Parish social ministry is the way that parishes organize to facilitate the exercise of social charity, to show the love of God to poor, vulnerable and suffering people and to support the faithful in embodying this love in their everyday lives.
What is Parishes in Action?
Parishes in Action is a collaboration of CRS, JustFaith and the diocese. The program seeks to re-energize, integrate, expand and support parish social ministry in the Diocese of Oakland.
The vision of Parishes in Action is based on the U.S. Bishops’ Document, Communities of Salt and Light which seeks to“Buildlocal communities of faith…where social ministry is integral, not optional; where it is the work of every believer, not just the mission of a few committed people and committees.” / Parishes in Action a Collaboration of
the Diocese of Oakland, Catholic Relief Services and JustFaith of the EastBay
To learn more about Parishes in Action visit
Staff Directory
John Watkins
Life and Justice Coordinator
/ Meg Bowerman
JustFaith Bay Area Coordinator
Dave McKeown
Social Ministry Outreach Coordinator
/ Christine Watkins
After the Choice Coordinator
“Effective social ministry helps the parish not only do more, but be more, more of a reflection of the gospel, more of a worshiping and evangelizing people, more of a faithful community. It is an essential part of parish life”.
*U.S. Bishops
Communities of Salt and Light
Reflections on the Social Mission of the Parish
Consultation & Support
We offer customized, on-site assistance. We can meet with designated leaders on a scheduled basis to provide training on the following key skills:
- Identify, recruit and supervise social ministry leaders in an ongoing and systematic way
- Run effective meetings – group facilitation
- Develop questionnaires and needs assessments
- Develop a written plan with goals and objectives
- Orientation to the 4 dimensions of social ministry (direct service, education, advocacy/action, and empowerment)
- Parish community and capacity building skills for a strong social ministry program
Building Your Capacity: Engaging More People in Parish Social Ministry:
The one-on-one community-building tool offers an important way to build parish strength, identify new leadership potential and increase participation in social ministry. This workshop will identify best practices in engaging people in social ministry, and will include strategies for building a ministry team and using the one-on-one process.
Leadership Skills for Parish Social Ministry:
Participants will have the opportunity to share best practices and review committee management basics, such as meeting facilitation, shared prayer, servant leadership skills, and an introduction to the one-on-one process.
Integrating Social Ministry into Parish Life:
Social ministry is an integral part of the entire parish. This workshop will help participants identify and build on their strengths. Using an integration assessment tool, participants will create a plan with action steps.
/ Formation Programs
The Social Ministry Certificate Program is a six week twenty hour program offered by theSchool for Pastoral Ministry Programfor Social Justice Ministers, JustFaith Grads, Catechists, Catholic School teachers, Master Catechists and other adults seeking ongoing formation in their Catholic faith.
JustFaith Ministries offers extended programs that provide opportunities for individuals to study and be formed by the justice tradition articulated by the Scriptures, the Church's historical witness,and Church social teaching. These programs include:
- JustFaith is a 30-week process that empowers participants to develop a passion for justice, and prepares them for the work of social ministry.
- JusticeWalking is a 12 session process that engages youth in a spiritual journey and exploration of the radical call of the Gospel.
- JustMattersis an 8-week process that allows participants to focus on a particular current social justice topic.
- Engaging Spirituality is a faith sharing program for contemplative-prophetic living today.