Nehemiah 2012
What happened to Nehemyah (Nehemiah)in his day is happening to the nation of Israel right now. There are traitors in the camp! The enemy is bad enough, but Israel is being betrayed by some of their own people, and many so-called “friends”.
We love to read of Nehemiah’s adventures in rebuilding the wall around the City of David. We love to talk about the lessons in warfare to be learned from those experiences as Nehemyah came against evil men. Nehemyah wouldn’t put up with distractions from slippery slimy people and their plots to keep him from rebuilding. He put a weapon into one hand of his builders, and a building tool into the other hand. They finished that wall in 52 days because Nehemyah withstood all the “fiery darts of the wicked” and so did those who obeyed him. He stood firm in the face of opposition, for his faith was rooted in the Elohim that he knew and trusted.
He is a perfect example of what obedience to Ephesians 6:10-18 can accomplish! He was fearless. He had backbone.He stood for what was right when even his own associates not only tolerated the enemy but got in bed with them, literally. Today, if you visit the City of David, you can see parts of that wall built under the direction of Nehemyah. It was discovered/uncovered in the 1960s by Kathleen Kenyon and others with her. You can see the remains of gates also.
Because of Nehemyah’s obedience to Abba, Ezra was able to read the Torah to the people after 70 years of captivity right there in the valley below the City of David at one of the restored gates by Nehemyah and team.
But, his battles were not just from external enemies. His battle internal battle included betrayal by his own people who sided with the enemy. This betrayal is happening now as the modern nation of Israel is being put to the utmost test. Will Jews outside of Israel, and those of the House of Ephraim still scattered in the nations AMONG the gentiles, side with Israel as a nation when Israel’s enemies attack? Will those inside Israel side with Yahuweh and turn to Him for help, or have to be punished until a remnant sides with their Elohim? We’re in the days of Eliyahu, as well as the days of Noah. Will Yahuweh’s people side with Him or with the Ba’als of this world?
II Chronicles 7:14 is talking to Israel--past and present. But, unfortunately, the modern Israel is not Torah-guarding in most of its policies--they want to be like the other prosperous nations, they want to blend in and be recognized and appreciated. Knowing Yahuweh is rare among His people.
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So they are becoming weakened in trying to pacify their enemies at the dictates of those they consider to be friends. Oh the fallacy of following man – Jeremiah 17:5-9!
Nehemyah 13:1-3: When Ezra read the Torah for the first time in 70 years to the people, they wept at hearing that no Moabite or Ammonite should come into the house of Elohim, forever. [Deuteronomy 23:3-4]
So they separated from the mixed multitude within their midst. As we read in Ezra 9 and 10, we read also inNehemyah 13, that many men, including Levites, had married foreign women – pagans, heathen, strangers and foreigners to the Covenant of Yahuweh with His people. Many of the foreign women did not speak Hebrew, nor were their husband’s teaching their children Hebrew, so their children were growing up not speaking Hebrew but the tongues of their pagan cultures. Both Ezra and Nehemyah ordered them to “put away” these pagan wives and their children, and send them back to their relatives. They repented and sent them back.
Nehemyah 13:15-21: Nehemyah, governor of Judea, ordered those from Sidon (modern Tyre) to stop selling food inside the city walls on Shabbat. He ran them outside the city walls. The man set things straight, so that righteousness would prevail within the walls of His City.
What happened that links Nehemyah still further to 2011 and beyond? What lessons can we learn from what he suffered and what we will suffer if we allow compromise?
Nehemyah was a man who walked the plumbline of Abba’s will. He was a humble, kind, and gracious man, but a man with a mission, and undaunted.
Read the whole book of Nehemyah(Nehemiah) in one sitting. Let Abba’s Spirit teach you the lessons of warfare in it.
As Nehemyah stood against those who married foreign wives, he had to stand against some of the house of Levi. Nehemyah 13:28-30a: “And one of the sons of Yoyada, son of Elyashib the High Priest, was a son-in-law of Sanballat the Horonite. And I drove him from me. Remember, then, O my Elohim, because they have defiled the priesthood and the covenant of the priesthood and of the Levites. Thus I cleansed them from all that is foreign…” Nehemyah ends his book with: “Remember me, O my Elohim, for good!”
