What is the normal age for development of axillary and pubic hair?
What is the average US age for onset of menses?
Review the phases of the menstrual cycle and the associated hormones.
What is the “normal” menstrual interval? Length?
Review terminology for abnormal bleeding patterns.
How do hormonal contraceptives affect the menstrual cycle?
What is the difference between primary and secondary amenorrhea?
What are the risks associated with long-term amenorrhea?
What is PCOS?
What are typical signs/symptoms of PCOS?
What must you always rule out in a female pt with acute pelvic/abdominal pain?
What is the difference between primary and secondary dysmenorrhea?
What is the most common cause of secondary dysmenorrhea?
What are the most common causes of pelvic masses?
Of these, which is the most common malignancy?
What is normal vaginal pH?
What are the most common causes of abnormal vaginal discharge?
What are the primary infectious agents in mucopurulent cervicitis?
What are the risks associated with untreated MPC?
What is the most contagious sexually transmitted infection/infestation?
What virus is associated with genital warts?
When is herpes contagious?
What are the symptoms of Toxic Shock Syndrome?
What are the most common cancers for US women? the most deadly?
What does the Pap exam screen for?
What vitamin deficiency is commonly associated with cervical dysplasia?
Infection with what virus is commonly associated with cervical dysplasia?
Endometrial cancer is typically seen in what population?
What is the “red flag” symptom for endometrial cancer?
What symptoms can be included Pre-Menstrual Syndrome?
What are the recognized subtypes of PMS?
During what phase of the menstrual cycle do PMS symptoms occur?
What is the most commonly attributed underlying cause of PMS?
Which nutrients are most helpful in relieving PMS symptoms?
What are some strategies for correcting/relieving chronic fatigue syndrome?
What are the most common sexual reasons for patients to seek medical help?
Arousal - controlled by which branch of the autonomic nervous system?
Orgasm - controlled by which branch of the ANS?
What is vaginismus?
What is the definition of menopause?
What common physical (uro-genital) changes are associated with menopause?
What common vasomotor symptoms are associated with menopause?
What are Kegel exercises?
What symptoms may indicate that a UTI has progressed to a kidney infection?
Name some ways to decrease risk of UTI.
Name some factors in decreasing osteoporosis risk/development/progression.