ELMO Pre-dissertation Graduate Funding Application

What is the IDN ELMO-related Graduate Funding?

ELMO is The Carter Center’sopen-source ELectionMOnitoringdata collection and reporting system, specifically designed for low-infrastructure environments. Equippedwith ELMO, observers can submit data – via tablets (utilizingOpen Data Kit), SMS, or directly online – in real-time to mission headquarters. ELMO’s reporting systemorganizes observer findings, and is relied upon by The Carter Center missions around the globe to analyze data and to assess elections as well as broader political processes.ELMO is not limited to election observation; it can be used for research in any field of study including conflict, human rights, and health in developing nations to facilitate data collection, analysis, communication, and reporting. For more information about ELMO see http://getelmo.org/. The ELMO Initiative is a partnership between the Institute for Developing Nations, Emory’s LaneyGraduate School, and The Carter Center’s Democracy Program to make ELMO available to students,faculty, and staff at Emory. Doctoral students who wish to use ELMO for pre-dissertation fieldwork in developing countries may apply for IDN funding.

Priority will be given to projects related to: health systems capacity building; neglected tropical diseases; mental health; human rights; democracy and peacebuilding; conflict resolution; and/or a geographic locations in: China, Latin America, and Sub-Saharan Africa. Awards range from $2,000 - $3,500 depending on the kind of opportunity involved (short-term vs. summer, location of field work). IDN grants may be combined with other Emory funding as long as total Emory funding does not exceed $5,000. Students may use IDN funds toward the cost of international airfare, housing, food, local transportation, visas and vaccinations. Students may receive funding from IDN only one time. Students conducting research that requires IRB approval must receive approval before beginning their project.

The application deadline is February 1, 2018 for summer experiences; applications for short-term learning opportunities must be received no later than three weeks prior to the proposed departure date. Applicants for summer funding are required to attend the Global Health Institute course focusing on cultural sensitivity, health, and safety issues before working abroad (www.globalhealth.emory.edu).


·  Doctoral students in the Laney Graduate School with a minimum GPA of 3.0

·  Would like to use ELMO in their pre-dissertation field research

·  Applicants must be pre-registered and enrolled at Emory for the semester following field experience

·  Applicants must have prior research experience/appropriate coursework and/or have participated in a relevant independent project

·  Proficiency in the project country's primary language is preferred, but not required

Requirements for pre-dissertation fieldwork using ELMO

·  Participate in GlobalFieldLab Working Group before and after fieldwork prior to your trip

·  Research report outlining topic, methodology and findings for IDN/The Carter Center, upon your return

·  Short description of project, methodology and results (300-400 words) suitable for publication on IDN website (this can be sent after once your return)

·  At least two high resolution, work-related photographs from your research possibly with you in the picture

·  Doctoral students are also eligible to use LGS Professional Development support funds for pre-dissertation fieldwork but must adhere to the PDS guidelines, procedures, rules and regulations (http://gs.emory.edu/professional-development/pds/index.html

·  Students are required to register with ISOS (in some countries ISOS requires additional coverage)

Application Components for The pre-dissertation fieldwork using ELMO

1.  Application coversheet (see the last page of this document)

2.  One page description summary of your research and how you will be using ELMO

3.  Budget

i.  Provide line items for the following (please be very specific):

1.  International travel costs

2.  In-country costs

3.  Source of additional funding (if any)

4.  A letter of support from a faculty mentor addressing the academic preparation you bring to the experience, your ability to work effectively in the specific location and how this experience will contribute to your educational goals.

5.  Current resume or CV

Evaluation Criteria
Each application will be evaluated by a review committee based on the following criteria:

·  Quality and feasibility of the application

·  Commitment as indicated by a well-thought-out plan and arrangements to obtain additional funds to support the experience

·  Faculty recommendation

If you have any questions, please contact Obse Ababiya at .

IDN Graduate Student Learning Application Coversheet

ELMO-related Graduate Funding – Pre-dissertation Funding

Biographical Information

Last name:

First name:

Current mailing address:


Telephone number:

Emergency Contact 1:



Telephone number:



Emergency Contact 2:



Telephone number:



Institutional Information




Advisor email:

Current GPA:

Expected Graduation Date:

Are you pre-registered for courses next semester? Yes No

Please provide advising document with following semester’s course schedule.

Will you be using this experience to fulfill a practicum requirement? Yes No

Please submit the entire application to Obse Ababiya at .

Good luck!

Emory ELMO Pre-dissertation Funding Application 2017-2018 1