Sanballat, and those in league with him, had been a thorn in Judah’s side during the whole rebuilding of the wall. Yet, the High Priest allowed his son to marry Sanballat’s daughter.
In Numbers 25:7-13, it was the boldness of Phinehas, son of Eleaszer, son of Aaron, who, with zeal, purged Israel of sin in the camp, and Yahuweh rewarded his priestly seed with an eternal priesthood. From him came
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Zadok, who blessed the house of David and Solomon and established for that lineage an eternal priesthood. (Ezekiel 44:15-24) Right now, the seed of Phinehas and Zadok, DNA tested back to Aaron, are in Jerusalem being trained to serve the Messiah in His Temple--the Temple that Ezekiel saw and wrote about in Ezekiel 40-46, and Zechariah wrote about in Zechariah 6:12-15.
Right now, every day, you are making decisions that will affect your eternity.
Right now, you are making decisions that will affect the future of your seed. Are you walking the pure, set-apart, plumbline of the Word? -- For His
admonition is clear in Amos 7:7-8. He’s not playing games!
Sanballat was a Persian “satrap” of Samaria. He was a Moabite who was hired by Persia to keep peace in and around Jerusalem. Today, the Roman Catholic Church has put Palestinians and Jordanians in charge of the Temple Mount and most all of their sites in Jerusalem. These servants of the Vatican have their own agenda – to take Israel’s land and kill every Jew. Is this the goal of the Roman Catholic Church? I would say “yes”.
It was Koresh, the Persian, who allowed the Jews to return to rebuild the Temple under Ezra, who preceded Nehemyah’s return by about thirteen years. It was under Artexerxes that Nehemyah returned. Nehemyah 2:7: Nehemyah asked the king that letters be sent to his overseers in the land of Judea and Samaria (Israel). Nehemyah 2:9-11, we read the reaction of those that the Persian King appointed over Yahuweh’s Land: “Then I came to the governors beyond the river and gave them the letters of the King…And Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiyah the Ammonite official heard of it, and to them it was evil--a great evil that a man had come to seek good for the children of Israel. Then I came to Jerusalem and was there three days”.
He went by night and examined the broken walls and gates in secret. He was wise not to let the enemy see him before he had the chance to talk to the deputy rulers in Jerusalem.
I would give you who hear from Yahuweh wisdom--keep the secrets of Yahuweh until He tells you to reveal them. The enemy listens, watches, and acts accordingly if he foresees a threat. Keep silent until victory is won. Obey the wisdom in Amos 5:10, 13-15!
Nehemyah 2:12-18: Finally Nehemyah spoke to the leaders of Judah: “You see the evil which we are in now, how Jerusalem lays waste, and its gates are burned with fire. Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem…and I informed them of the hand of my Elohim, which had been on me for good, and also of the King’s words he had spoken to me. And they said: `Come let us rise up and we shall build.’ So they made their hands strong for good!”
Nehemyah 2:19-20: “And when Sanballat the Horonite heard, and Tobiyah
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the servant, the Ammonite, and Geshem the Arab, they mocked us and despised us, and said: `What is this that you are doing? Are you rebelling against the King?’ And I answered them…`the Elohim of the heavens, He shall bless us, and let us, His servants, rise and build, but you have no portion or right or remembrance in Jerusalem’ ”.
What a powerful man Nehemyah was, who “having done all to stand”, stood in the face of mockery and opposition, even to death, but the work was finished. Where are those today who will stand with Yahuweh, even to death, and speak boldly to those that are His enemies? There is a remnant!
Excerpts from Nehemyah 4:1-9: “…when Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the wall, he was angry and highly offended, and mocked the Jews…And Tobiyah the Ammonite was beside him and said: `Whatever they build, if a fox should climb on it, he shall break down their stone wall’…(Nehemyah’s response) `HearO Elohim for we have been despised’…So we built the wall, and the entire wall was joined together up to the half of it, for the people had a heart to work. And it came to be, when Sanballat and Tobiyah and the Arabs, and the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites heard that the walls of Jerusalem were being repaired and the broken places began to be filled, that they became very angry, and all of them conspired together to come and fight against Jerusalem and to do harm to it. And we prayed to our Elohim, and set a watch against them day and night…”
Nehemyah 4:10-11: “And the strength of the burden bearers is weakening, and there is much rubbish that we are unable to build the wall. And our adversaries said: `Let them not know or see it until we come into their midst and shall kill them, and cause the work to cease’”.
