Maryland Agriculture Resource Council

Board Meeting, August 20, 2014


Board Members Attending:Board Members Absent:

Dick Watson, PresidentKevin Atticks

Julia Jitkoff, Vice presidentDan Colhoun III

Keith Wills, TreasurerBruce Fenwick

Joan NormanHenry Holloway

Greg DavisZach Rose

Josh PonsJohn Stump

George Mayo

Gail Ensor

Michael Harrison

John Sullivan

Kate Joyce


Bronwyn Mitchell, Program Director

Amanda Mainello, MARC intern

Dick Watson, MARC president, called the meeting to order at 8:30 am.

The Farm Committee Report was added to the agenda.

Julia Jitkoff read the minutes from the June 18, 2014 Board meeting.

Motion: to approve the minutes made by Julia Jitkoff.

Seconded by George Mayo.

Action: Minutes approved unanimous.

Volunteer Programs and Volunteer Recruitment Report: Amanda Maniello described other community contacts such as with Pearlstone and lists of volunteers for various program activities. Amanda has prepared a volunteer bank which can be accessed for future events requiring volunteers.

Treasurers Report: Keith Wills distributed financial reports (Projected Cashflow, Balance Sheet, Previous Year Comparisons, and Profit and Loss). He suggested MARC watch monthly expenditures and consider sustainability.

  • Projected Cash flow: crop revenue anticipated but prices lower than last year, sustainability of contributions discussed, need to seek contributions from wider scope of interested people, charter membership $44,000 total over 3-5 years pledged and charter membership not closed, figures on cash flow are based on real money January to July 2014, future months August to December are projected
  • Profit and Loss: biggest difference from prior year is absence of salary for executive director,

direct public support difference because Shindig not done in year 2013, Arena funds not shown because they are restricted

  • Balance Sheet: net income better than last year, separation and identification of restricted accounts, most incoming money for Arena, fundraising expensive reflective of Shindig. Dick Watson reported income from LocaPour event (July 11, 2014) co-partnered with the Maryland Wine Association. Revenue $6,410.06, expenses $5,000, 50/50 split yielded $371 to MARC. Dick suggested we consider expected income, as well as, PR benefit before agreeing to do shared events in future. Expense vs. income ratio.
  • Keith will work with Bronwyn and the Audit Committee to clarify restricted and regular funds and efficient bookkeeping for records. Records to be kept separately for Arena donations which will be returned if the Arena is not built.

Motion: Greg Davis made the motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented.

Seconded by Kate Joyce.

Action: Motion approved unanimous.

Governance Committee: The Committee recommended to the Executive Committee two new Board candidates: John Hawks, and Ned Grassi. Their resumes were presented to the Executive Committee on August 7, 2014 and approved unanimous.

Motion: George Mayo recommended the Board approve the identified two new Board members.

Seconded by Josh Pons.

Action: Motion approved unanimous.

Alice Chalmers has resigned as secretary and is now living in Cincinnati, Ohio, thus a vacancy in the secretary position.

Motion: Julia Jitkoff made the motion to approve Gail Ensor as temporary secretary of MARC.
Seconded: George Mayo

Action: Motion approved unanimous.

Agriculture Arena: Dick Watson led discussion and update on progress of the Arena. He has received a letter from the Farm Bureau confirming their agreement to match funds up to $200,000 with the MARC match along with naming rights. An organizational chart has been drawn to indicate separate responsibilities of various people in this endeavor: fundraising, planning and operations, and design.

Board members discussed the need for an agreement with the County regarding the joint support from the County for the Arena and MARC. It was suggested that the Board initiate a letter to Mr. FredHolman and the County underscoring MARC’s initiative, commitment and fiduciary responsibilities for the Arena and include what the County will do. It was suggested that the letter be drafted and approved by the executive committee. The letter is to be drafted by Dick Watson, president.

The Board discussed the advantage of having an architect guide us in site planning and design of the Arena and interaction with county architects.

Motion: George Mayo made the motion that the Board contract with the architect, Mr. Henry Warfield as recommended by the planning committee for a site plan and drawings at cost up to $10,000 to be ready by September 10, 2014.

Seconded by Keith Wills

Action: Motion approved unanimous.

Program Director Report: Bronwyn Mitchell described the success of farm camp, 22 kids between ages 8 – 12, 4 counselors and 2 directors from 4-H, Extension Service. Cost for camp was $250 per child, $25/child went to 4-H. $50 donations to Rabbit and Goat clubs each for bringing animals. Gross income, expenses, and net to be compiled by Bronwyn. Written evaluations are being prepared and those returned are very positive. The action and hands-on agriculture activities were valuable to children. Final report will be presented at next Board meeting.

Bronwyn announced upcoming educational and outreach programs.

1)The second annual Teachers night on the Farm, October 16, 2014

2)The Camp Out on the Farm night on October 4, 2014.

3)Baltimore County public school art teachers workshop October 4, 2014 with Michael Kirby

4)Art Agstravaganza on October 11, 2014—art show, national chalk artist with food trucks

5)Continuing educational activity. The scavenger hunt flyer has been useful to move children and parents to various areas on the farm as a self guided tour. Children are enthusiastic about finding and identifying plants and animals. Copies will be placed at the Kiosk when the information panel is installed.

Farm Committee Report: Gail Ensor distributeda report of work completed: corn, soybeans and sun flowers planted, electric deer protection fence installed, mowing, haying cutting. The Extension Rotational Grazing Project plans and funding are near completion, work may begin Fall 2014. The Maryland Department of Agriculture is expected to commit funds to match Farm Bureau contribution, and Chris McCollum has indicated the County will fund wood fencing. She indicated some items for the Farm Committee to consider in future 3 to 5 year planning for crop rotation, cover crops, and recordkeeping and comparisons of yields as a project for a graduate student in agriculture. The Soil Conservation District staff has completed plans for surface water runoff and water lines. This should be incorporated in a total farm soil conservation plan to include the crop areas.

Motion: To accept Farm Committee report made by Greg Davis.

Seconded by Julia Jitkoff

Action: Motion approved unanimous.


  • Julia Jitkoff announced there will be a BBQ hosted by MARC and Peter and Barbie Horneffer on September 10. 2014 from 5:30 to 8 PM as an informational and fund raising event for the Arena. Invited guests are the leaders of the various agriculture industries in the region. The Agriculture Arena fund raising committee has planned the event to be held at site of the new Arena. Board members are urged to attend.
  • On September 17, 2014, a small group of guests are invited to Dan Colhoun, III’s home for a fund raising reception to feature the design and use of the Arena.
  • On September 13, 2014 from 5- 8:30 pm at the Ag Center the Gunpowder Conservancy will sponsor a “Heroes of the Farm” night honoring four founders of MARC, Steve Smith, Wayne McGinnis, Dan Colhoun and Jack Dillon. The cost is $65/person. MARC board members are urged to attend.

Audit Committee Report: Greg Davis presented the Audit report. The committee reviewed materials from the treasurer,Keith Wills, and coordinated the new reporting system for restricted funds with Bronwyn Mitchell. Reporting appears in order; however the committee recommends there be a review of the contract with the current firm at the end of the year to recommend changes or another contractor.

Motion: Julia Jitkoff recommended approval of the Audi Committee report.

Seconded by Keith Wills

Action: Motion approved unanimous.

The meeting adjourned at 10:25 am

Respectfully submitted: Gail Ensor, secretary