and increase the potential for sustainability
  • Compliant: Grantees must follow compliance requirements mandated by the AHA.

Priority will be given to campaigns reaching the highest need populations and/or those with the greatest potential to impact wider movement-building impact and momentum.

Available Funds

Voices for Healthy Kids is allocating awards up to $90,000 per award for a period of up to one year with potential renewal.In addition to this base level of funding, grantees will be supported by a robust technical assistance initiative and also have priority access to supplemental additional potential resources (including Rapid Response).The awards mentioned above are for non-lobbying activities only.

Additional award funds are available lobbying activities for existing grantees only and will be determined based on the proposal submitted by each applicant. The need for lobbying funds is evaluated separately from the non-lobbying funding requested within this application.

Eligible Applicants

Applicants must be nonprofit organizations with lobby capacity that are tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code and are not private foundation or non-functionally integrated Type III supporting organizations (no government agencies). AHA will require IRS documentation of nonprofit status through the application process.

Specific core competencies required are:

  • Experience in working with diverse populations, especially underserved communities that are at greatest risk for obesity, including lower-income communities and communities of color
  • Strong leadership, organization, fiscal and project management skills
  • An independent interest in reversing the epidemic of childhood obesity at the state, local or tribal level, including the ability to sustain work beyond the period of this grant
  • Capable and willing to pursue lobbying activities or mobilize close partner organizations bringing this capability to the project.

Required Application Documents

To apply, please complete the information requested below. Applications will not be evaluated until all requested information is submitted. Applications will not be accepted if missing or incomplete information is not submitted. All applications must include:

  • A copy of your nonprofit status letter from the Internal Revenue Service
  • Application Narrative
  • Budget Narrative and budget worksheet
  • Advocacy Strategy Plan (template included within this application)


A budget must be submitted with each application and should be consistent with the type of funding requested. When completing the budget, please keep in mind that this application is for non-lobbying activities only and up to $90,000 (under AHA Non-Lobbying Support in the excel document). As mentioned above, award funds are available for lobbying activities and will be determined separately from this application. Therefore, it is important to demonstrate in the budget and budget narrative all funding needs - non-lobbying, the coalition’s match and lobbying dollars.

Budget Requirements

  • One Campaign Coordinator Position
  • Legal Contingency no less than 5% of the operating budget to support the cost of outside counsel determined by AHA ( 5% calculation should be made on the total direct cost of activities before adding in indirect costs)
  • Demonstrated in kind match by the applicant
  • Grants will not be awarded for curricula development or implementation, equipment, operations of physical activity, nutrition or similar participant-based programs, capital expenditures, academic research or other non-advocacy purposes.

Grants will not be awarded for curricula development or implementation, equipment, operations of physical activity, nutrition or similar participant-based programs, capital expenditures, academic research or other non-advocacy purposes.

Application Review

Applications will be evaluated by an independent review committee and announcement of awards will be made approximately 6-8 weeks after submission.

Monitoring and Reporting

AHA monitors grantees’ efforts and careful stewardship of grant funds to assure accountability. Grantees will be required to submit quarterly narrative, financial, compliance and outcomes reports.

American Heart Association

Voices for Healthy Kids

Strategic Campaign Fund Grant Application

Date: ______

Name of applying fiscal agent: ______

Funding Request$______

Period of funding From:______To:______

Contact Name: ______

Phone: ______Email: ______

FAX: ______Mobile: ______

Address: ______


Is the contact person employed by the projected fiscal agent (if not, explain):

Are you currently, or have ever been, a grantee of the American Heart Association or the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation? If yes, please explain for what and when.

Please provide a brief (no more than 1 page) description of your organization or coalition, including a summary of your policy experience and successes, list of coalition members and collaborators.

What level of government are you seeking for public policy change (for example, school board, city council, or state legislature) and what is the timeline for decision-making?

Have you confirmed that this body has the legal authority/jurisdiction to make this change and is not preempted from doing so?

Which policy priority will this campaign meet? Please select one.


___Healthy food financing initiatives: Support public funding to increase the amount of healthy food being offered in underserved communities.

___SNAP: Support allowing Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients to use their benefits at the market and/or funding for programs that significantly increase SNAP benefits when used on fruits and vegetables.

___Healthy food procurement: Support healthy vending, service, and institutional feeding food procurement policy on government property.

___Healthy restaurant meals: Ensure all restaurant meals marketed to children meet nutrition standards. Remove sugar-sweetened beverages from all restaurant children’s meals.

___Water pricing: Remove taxes levied on bottled and vended drinking water.

___Bike and pedestrian appropriations: Support state and local financing mechanisms that create long-term funding for bicycling and walking.

___Complete streets: At the state and local level, require that all road construction and reconstruction create complete streets that are safe and convenient for all users and all modes of transportation.

___Shared use in schools: Support appropriations for state level reporting and implementation of shared use programs as well as incentives to schools to promote shared use. Clarify liability in those states that continue to need liability clarified.

___Safe routes to school: Codify safe routes to school programs in state law and secure state level appropriations or Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) allocations for both infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects.

___Menu labeling in restaurants; Ensure calorie counts and nutrition information is available to consumers at the point of purchase in restaurants and other food service establishments.


___School foods; Increase the number of states that have statewide policies for schools to implement both federal competitive

foods standards and the meal standards outlined in the Healthy and Hunger Free Kids Act.

___Physical activity and physical education: Promote more frequent, effective physical education in schools as the cornerstone of comprehensive physical activity before, during and after the school day. Address standards-based curriculum, appropriate professional development for teachers, teacher certification/licensing, waivers/substitution, student assessment, and

accountability. Support other physical activity opportunities including active transportation policy (Safe Routes to School), recess, classroom physical activity breaks, shared use policies, and intramural/club/varsity sports programs.

