This issue of Health and Wealth contains two articles: What is Your Real Age andis it time for a financial checkup?

What Is Your Real Age?: A different perspective on Aging

When you think of age traditionally, you think of how many birthdays you’ve had,but there are various ways to measure your age. What if sometime in the future someone asked you how old are you and you answered do you mean Chronologically, Biologically or Energetically?

Chronological—measured by the candles on your birthday cake

Biological---Measured by tests such as blood work, blood pressure, hormonal levels, bone density, etc.

Energetic—while not a scientific test, how you feel, your appearance, and your energy levels contribute to your energetic age.

Do you know people who are considered seniors and who have more energy than much younger people?Think of actress Betty White, who says she still feels, “sexy” at age 93 or Merrill Streep at 66, who seems ageless. Both women have demonstrated energy beyond what is thought of at their ages. . The great investors I wrote about in my book Lessons from the Legends of Wall Street have had a zest for life and great energy. When I met Warren Buffett, I could see the sparkle in his eyes as he talked about companies he had acquired for Berkshire Hathaway. At age 84 Buffett is still going strong. “I Tap Dance to Work”, Buffett has said as he described how he feels about his investment career.

What are some of the ways you can increase your energy, stay healthy and young?

Finding Exercise you enjoy and will actually do

Understanding and Dealing with your Feelings

Getting a Balance of Rest, Play, Work, Volunteering.

Enjoying Social Contact and Good friends

Eating Healthy Food

Checking and Keeping Biological Age Indicators in acceptable ranges, i.e. blood pressure, cholesterol, hormones, bone density, etc.

Continuous Life Long Learning

The Importance of a Financial Checkup

The Dow has climbed from about 6,400 on March 6, 2009 tothe 18,000 level as of the writing of this newsletter. There are mixed opinions about when the market is due for a pullback and just how much. John Templeton, one of the Legends in my book was an optimist about the future of the stock market and the economy, but when markets seemed high, he warned investors, “Be prepared [emotionally and financially] for future bear markets.” And as Thomas Rowe Price, the founder of T. Rowe Price said, “Change is the investors’ only certainty.”

Stocks on “Wall Street” can travel in different directions up, down or sideways. . Are you prepared for any change in direction?

Do alternative investments protect your assets or create more risk?

Do you have the appropriate insurance and investments for your needs?

How can future taxes, inflation, interest rate changes and other factors affect your investments, cash flow and financial health?

If you are concerned about any of these topics it may be time for you to get a financial checkup. During the financial checkup you may want to discuss how changes in the economy, interest rates, and inflation and market fluctuations can impact you financially. A financial checkup can address areas affecting your money including: *Strategies to help increase your income *Ways to manage your money and help protect your Assets *Integrating your Investment Tax and Estate Plan * *Analyzing any Gap between Your Financial Risk Tolerance & Risk Capacity

If you would like a complimentary confidential financial checkup with us and or a complimentary subscription to our Health and Wealth Newsletters and/or our Economic Up-Date Newsletters, please call (305) 867-7677, 5401 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida33140, or Email us at .

Joseph Ross, CFP®, has been a contributor to "Ask the Experts" column of The Miami Herald, Quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine, The Miami Business Review, and conducted numerous Educational seminars speaking for corporations, Professional associations, and groups.

Nikki Ross CFP®, author of Lessons from the Legends of Wall Street featuring Warren Buffett and other legends, has appeared on national radio and television. She has conducted numerous educational seminars speaking for corporations, philanthropic organizations and other groups.

Nikki and Joseph have conducted continuing education classes for Attorneys and CPA’s

Nikki and Joseph Ross are life insurance licensed professionals and are Investment Advisor Representatives with and Securities and Investment Advisory Services offered through Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc (TFA) Member FINRA, SIPC, and a Registered Investment Advisor. Non-Securities products and services are not offered through TFA. Neither TFA nor its representatives Nikki and Joseph Ross provide legal, tax nor accounting advice. Those desiring such advice should contact competent qualified licensed professionals specializing in those respective areas.

Copyright 2015 Nikki and Joseph Ross
