Frequently Asked Questions
Student Parent and Carers Fund
What is the Student Parent and Carers Fund?
The Student Parent and Carers Fund is a limited fund which is in place to support eligible student parents and carers who are experiencing financial barriers to participate and to remain in study with ARU.
Who is eligible for the Student Parent and Carers Fund?
Students must satisfy all of the following:
HEFCE countable home / EU students paying the £9,000 fee or part time equivalent.
Core Anglia Ruskin University students (must not be studying at one of our partner institutions).
Undergraduate, Home / EU students including NHS bursaries funded.
Students who have taken all available funding.
Have applied for all benefits they are entitled to.
Those who are able to show that they have applied for all relevant sources of funding, benefits and attempted to find other means of supporting themselves.
Those from low-income families (with a household income of £25,000 or below).
Those who are parents or a recognised carers.
The following categories of students are not eligible to apply for the student parent and carers fund:
- Students who are studying at our partner institutions.
- Students who’s courses are sponsored by an employer.
- International students.
- Postgraduate students.
- Distance learners.
When can I apply for Student Parent and Carers Fund?
You can apply from 1 October 2016 - 30 April 2017. Students who meet the eligibility criteria should apply as soon as they are facing financial barriers in order that their application can be processed in a timely manner to assist with their situation.
Is there a deadline?
Yes, 30 April 2017. However, it is important to note that the Student Parent and Carers Fund is limited and offered to assist students with financial barriers. This is subject to the availability of funds and we will reserve the right to bring forward the deadline of 30 April.
Do I need to submit evidence with the application form?
Those applying for the Student Parent and Carers Fund must provide supporting evidence including proof of household income, evidence that they are a parent/carer, funding notification and evidence of financial barriers related to their situation such as child care costs.
How do I know if my application is successful?
Once your application has been assessed, you will be informed of the outcome of your application within 15 working days by email. This will explain if your application is successful or unsuccessful and how youraward will be paid.
How do you assess my application?
Each application will be individually assessed. We take into account your household income and expenditure. If successful, you will be awarded a contribution to assist with your financial difficulties.
What support will I receive?
The amount of support you receive will be specific to your needs and the claim you have submitted. The maximum amount of award is £300.
How and when will I receive my payment?
Successful applicants will be paid by BACS payment (money direct to students' bank account). Your payment will take up to 10 days from the date you have been informed of the outcome of your application.
Please ensure up to date bank details are entered on e-vision otherwise we will be unable to make a payment.
Can I apply more than once in the same academic year?
No, however if your circumstances don’t improve, you have unexpected expenditure and haven't received the maximum amount out of this fund, then you may ask for your application to be reassessed taking into account the new change of circumstances.
My circumstances have changed who do I inform?
You are required to informthe Student Money Advice service of any changes incircumstances that may affect the outcome and eligibility for funding. Furtherevidence may be required to reassess your application for a higher level ofassistance. Failure to inform us of changes in circumstance may make youliable for the cost of any funding already received.
Do I need to inform anyone else?
Depending on your circumstances you may be required to inform the Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) of any funding you receive from the Student Parent and Carers Fund and various other support funds. From the University's point of view any Fund award is a one off payment that is classed as a study related cost to assist with remaining in study.
What should I do if I am not happy with the outcome of my application?
You can appeal against the decision that has been made in relation to your application by writing to the Advice Services Manager
My question is unanswered above, what do I do?
Please contact the Student Money Advice Services by emailing
My Student Parent and Carers Fund application was declined, what budgeting help can I receive?
The Student Money Advice Service offers free 1-2-1 budgeting sessions to help you take control of your money and enable you to pay the essentials and enjoy your time at university as well! We will check you’re receiving your full entitlement of benefits and funding, discuss ways to make your money work harder, ways to save money and other sources of income. You can book a session by calling 01245 68 6700 or emailing
Where do I go for Money Advice?
We offer drop in sessions for quick queries, bookable appointments for more complex/lengthierenquiries, advice via email and telephone advice.
We can liaise with external partners such as the NHS Student Bursaries and Student Finance England to help resolve any issues you may have. We may need you to give permission to the relevant bodies for them to speak to us.
Further help and advice is available on our website
Student Parent and Carers FundFAQs- V2 SMAS
Produced/Modified 05.10.16,
Due for review 01.09.17
Advice Services Manager