JULY 2010


1. Introduction 3

1.1 Abbreviations 3

1.2 Glossary 4

1.3 Purpose 7

1.4 General Programme Information 8

2. Project Applicant’s Manual 16

2.1 How to develop a project idea/proposal 17

2.2. Main features of projects 20

2.2.1 Eligible Partnerships / The Lead Partner Principle 20

2.2.2 Project Budget - Eligibility of expenditure 27

2.2.3 Duration of Projects 31

2.3. Submission procedure 32

2.4 How to fill in the Application Form 35

2. 5 Evaluation Procedure 56

3. Project Implementation Manual 57

3.1 Contracting of a Project Proposal 57

3.2 Reporting procedures 57

3.3 Payments / cash flows 65

3.4 Project modifications 67

3.5 First Level Control 70







Programme Manual “Greece-the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia IPA cross-border Programme” 2007-2013

1. Introduction

1.1 Abbreviations

AA / Audit Authority
CA / Certifying Authority
CoA / Contracting Authority
CBC / Cross-Border cooperation
ETC / European Territorial Cooperation
IPA / Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance
EU / European Union
EUD / Delegation of the European Union
FCC / Financial Control Committee
FLP / Financial Lead Partner
ICT / Information and Communication Technology
JTS / Joint Technical Secretariat
MA / Managing Authority
JMC / Joint Monitoring Committee
MCS / Management and Control Systems
NGO / Non-governmental Organization
NSRF / National Strategic Reference Framework
OLP / Overall Lead Partner (lead beneficiary)
OP / Operational Programme
OS / Operating Structure
PA / Priority Axis
PRAG / Practical Guide to Contract Procedures for EC External Actions
R&D / Research and Development
SME / Small & Medium Sized Enterprise
TEN / Trans-European Network
PP / Project Partner (beneficiary)

1.2 Glossary

Operational Programme (OP) – Document submitted by the cooperating Countries and adopted by the Commission setting out a development strategy with a coherent set of priorities to be carried out with the aid of the European Union’s Funding (hereinafter Programme).

Managing Authority (MA) – National, regional or local public authority or public or private body, designated by the Member State, responsible for managing and implementing the Programme in accordance with the principle of sound financial management, carrying out the functions set out in Article 103 of Regulation (EC) 718/2007.

Operating Structure (OS) – The OS co-operates closely with the Managing Authority in the programming and implementation of the relevant cross-border programme establishing common co-ordination mechanisms. The OS is responsible for the implementation of the Programme according to Article 139 of Regulation (EC) No 718/2007.

Delegation of the European Union: In order for the European Commission to play a key role in the implementation of the EU's foreign and other policies, it relies heavily on its over 130 Delegations and Offices around the World. The Delegation of the European Union in Skopje represents the European Commission inside the country vis-à-vis the authorities and the general population. The Delegation of the European Union acts as the contracting Authority for Partners inside the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Contracting Authorities: Authorities legally responsible to sign contracts with Project Lead Partners. In the case of the present IPA CBC Programme the MA and the EUD will act as the Contracting Authorities for the Overall and Financial partners of the two participating countries.

Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) – The body set up by the MA after consultation with the Participating country represented in the programme area, according to Article 102 Regulation (EC) 718/2007, to assist the programme bodies (MA, CA, AA) in carrying out their respective duties.

Beneficiaries – Bodies invited to submit proposals. Eligible beneficiaries are specified in each call for proposals.

Project Partners (PPs) - Partners participating in an operation, that correspond to the term "beneficiary" used in Article 96 of Regulation (EC) 718/2007.

Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) – The body set up by the participating countries to ensure the overall effectiveness and quality of the implementation of the programme

Joint Steering Committee (SC) - The committee established to support the Joint Monitoring Committee, in fulfilling its tasks, with regard to the selection of projects.

Certifying Authority (CA) – National, regional or local public authority or body, designated by the Member State for certifying statements of expenditure and applications for payment before being sent to the Commission. In this context, the CA shall carry out the functions envisaged in Article 104 of Regulation (EC) 718/2007.

Audit Authority (AA) – The institution responsible for verifying the effective functioning of the management and control system of the operational programmes. In this context, the AA shall be responsible for carrying out the functions envisaged in Article 105 of Regulation (EC) 718/2007 and may be assisted by a Group of Auditors (GoA) comprising of a representative from each partner state in the Programming Document.