___School marketing: Eliminate marketing of unhealthy foods and beverages in schools.

___Wellness policies: Establish state regulations to support and strengthen the local school wellness policy requirements of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) proposed rule under the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Support the creation

and strengthening of school health councils.

___Water access: Ensure water is free, clean and accessible in the school setting.

Early Care and Education & Out-of-School Time

___Early care & education: Establish statewide nutrition, physical activity, and screen time standards for early childcare providers. Create recognition or designation program. Secure public funding for technical assistance. Eliminate marketing in child care settings.

___Out-of-school time providers: Pursue policy change that requires out-of-school time programs to meet national integration of healthy eating and physical activity (HEPA) into recognition programs, accreditation programs, inclusion in certification, and inclusion in rating systems, standards for HEPA.

How will your campaign meet the policy priority above? (maximum one page)

Please include background information on your advocacy efforts around this policy priority, including challenges and achievements (maximum one page)

Please list and explain your campaign’s policy goals? What long-term impact are you trying to make?

Who is your target population? And how does the policy change you are seeking, address systemic inequalities for the priority populations/low-income communities of color?

Describe your approach to build the necessary relationships to establish collaborations with the priority population(s) targeted. In addition, describe your current collaborations with population(s) experiencing health disparities.

In addition, please address the following in no more than two pages:

  • Policy bottom-line
  • Decision making process of this campaign
  • Engagement and/or empowerment of new collaborators
  • Ability of organization to conduct direct and grassroots lobbying
  • Explanation of how lobbying and non-lobbying expenses will be tracked

Please attach a detailed issue advocacy campaign plan (Attachment A) that at a minimum addresses the following items:

  • Goals
  • Long-term goal of your campaign
  • Intermediate goals for the issue campaigns
  • Short-term or partial victories you can win as steps toward your long-term goal
  • Organizational Considerations
  • List the resources that your organization brings to the campaign. Include: money, number of staff, facilities, reputation, etc.
  • List internal problems that have to be considered if the campaign is to succeed.
  • Constituents, Allies/Opponents
  • Who cares about the issues enough to join in or help the campaign?
  • Who are your opponents?
  • Targets
  • Primary targets (A primary target is always a person. It is never an institution or elected body.)
  • Secondary targets
  • Tactics

You may use your own campaign plan if your organization already has a format that communicates the required information.

Include a Budget and Budget Narrative with your application:

  • Budget Template (Attachment B, Excel document)
  • Explanations of budgets for contracts, subcontracts, consultants and staff time should include a justification and deliverables (Attachment C)
  • Details about staff that work on this campaign (Attachment C)
  • Details about consultants that will work on this campaign (Attachment C)

Documents to include with this submission:

  • IRS determination letter current within the last year.


  • Please allow 6 – 8 weeks for review and decision

Contact Information

  • Submit this application and required attachments to
  • For questions or assistance,please contact Monique Brown, Campaign Advocacy Grants Manager, at

Attachment A

Advocacy Strategy Chart

Goals / Organizational Considerations / Constituents, Allies, and Opponents / Targets / Tactics

Attachment C

Budget Narrative

AHA Non-lobbying Funds

Category / Narrative
Campaign Coordinator /

Campaign Coordinator

Please list:
  • Brief bio if position is occupied
  • % of time dedicated to the grant
  • Primary objectives for the position
  • Anticipated hire date if position is vacant
  • Projected Annual Salary
Total Salary: $X
Project Staff / List by position:
  • Position title
  • Brief bio if position is occupied
  • % of time dedicated to the grant
  • Primary objectives for the positions
  • Anticipated hire date if position is vacant
  • Projected Annual Salary

Total Project Staff Salaries: $X

Administrative Staff / List by position:
  • Position title
  • Brief bio if position is occupied
  • % of time dedicated to the grant
  • Primary objectives for the positions
  • Anticipated hire date if position is vacant
  • Projected Annual Salary

Total Administrative Staff Salaries: $X

Other Staff / List by position:
  • Position title
  • Brief bio if position is occupied
  • % of time dedicated to the grant
  • Primary objectives for the positions
  • Anticipated hire date if position is vacant
  • Projected Annual Salary

Total Other Staff Salaries: $X

Fringe Benefits / Costs and % of salaries by benefit type (medical, dental, FICA, etc…)

Total Fringe Benefits: $X

Other Direct Costs
Office Operations / Provide rationale and dollar amount of each Office Operations line item on the budget template
Advertising / Provide rationale, vendor(s), and activities included on the budget template
Communications & Marketing / Provide rationale, vendor(s) and activities included on the budget template
Polls & Surveys / Provide rationale, vendor(s) and activities included on the budget template – Please note all polls and surveys need to be reviewed and approved by AHA prior to polling or surveying
Equipment / Provide rationale and activities included on the budget template
Other /

Provide rationale and activities included on the budget template

Travel /

Provide rationale and calculations broken down by trip/cost category on the budget template (please see travel guidelines for costing estimates)

Meeting Expenses / Provide rationale and breakdown by meeting / cost category on the budget template
Purchased Services / Provide rationale, name of consultant, cost, period of services, and expected outcome for each line item on the budget template

[[1]] Ogden CL, Carroll MD, Curtin LR, Lamb MM and Flegal KM. “Prevalence of High Body Mass Index in US Children and Adolescents, 2007-2008.” Journal of the American Medical Association, 303(3): 242-249, 2010.

[[2]] Ibid.

[[3]] Overweight and Obesity, Health Consequences. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2009.

[[4]] Ibid.