What is

CMA of Broken Sound?

CMA was formerly known as CCMA, Country Club Maintenance Association. A fictitious name change was filed in the State of Florida for the association to be called CMA, Community Maintenance Association of Broken Sound.

The association is governed by the Declaration of Maintenance Covenants, Articles of Incorporation, and By Laws dated and recorded in Palm Beach County in 1985 and also the land dedication documents filed with the City of Boca Raton.

These documents cover the following parcels lying in Sections 2 & 3, Township 47, Range 42 East, being more particularly described as so many feet east, west, south and north of many things that I would need a 100 documents to explain. So, here is the Classic Comic Book story of these documents.

We are a PUD, Planned Unit Development, also known as a Planned Development, as approved by Palm Beach County. This PUD encompasses 28 Villages, five pieces of Commercial Property, including Broken Sound Club.

The 28 Villages are the 28 Villages of Broken Sound, with the first Village on this list being the Banyans, and the last being Willow Green. These 28 Villages are all Class A members.

The five pieces of commercial property are the following generic names: McDonald/Eckerd complex at Jog and Clint Moore, the Dunkin Donut Complex at the North Gate, Coral Harbour rental community, San Marco rental community and the Broken Sound Club exclusive of the land East of Military Trail, which is the Old Boca Course. Again, the Old Boca Course is not part of the PUD, and therefore is not under the CMA governing documents. These five pieces of commercial property are called Class B Members.

The CMA Annual Budget is approximately $3,000,000. All residential property owners and the five pieces of commercial property make quarterly payments to CMA per their assessed values.

The 28 village representatives and the 5 commercial property’s representatives, each has weighted votes when voting on CMA Broken Sound matters. These weighted votes are by real estate assessed values. We have about 600 million dollars within the PUD. With one vote per $10,000 of evaluation, there are about 60,000 votes that could be cast on any issue that is brought to the membership representatives. For example, Banyans has about 5,800 votes, and Willow Green has 1,350 votes.

The CMA documents are not the same as the Club Documents. CMA documents can only be amended by a two-thirds percentage weighted vote of all representatives. The CMA Board can not amend the documents. The Board can conduct business by a majority vote, and some issues require a super majority vote.

The CMA Board has five elected members. Four of these five members are from the Class A members (the 28 Villages), and one is from the Class B Membership (the commercial property). Presently the CMA Board meets every third Thursday of every month, and village representatives receive a notification reminding them of the upcoming monthly CMA Board meeting.

Lastly, what is CMA responsibility? It can be summed up in the following few words.

The CMA of Broken Sound PUD objective is to enhance the lifestyle of ALL residents of our beautiful community and to preserve and protect the values of all our assets. The assets are the physical property, financial positions, legal standings, and image of the Broken Sound Community and to any and all items that are common to all residents and commercial properties within the PUD.

In summary, CMA documents are for the sole purpose of enhancing and maintaining the common use and enjoyment by members of Broken Sound Community.

Note: They are not part of any items that require equity membership.

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