Dear PI Community,

The Grants Accounting Updates as of January26th, 2018 are as follows:

Workday Effort Certification

The fall effort certification has been released and the due date is Friday, February 2, 2018.

Federal regulations require charges to Federal awards for salaries and wages to be reasonable in relation to the work performed. Such charges must be documented in records that meet the standards of documentation set forth in the regulations, and must reflect a system of internal controls that ensure the charges are accurate, allowable, and properly allocated.

What is Effort Reporting and why do we do it?

Effort reporting is the process by which a faculty member or PI confirms that the percentage of salary charged to a sponsored project is reasonable in relation to the percentage of the total effort expended on that project.

Effort reporting is required to document the salaries that are funded by sponsored projects. Rather than researchers and PIs maintaining time sheets or logs, effort reporting requires individuals (or their PIs) to confirm once each quarter. Although such documentation is a requirement for federal funding, many private funders have adopted similar requirements. University policy requires effort certification on all sponsored projects, regardless of the funder.

University has deployed the web-based system, Workday, to serve as the tool to facilitate the effort certification and reporting process.

To access a job aid and video on the certification process go to the Grants Accounting webpage

Grant Closeouts

The grants accounting team will be making an effort to close out all expired projects. Please note that your Grant accountant may be contacting you to work through any closing reports and residual financial transactions if needed.

Federal Drawdowns

All appropriate draws will be completedfor NSF,G5, and DHHS by 1/31/2018for expenses incurred thru December 31, 2017.

Adaptive Grants Reporting

The adaptive reporting tool has been updated to include all activity through January 19, 2018. Please reach out to me if you need assistance with the Adaptive Tool.

We encourage you to provide your feedback on your experience with this useful application as user experience is needed to evaluate this tool and improve where needed.

Schedule of financial data posted to project accounts

Data from the respective systems below is posted through:

Payroll will be posted by close of business thru- January 26,2018.

(Thisdoes include currentreallocations).

Telephone Charges–December 31,2017

Postage–December 31,2017

P-Card – December 31, 2017

You should note that all postings are contingent upon the data files being correct and complete. If there are any data errors or omissions, this may delay the actual posting.

Thank you for your support!


Lillian Nash