The School Board of Polk County

Greenhouse Project

What is the Greenhouse Project?

The Greenhouse Project is a tuition-reimbursement program that wasdesigned for full-time non-instructional active employeesinterested in pursuinganeducation degree.

How can I take advantage of this opportunity?

  1. Read the Greenhouse Project Terms and Conditions.
  2. Complete a Greenhouse Project Applicationand return it to the Human Resource Services (HRS)/Office of Recruiting ROUTE E.
  3. Apply to anaccredited college of your choice.

Important Note: There are a number of institutions and/or university programs that althoughaccredited, are not approved for reimbursement through the Greenhouse Project. These include, but are not limited to; The University of Phoenix, Grand Canyon University’s Educational Studies Program, and Warner Southern College’s Educational Studies Program.

These programs do notcurrently yield a five-year Florida Professional Certificate and therefore do not qualify for reimbursement.

  1. Apply for a Pell Grant (FAFSA) by visiting
  2. The financial aid advisors at the college can assist you with this application.
  3. If you apply on-line, you will learn immediately whether you qualify for a Pell Grant.
  4. If you qualify for a full Pell Grant, use the grant to pay your tuition.
  5. If you do not qualify for a grant, send a copy of the non-funding letter to the Office of Recruiting for your file. This will verify that you qualify for tuition reimbursement.
  6. You must complete a new financial aid application every school year.
  7. See an academic advisor to determine your course of study. Take anofficialhigh school transcriptand an official college transcript (if applicable) with you to your appointment.
  8. Register for yourclass/esand purchase your textbooks.
  9. You will need to prepayin the event you are denied funds.
  10. Ask for separate receipts for each class, so that if you withdraw from a class, the exact reimbursable amount will be clear.
  11. Current reimbursement rates are: 100% of the tuition and lab fee costs at the state university rate, and 50% of the textbook costs!
  12. Take the class/espassing with a minimum of “C” grade.
  13. At the end of the semester(and after grades have posted), submitALL of the following within 30 calendar days of the posting of gradesto the Office of Recruiting:
  14. appropriate tuition reimbursement form
  15. copy of your paid tuition receipts
  16. itemized textbook receiptand
  17. official grades.

Polk County School Board

Greenhouse Project Application- Page 1

Background Information:
Today’s Date: / SAP#: / Work Location:
Last Name: / First:
Home Address: / City: / Zip:
Phone #: / Position:
Duty Hours: from ____ to ____ / Initial date of hire with Polk County School Board:
Number of years (counting this one) employed with Polk County School Board: ______
How did you hear about the Greenhouse Project (i.e., website, friend, etc.)?
Educational Status:
GED: yes no / If yes, year obtained:
High School Attended: / Yr. of graduation:
AS degree: (specify area) / Yr. obtained:
AA degree: (specify area) / Yr. obtained:
Please list the last school/college you attended as a student:
What area of teaching are you interested in pursuing? (Check all that apply.)
Elementary Education / Physical Education (PE)
Primary Education (Pre K – Kindergarten) / Guidance Media
Middle School (list subject) / High School (list subject)
Exceptional Student Education (list area) / Other

Please send this completed form by courier to:

HRS/Office of Recruiting


Greenhouse Project Application

Verification of Enrollment- Page 2

Today's Date: / SAP#:
Last Name: / First:
Work Location: / Position:
Home Address: / City: / Zip:
Phone: / Alternate email address:

Once this form is complete and the additional documents obtained, send all by courier to HRS/Recruiting, Route E.

Enrollment documentation:(This section must be completed by a college official.)

I verify that this applicant has applied and been accepted to the college/university, and may begin taking classes on a part/full timebasisin a degree-seeking program for a degree from the College ofEducation that will yield a State of Florida 5 yr. Professional Teaching Certificate upon graduation.


Signature of College Official/ Date TitleName of College

A copy of the paid enrollmentmust be forwarded by the employee to the Office of Recruiting Documents must be received by Office of Recruiting in order for reimbursement to occur.

Financial Aid Application documentation:(This section must be read and completed by the employee.)

Important Note:Each school year, the employeemust provide an up-to-date letter stating his/her eligibility/ineligibility for a Pell Grant. Applying on-line ensures that the employeewill receive an immediate response, which he/she should print andsubmit a copy to the Office of Recruiting.

