Customise the Ashridge Inventory of Management Skills for your organisation
The Ashridge Inventory of Management Skills (AIMS) is a database of managerial competences and behaviours developed into a 360° questionnaire. AIMS is used extensively on Ashridge’s open and tailored programmes. Each questionnaire is tailored to the specific subject areas covered during the programme enabling participants to identify their strengths and development needs and concentrate on their future development.
AIMS can also be tailored to meet the needs of an individual organisation. This can be done in one of three ways:
- Choosing competences and behaviours already identified by Ashridge.
- Developing a questionnaire using an organisation’s existing competence model.
- Working with an organisation to develop a competence model to use in the questionnaire.
The online website and the final reports can be branded to show the organisations logo and company name as part of this tailoring exercise.
How is the questionnaire constructed?
- Each questionnaire contains up to 100 behaviours, although it is more usually in the range of 60-90.
- The behaviours feed into a maximum of 20 competences with usually five behaviours per competence.
- Each competence is given a rating which forms part of the feedback.
Who completes the questionnaire?
- The individual.
- Their line managers/bosses.
- A minimum of two peers.
- A minimum of two direct reports/subordinates.
What is the result?
- The responses to the questionnaire are computer analysed and a personalised report is produced.
- One-to-one feedback with a trained professional to help the participant and the organisation get the most out of the development initiative.
- An individual development plan which may incorporate executive development programmes and learning guides.
- If required, a competency norm or average for the group can be prepared.
How is the questionnaire completed?
The questionnaire is completed online and participants will need to have an email address and access to the internet to do this. Participants are sent a weblink, a username and a unique password by Ashridge. They use these details to enter the website and complete their own questionnaire online, they also nominate their respondents who in turn receive a weblink, user name and unique passwords for themselves. Ashridge will deal with all the administration, the sending out of the participant questionnaires, chasing outstanding respondents and preparing, printing and binding the participant reports which are then sent to the approved feedback giver.
How is the report fed back to the individual?
At Ashridge we believe that everyone who completes a 360° questionnaire should be given the opportunity to receive feedback from a trained professional. Indeed, we would not supply questionnaires if feedback was not part of the process. This can be approached in two ways:
- Feedback provided by Ashridge.
- Or if requested, Ashridge can train individuals in your organisation to give feedback.
How do individuals in my organisation become trained to give the feedback?
Ashridge can train individuals in your organisation to give feedback on the AIMS reports. The session takes 3-4 hours depending on the experience of the staff being trained. It is recommended that the staff trained are BPS Level A and B qualified and used to giving feedback in one-to-one and group situations.
The session will work through all aspects of the report, working on case studies to identify key areas for feedback. Each participant will receive a manual containing sample slides, copies of questionnaires and reports and feedback tips to use for future feedback sessions.
Development Charges:£2,750 per day
Guidelines for Development Time:
- To design a version using an existing AIMS version, referencing the client, allowing the inclusion of logos and tailoring of respondent headings e.g. Line Manager rather than Boss, Direct Report rather than Subordinate - £650 development charge
- To take an existing version and make changes, i.e. remove some competences and replace with others – 0.5 days development
- To design a version picking all Competences and Behaviours from the Ashridge AIMS database – 1 days development
- To design a version using a Client’s existing Competences and Behaviours – 1.5 days development
- To design a version using Competences and Behaviours created in consultation with the Client - minimum 2 days development
Questionnaire Charges:
- Self Only£65.00 per person
- Self + Boss(es)£100.00 per person
Qualitative option in addition£10 per person
- Self + up to 12 respondents (Mgrs/Peers/5 reports)£125 per person
Qualitative option in addition£45 per person
There is no licence or yearly fee for the AIMS questionnaire administration. All charges are subject to VAT.
Feedback to participants
Ashridge can arrange for qualified feedback givers to carry out group and/or one to one feedback sessions with your individuals either at your organisation or at a venue organised by yourselves. We would recommend 5 or 6 one hour one to one sessions in one day, each session lasting approximately one hour. Individuals will receive a copy of their report together with a self managed development workbook to future their development back in the organisation. Feedback is charged at £2,750 + VAT per day plus travel and accommodation expenses.
Familiarisation Training:
Ashridge can train individuals in your organisation to give feedback on the AIMS reports. The session takes 3-4 hours depending on the experience of the staff being trained. It is recommended that the staff trained are BPS Level A and B qualified but this is not essential.
The session will work through all aspects of the report, working on case studies to identify key areas for feedback. Each participant will receive a manual containing sample slides, copies of questionnaires and reports and feedback tips to use for future feedback sessions.
The charge for a small group familiarisation session (upto 8 participants) would be £1,375 + VAT plus expenses.
For more details on how the AIMS questionnaire can work for your organisation please contact Karen Moyle on +44 (0)1442 841030.
Hertfordshire HP4 1NS
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)1442 843491
Facsimile: +44 (0)1442 841209
Registered as Ashridge (Bonar Law Memorial) Trust
Charity number 311096