What is the World Like for Other People? Name: ______

Refraction Worksheet Date: ______

You should have a beaker partially filled with water on your table and a pencil. Put a pencil into the water with the eraser end sticking out of the water and in the direction of 0 degrees.

What is the World Like for Other People? Name: ______

Vision Worksheet Date: ______

Dot Numbers

Did You See Any Numbers? If so, which ones?

Dot Figures

Do you see any of the figures in the dot collection? If so, which ones?

Spatial Neglect Patients

Describe briefly in your own words what seems to be happening to the spatial neglect patients that accounts for their odd performance on these tests…

McGurk Effect

What sounds does the man appear to be saying when you are watching him talk?

What sounds did the man appear to be saying when you had your eyes closed?

Essay HW question:

How can it be that a person who is telling the truth when they say they cannot “see” anything at all can perform better than someone just guessing on a purely visual test?

What does it tell us about the role the brain plays in perception?