ENG 3UEffective TED TalksName:

What makes one TED talk stand out from the others?

Think about the following criteria while you examine the TED talk you have chosen:

What Makes this an Idea Worth Spreading?

Types of Speakers


  1. The inventor
  2. The life scientist
  3. The natural scientist
  4. The social scientist


  1. The comedian
  2. The magician
  3. The writer
  4. The performing artist
  5. The visual artist

●Change Agents

  1. The activist
  2. The authority
  3. The business guru
  4. The explorer
  5. The personal guru
  6. The social entrepreneur

Action-Outcome Response

●A question is asked to which the speaker offers an action-outcome response “To (action) so that (outcome).

●Often these actions are small and very achievable


●Speaker picks a single unifying message

●This requires extreme focus. Everything the speaker says must relate to the seed of inspiration

Make a Connection

●After their basic needs are met people are interested in the following

○Everyone has the need for love and belonging

○Desire and Self Interest

○Accelerating Personal Development

○Making a Difference

Speaks for the Audience

●Really good TED talks are created for the audience, not the speaker.

○The speaker has a need to share an idea about which they are passionate

○The idea is worthwhile even if it only touches one person in the audience

○The talk is not self-promoting, but rather an offering to the audience.

Structure, Organization and Evidence

Premise Driven Talks

●Contains a central idea and logical argument

●Include a variety of evidence

○Ethos (speaker credibility)

○Pathos (Emotion)

○Logos (Logic)

●Uses either inductive or deductive reasoning

○Inductive Reasoning “proves a general principle by highlighting a group of specific events, trends, or observations.”

○Deductive Reasoning “builds up to a specific principle through a chain of increasingly narrow statements.”

●Blend Premise and Proof

○Premise “is the rational insight, explanation, or proposition gleaned from the proof point”.

○Proof then Premise

Deductive Structure

●Use when the idea may defy conventional wisdom

○Start with a generally accepted idea

○Link subsequent ideas with chains of logic

○Speaker reaches a conclusion at the end (often surprising)

Narrative Driven Talks

●Stories help to engage the audience. A speaker could use one story during the TED talk or a series of stories.

○One Lesson

○Defining Moment

○Overcoming Weakness

●Stories can be told in the three-act hero structure (see extra handout if interested)

●Combine observations from experiences into your idea worth spreading

The Introduction

Possible Strategies

●Hook your audience by stating benefits of listening

●Develop an emotional bond with audience

●Make them laugh

●Make your theme clear and either set up or reveal your idea worth spreading

●Start with a story (especially when your speech is emotional and entertaining)

●Start Provocative Statement

●Start with a Question

The Conclusion

Possible Strategies

●Use language to show the talk is ending

●Summarize ideas

●Call to Action that is both urgent and easy to do

●Thank the Audience

Verbal Communication


●Take audience through broadest possible emotional range







●Invite them to imagine

●Be vulnerable but don’t lose control


●Use Rhetorical Devices

○Assonance and Consonance

○Anaphora, epistrophe, symploce



○All the other devices we have discussed in class

●When listing stick to the “rule of three.” Only list three objects, ideas, or concepts.

●Ask Questions

○Polling (checking your audience)

○Seeking Confirmation (with a “right?”)

○Provoking Thought

○Creating Suspense (“What do I notice?”)

●Interpret Statistics with analogies or metaphors

●Use personal pronouns


●Make fun of the “superior”’

●Use surprise

○unexpected twist

○sheer absurdity

○bad advice



○physical comedy



●Self-Depreciating Humour

●Stay in Character while audience laughs

●Most viewed TED talks get between one and three laughs a minute

●Use your voice, body, and face to make people laugh

Verbal Delivery

●Speak like a “passionate conversationalist”

●Eliminate Filler Words (um, ah)

●Use the pause

●Vary Speed, Volume and Pitch


Authoritative / Passionate
Calming / Suspenseful

Nonverbal Communication and Audio-Visual Design


●Arms drop casually when not gesturing

●Gesture naturally and frequently when speaking

●Facial expressions should match mood of speech

●Three seconds of eye contact with people in a random pattern

●Move around stage (especially during transitions)

●Only move if there is a purpose


●Don’t use them (could be a barrier between you and audience)

●Draw a simple picture

●If you use slides make them simple, image rich and text light

○Godin Method -image rich slides. Fill each slides with single photos

○Taskahashi Method- simple slides containing few words of very large text

○Lessig Method- Simple slides in rapid progression that combine the above two.

●Use contrast in colour and font to emphasize points


●Keep them short

●Stand to the side

●Narrate when there is no audio


●Hide props when not in use

●Use them sparingly

●Make sure they are visible

●Use a lectern to project authority

How can your talk create change?