Mrs. DeVos – Room 107
What is this course all about?
Spanish II is a continuation of the understanding, speaking, reading and writing learned in Spanish I. Course study emphasizes more complex grammar and sentence structure, vocabulary building, pronunciation and conversational phrases. Course study introduces the cultural and social values of Hispanic societies in order to understand similarities and differences between the Hispanic world and the United States.
How will you be expected to behave in this class?
You and your classmates have the right to go about the business of learning Spanish free from the fear of being embarrassed. Mrs. DeVos has the right to go about the business of helping you and your classmates learn Spanish without disruption or interference. With this in mind, you are expected to follow the following rules of conduct:
- Give yourself and your classmates a complete opportunity to learn.
- Respect the rights of ALL members of this class.
- Follow Mrs. DeVos’s directions for lessons and classroom procedures.
- Adhere to the rules and policies of BaldwinHigh School.
What materials will you need for this class?
- A notebook specifically for your Spanish work
- A writing utensil
- Spanish textbook
How will your grades be determined?
Your grades will be determined by tests, quizzes, projects, homework, in-class activities and participation. Your grade will be calculated by dividing the number of points you have earned by the total number of points possible.
A90% - 100%
B80% - 89%
C70% - 79%
D60% - 69%
Homework: Homework will be assigned frequently and collected for a grade. Late assignments will not be accepted. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get missed assignments and notes. You have 1 day to make up any missing work from your absence.
Tests & Quizzes:Periodic quizzes and tests will be given. There will be advanced notification of tests, however not all quizzes will be announced ahead of time.
Final Exam: Your final exam will consist of writing a children’s story in Spanish and reading it to younger students.
Projects:Projects will be done both in and out of class. They will range in value from 10 to 100 points depending upon the nature of the project. Occasional group projects will be assigned.
Participation: Students will receive 5 points daily for participation. Points will be deducted for failure to come to class prepared, failure to follow directions, disrupting class, etc.
PARENT/GUARDIANYour son/daughter is about to embark on a year of Spanish. It will be an exciting year as your son/daughter begins to develop another language. In order for your child to be successful in Spanish it is going to take practice, both in and out of the classroom. Please encourage your child to share what they are learning in Spanish with you.
If you should have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. I can be contacted before school and after school until 3 p.m. by calling 745-4683. You may also e-mail me at .
I am looking forward to a great Spanish year!
Mrs. DeVos
¡Buenas Suerte!