Controllers – Greece shall designate the controllers responsible for verifying the legality and regularity of the expenditure declared by Greek final beneficiaries participating in the operation, according to Article 108 of Regulation (EC) 718/2007. The DEU will be responsible for the first level control regarding the expenditure declared by the beneficiaries from the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Project - A project selected by the Joint Steering Committee, according to the selection criteria approved by the Joint Monitoring Committee, and implemented by the project partners. Each project contributes to the achievement of the goals of the priority axis under which it is submitted.

Management Information System – The management system for recording and storing in computerised form accounting records for each operation under the Programme.

EU contribution: the part of the eligible expenditure of a project which is financed by the European Union.

National Co-financing: The non-EU contribution to the projects’ budget provided either by the State budget of each participating country or provided as Own Contribution by the Project Partners.

Irregularity - any infringement of a provision of a European Union’s law resulting from an act or omission by an economic operator which has, or would have, the effect of prejudicing the general budget of the European Union by charging an unjustified item of expenditure to the general budget.

Financial Correction – The cancellation of all or part of the National and European Union’s contribution to an operation, in the context of its co-financing by the OPs, which is similar to the detected irregularity.

Amount unduly paid – All expenditure not representing an equal value of delivered products or services, according to the expenditure terms of the Subsidy Contract.

Recovery – The repayment by the beneficiary of amounts unduly paid as a result of no legal cause.

1.3 Purpose

The purpose of the Programme Manual is to serve as an essential reference document for all bodies interested in: a. applying for funding under the “Greece-the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia IPA cross-border Programme” 2007-2013 (hereinafter the Programme) and b. implementing a project which has been selected for funding. Since this Programme reference guide involves also details relevant to the present call for proposals, the reader should take into account only the version of the Manual accompanying the specific Call (the manual will be updated accordingly if changes occur through the different Calls for Proposals).This manual, together with the programme’s website, as well as the sites of the Operating Structure and of the Delegation of the European Union in Skopje, will provide practical information and assistance to potential applicants, in order to prepare and submit a project proposal or to successfully implement an approved project.

Applicants should therefore study the entire manual carefully. The Manual consists of three parts:

1.  Introduction - General Information for the Programme

2.  The Project Applicant’s Manual

3.  The Project Implementation Manual


This manual relates to the present management mode of the program only, i.e.

·  Transitional arrangements according to Art 99 of Regulation (EC) 718/2007.

·  Centralised management in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

1.4 General Programme Information

Cross border cooperation policy is about establishing links across national boundaries to enable joint approaches to common problems and opportunities. The present Programme constitutes actually a set of proposals for the interventions envisaged under the terms of the cross border cooperation strand of the European Territorial Cooperation for the period 2007-2013. The “Greece – the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia IPA Cross-Border Programme” has been approved by the Commission Decision No C(2008) 4717 on 5/9/2008. As the successor to the “Neighbourhood programme Greece – the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” that operated between the two countries the period 2000 - 2006, it will attempt to capitalize on the experience gained and the lessons learned by both the participants and the implementing structures in order to bring cooperation to a new level.

The overall strategic objective of the Programme focuses on promoting sustainable economic and social development in the border areas and assisting co-operation for addressing common challenges in fields such as environment, natural and cultural heritage and public health.

Within the framework of this overall objective, a series of strategic objectives have also been identified, which constitute the policy outline for the convergence in the area of intervention. Specifically these objectives are:

·  To promote sustainable economic development through common interventions and facilitate cross-border reciprocal relations

·  To promote common actions for the protection of the natural and cultural environment and the mobilisation of the natural and cultural resources.

These two strategic objectives are expressed as two priority axes (plus a technical support axis) along with a certain number of specific measures. Specifically:

·  Priority 1: “Enhancement of cross-border economic development”, aiming at the promotion of sustainable economic development through common interventions and facilitating cross-border relations

·  Priority 2: “Enhancement of environmental resources and the cultural heritage of the programme area” aiming to promote common actions for the protection of the natural and cultural environment and the mobilisation of natural and cultural resources

·  Priority Axis 3: “Technical Assistance” aiming at the successful and smooth implementation of the Programme and the enhancement of high quality cross-border cooperation, contributing primarily to the Global Objective.

Priority Axis 1 will be implemented by four Measures focusing on:

1.  the promotion of entrepreneurship,

2.  the enhancement of Human Resources,

3.  the development of sustainable tourism and

4.  protection of public health through cross-border activities.