  • Once the qualification status has been determined, the employeemust include a copy of the statement of funding status indicating whether funding was obtained and, if so, the amount.
  • If the employee chooses to apply for any other grant funding, a copy of that statement is also requested.

Please √all applicable items.

□I have attached the required documentation reflecting my funding status and the specified amount.

□I have attached a copy of additional grant funding for which I have applied.

Greenhouse Project Terms and Conditions- Page 3

Alternate email address: / SAP#:
Last Name: / First:
Work Location: / Position:
Home Address: / City: / Zip:

A non-instructional employee must meet the followingterms and conditions in order to access the Greenhouse Program.

  1. Non-instructional employees must be currently employed by Polk County School Board.
  2. Non-instructional employees must apply for the Greenhouse Project by completing the Greenhouse Project Application and submitting it to theHuman Resource Services/Office of Recruiting,Rte E.
  3. Non-instructional employees must enroll in an institution of higher education.
  4. A copy of the enrollment documents must be sent to Office of Recruiting for reimbursement of the enrollment fee.
  5. The completed Verification of EnrollmentFormmust be sent to the Office of Recruiting.
  6. Reimbursement of tuition does not imply District responsibility for program availability or completion.

Important Note:This program will not cover classes taken (in the past) or those in process.

  1. Non-instructional employeesmust applyevery school year for a Pell Grant and/or other funding opportunitiesby completing and submitting a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Important Note: If funding is obtained, that funding will pay for the college costs rather than the School Board’s tuition reimbursement program.

  1. Whether or not funding is secured through a Pell or other grant, the non-instructional employee must sendacopy of the statement of Pell Grant eligibility (updated every school year)to the HRS/Office of Recruiting.
  2. Non-instructional employeesmust register for a class (es), purchase the textbook(s), and pass with a minimum of “C” or “pass” (if a pass/ failsystem is used).
  3. Once the class is completed, the employee must send a copy of the tuition receipt, reimbursable at state university rate, lab fee receipt, textbook receipt, and grade report to the Office of Recruiting for reimbursement of 100% of the tuition at the state university rate (as appropriate) and 50% of the textbook cost.
  4. This process is to be repeated each term for the duration of the degree program. Documentation is due to the Office of Recruiting within 30 calendar days of the posting of grades each term.

Important Note: This tuition and book reimbursement program does not apply to remedial courses.

  1. Non-instructional employees agree to a commitment of one-half year of employment as described in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). Please refer to page 6 of this packet for an details regarding credit-hour equivalents and information regarding time reimbursement credit.
  2. If the non-instructional employee is not offered an appropriate position, he/she has no further obligation to the district.
  3. Non-instructional employees shall sign a Promissory Note (herein) agreeing to the above stated time reimbursement. Time reimbursement shall not exceed a maximum of three years.

I understand that Polk County School Board offers a tuition reimbursement program for current non-instructional employees, effective as of October 24, 2000. If approved I understand that I will be reimbursed at the state university rate (as appropriate) for registration fees, tuition, and lab fees as well as one-half textbook costs. Additionally, I am aware that this program will not cover classes that I am currently completing or those already taken.

I have read and understand the terms and conditions above and agree to fulfill all requirements of this program designed to assist me in becoming a teacher in Polk County Public Schools.

Employee’s Signature______Date: ______



9.3-3 The degree seeking paraeducator will be required to provide one half year of employment with the Polk County School Board as follows:

Credit Hours / Employment with PCSB
1-24 / one half year of work for the Polk County School Board
25-48 / additional one half year
49-72 / additional one half year
73-96 / additional one half year
97-120 / additional one half year
121-144 / additional one half year
  • An employee shall not receive time reimbursement credit during any semester the employee is receiving the tuition/book subsidy established in 9.3-1 or 9.3-2.
  • The paraeducator shall sign a promissory note agreeing to the above stated time reimbursement. Time reimbursement shall not exceed a maximum of three years.
  • Employees that must take an Educational Leave to complete their requirements for graduation/certification, (i.e. internship, student teaching) must complete the educational leave form and indicate their participation in the Greenhouse Project, internship, or student teaching for their health benefits to be maintained during this period. If the employee is not offered an appropriate position, the employee owes no further obligation to the District.
  • Reimbursement of tuition does not imply District responsibility for program availability or completion.

Office of Recruiting 10/09/2018