What is the Episcopal Youth Event?
The Episcopal Youth Event, (E.Y.E.), is intended to serve as a celebration to inspire a deeper faith in Jesus Christ, and a renewed commitment to mission and ministry. It is the second largest event in the EpiscopalChurch and the single largest youth event in the Episcopal Church, typically attended by some 1500 young people, adult sponsors, bishops, staff and resource people.E.Y.E. is a triennial event (held once every three years) as mandated by General Convention of the Episcopal Church.
E.Y.E. is jam packed with fun and excitement! It is an opportunity to meet other youth from all over theworld and experience the church on a global level. Participants are lodged in the host facility's dorms andeat meals at the campus dining facilities. The event community gathers regularly as a large group for worship,program, music and media. Participants also meet daily in an ongoing small groups. A variety or otheractivities such as carnivals, forums, workshops, sports/recreation and free time help round out the schedule.
How Will Diocese of Southwest Florida’s Delegation Be Chosen?
Young people who are currently in grades 9-12 in the 2016-2017 school year are invited to apply toparticipate in E.Y.E. 2017 as a member of the Diocese of Southwest Florida’s delegation. Those who arecurrently in 10th – 12th grades may receive priority consideration as they will not be eligible to attend in 2020.
A limited number of youth will be selected to attend. We will strive to build a delegationthat represents our diocese in terms of geography, demographics as well as race, ethnicity and socioeconomicbackground.
Applicants should be REGULAR participants in the life and worship of their congregation. Arecommendation from the Rector, Sr. Warden, or Youth Leader of each applicant’s congregation is also required.
We also encourage participants to take part in Leadership Week at DaySpring Summer Camp, June
Upon selection, youth delegates will be required to attend a mandatory meeting as well as pay $500.00 to cover the cost of travel.
For more information please contact: John Palarine e-mail:
Complete applications and $100 depositneed to be submitted by January 31st to:
Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida
Attention: Fr. John Palarine
8005 25th St. E.
Parrish, FL 34219
Fax: 941-556-0321
Episcopal Youth Event Application
Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida
Applications and $100 deposit are due by January 31st, 2017
(Deposits will be held until delegation is selected and returned if applicant is not selected)
Full Name (as it appears on Government ID):______
Name for nametag:______Gender (Circle One): Male or Female
Mailing Address:______
Parent/Guardian’s Name:______E-mail: ______
Home Phone #:______Parent/Guardians Cell Phone #:______
Applicant’s Cell Phone #:______Applicant’s E-mail Address: ______
Parish: ______City:______
Birth Date:______Grade completed in June 2017:______
Please describe your experience with the Episcopal Church and how you will represent the Diocese at EYE.
Please have your Youth Leader or Clergy leader at your parish fill out the following:
Do you recommend this youth to represent the Diocese at the Episcopal Youth Event? ______
Does this youth actively participate in worship and in parish life? ______
Please describe why you recommend this youth to represent the Diocese at EYE______
Printed Name:______Signed:______Position at Parish:______
Covenant Agreement for EYE
I understand if I’m chosen to represent Diocese of Southwest Florida at E.Y.E., I will be expected to conductmyself in accordance with the community covenant below.
I understand that if I fail to abide by thecovenant, immediate transportation home will be arranged for me at my parent(s)’s expense.
Additionalexpectations may be communicated yet from the national design team for E.Y.E.
If selected, I agree to:
□Respect the dignity of every human being.
□Respect the property into which we have been invited and the property of others.
□Fully participate in all scheduled activities.
□Get adequate rest and honor quiet hours set by my host and/or diocesan adult leaders.
□Not possess or use illegal drugs or alcohol. Not use tobacco products of any kind.
□Turn in any medications, prescribed or over-the-counter, to be held and dispensed by an adult.
□Not participate in inappropriate sexual behavior.
□Participate in all diocesan delegation gatherings prior to E.Y.E., during E.Y.E. and following E.Y.E.
□Abide by any additional community norms developed by our delegation upon consensus.
□Make sure I am at mandatory diocesan meetings including breakfast daily.
Applicant Agreement
I understand that if I am chosen to go to E.Y.E., I must abide by the Community Covenant outlined above and by any additional rules and expectations communicated by the National E.Y.E. Design Team. I understand that I will be expected to attend Pre-E.Y.E. orientation gatherings throughout the year. I will do my best to share my experiences at E.Y.E. with my congregation and our diocesan community as opportunities arise.
Applicant’s Signature:______Date:______
Parent/Guardian Consent Agreement
I give my permission for my child to apply to attend the EpiscopalYouth Event July 10-14, 2017 at the University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond, OK. I understand that orientationgatherings are planned and attendance is expected for all Southwest Florida E.Y.E. participants.
I understand the cost to me for Episcopal Youth Event is $500.00. A $100 deposit is due with the application by January 31st, 2017 with the remaining balance of $400 no later than May 15, 2017.
I understand that should my child be chosen for the 2017 EYE delegation, they will be flying to Oklahoma City and I am responsible for providing them transportation to and from the airport and that I will informed of all the details of the flights.
I understand that should my child break any part of the covenant of the diocese or of the EYE staff they may be sent home and I will incur the cost of their travel expenses.
I further understand that the delegates from the Diocese of Southwest Florida will be expected to share their experience withtheir congregation and with our diocesan community as opportunities for sharing arise.
Parent/Legal GuardianSignature:______Date______