Priority Axis 2 will be implemented by two Measures focusing on

1.  the promotion and protection of environmental resources and

2.  the natural and cultural heritage of the area.

The programme strategy is described in detail in the Programming Document of the “Greece – the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia IPA Cross-Border Programme” 2007-2013.

What is the area of the Programme?

The eligible area of the programme, as illustrated in the map below, comprises of five Prefectures on the Greek side (Florina, Pella, Kilkis, Serres and Thessaloniki) and four Regions on the side of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Pelagonia, Vardar, Southeast and Southwest), covering an area of 29.259 km2 and 2.201.555 inhabitants

Eligible territories

The programme covers the following eligible areas:

·  Florina
·  Pella
·  Kilkis
·  Serres
·  Thessaloniki
·  Pelagonia
·  Vardar
·  Southeast
·  Southwest
Prefecture / Municipalities
Florina / Aetos, Amyntaion, Kato Klina, Meliti, Perasma, Prespes, Filotas, Florina, Variko, Kristallopigi, Lehovo, Nymfaio
Pella / Aridea, Vegoritida, Giannitsa, Edessa, Exaplatanos, Kria Vrissi, Kirou, Megalou Alexandrou, Meniidos, Pella, Skydra
Kilkis / Axioupoli, Galikos, Goumenissa, Doirani, Evropos, Kilkis, Kroussa, Mouries, Pikrolimni, Polikastro, Cherso, Livadion
Serres / Alistrati, Amfipoli, Achinos, Visaltia, Em. Pappa, Irakleia, Κ. Mitrousi, Kerkini, Kormistas, Lefkonas, Nea Zichni, Nigrita, Petritsi, Proti, Rodolivos, Serres, Sidirokastron, Skotoussa, Skoutari, Strimoniko, Strimonas, Tragilos, Agistron, Ano Vrontou, Achladochori, Oreini, Promahonas
Thessaloniki / Agios Athanasios, Agios Georgios, Agios Pavlos, Ampelokipoi, Axios, Apollonia, Arethousa, Assiros, Vasilika, Vertiskos, Egnatia , Eleftherio-Kordelio, Epanomi, Evosmos, Echedoros, Thermaikos, Thermi, Thessaloniki, Kalamaria, Kallithea, Kallindion, Koroneia, Koufalia, Lagadas, Lahanas, Madytos, Menenmeni, Michaniona, Mikra, Mygdonia, Nespoli, Panorama, Polichni, Palaia, Rentina, Sohos, Stavroupolis, Sykies, Triandria, Chalastra, Chalkidona, Chortiatis, Oreokastro, Eykarpia, Pefka
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
NUTS III / Municipalities
Southeast / Valandovo, Gevgelija, Bogdanci, Dojran, Radovis, Konce, Strumica, Bosilovo, Vasilevo, Novo Selo
Pelagonia / Bitola, Mogia, Novaci, Demir Hisar, Krusevo, Prilep, Dolneni, Krivogastani, Resen
Vardar / Veles, Gardsko, Caska, Kavadarci, Rosoman, Negotino, Demir Kapija, Lozovo and Sveti Nikole
Southwest / Debar, Centar Zupa, Kicevo, Vranestica, Drugovo, Zajas, Oslomej, Makedonski Brod, Plasnica, Ohrid, Debarca, Struga, Vevcani

Adjacent territories

Based on the flexibility rule provided by Article 97 of Regulation (EC) 718/2007, Thessaloniki Prefecture in Greece (NUTS II) and Southwest District in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (NUTS III), are included in the Programme as adjacent areas. The adjacent areas have been selected to maximise the impact of cross border cooperation programmes’ achievements. According to article 97 of Regulation (EC) 718/2007, these areas combined can receive up to 20% of the Programme total eligible public funds. This means in practice that the programme may report costs related to the activities incurred on the territory of these areas to the limit of 20% of the Programme budget.

However, this does not mean that a fixed share of 20% of the Programme budget is reserved for partners from these areas. The cross border added value of participation of partners from these areas will be assessed on a project by project basis.

Programme funding

The Programme budget allocated for the period 2007-2011 is € 21.386.276. This amount consists of € 16.817.695 European Union’s contribution and € 4.568.581 national contributions. The national co-financing rates for Greece and for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia are 25% and 15% respectively.