My friends, listen – in order to build up what was torn down, we have to remove the rubbish. If the fountain of the Spirit is not flowing freely in our life—first repent of sin, and stop it! Remove rubbish from your life that has held you back from building up the walls of protection around your own life, and the lives of your family. The enemy wants to wear us down.
Daniel 7:25: The Beast from the pitwill wear out the set-apart ones—weary them, to try to make them give up. This is Lucifer’s #1 tactics, and those of his agents. Build yourself up: Praise and worship Yahuweh. Let the words of the Psalms be on your lips day and night. Be filled with the Word and with the Spirit, and be about your Father’s business daily! Boldly proclaim His victory--this brings strength! (Hebrews 12:12-14)
Nehemyah 4:14-20: “And I looked and rose up and said to the nobles, and to the deputy rulers, and to the rest of the people, `Do not be afraid of them. Remember the great and awesome Yahuweh, and fight’ … And it came to be, when our enemies heard that it was known to us, and that Elohim had
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brought their counsel to naught, that all of us returned to the wall, everyone to his work. And it came to be from that time on that half of my servants were working in the work while the other half held the spears, the shields, and the bows, and the breastplates…And the one who sounded the shofar was by me…”
Psalm 83, speaking of 2011 and soon beyond: “O Elohim do not remain silent!...For look, Your enemies make an uproar, and those hating You have lifted up their head. They craftily plot against Your people and conspire against your treasured ones. They have said, `Come, and let us wipe them out as a nation, and let the name of Israel be remembered no more’. For they have conspired together with one heart. They have made covenant against You…” I’m sure you recognize the underlined sentence. Ahmadinedad of Iran said the same words many times publically. Today, this is the united voice of Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah (PA), the Muslim Brotherhood, and many other Arab terrorist groups based in Damascus, as well as the Iranian President. What’s worse is that the UN and the world’s elite rulers are backing the Arab forces, to fulfill the evil goal of a one world government without Yahuweh’s intervention. Sorry, guys, it won’t work!!!
From the 1920s, when the Jews began returning to the land to rebuild, draining the swamps, building roads, put up houses, and starting to farm, the Arabs began attacking. Many were killed and their work temporarily ceased.
On November 14thThe Jerusalem Postquoted from the November 14th Palestinian Post (now The Jerusalem Post) 65 years ago, which said: “The British Manchester Guardian has advised their government to get out from the Palestinian Mandate now. In New York, British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin was taking advantage of the `Big Four’ foreign ministers in search of a solution to the Palestinian problem. An Arab effort to get the UN to prohibit the resettlement of Jews in Palestine was defeated before the UN Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Commission”. Things have not changed too much, except that now the UN is on the side of the Arabs to stop Israel from building settlements.
From November 14, 1986--25 years ago: “The Jerusalem Post reported that US President Ronald Raegan had confirmed that he authorized the shipment of US arms to Iran for `political reasons’. In Israel, the Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin indirectly confirmed that Israel had also recently shipped arms to Iran. But, he added that Israel never sold arms, or arms components, anywhere without US consent”. Oh my… read that again.
Because Israel takes billions from the US annually, the US tells Israel what to do and what not to do, and much of it has been to Israel’s harm. Right now, the US continues to fund the Palestinian Authority (PA) and has send
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weapons to them. The PA is a front for their terrorist affiliate Fatah who has the same goals as the Iranian President. Russia and China back Hamas and Iran. It is obvious to those with any ability to see clearly that the leaders of the west are setting Israel up for destruction. They are trying to stop Israel from building any more settlements, and trying to hold Israel back from defending itself – as is well proven by war records up to 2006. The UN is not hiding the fact that it supports the Arab/Palestinian state, and the further dividing of Israel. So the cliché goes: “With friends like that, who needs enemies”.
In the November 14, 2011 Jerusalem Post there is an article about the Republican Presidential debate in Spartanburg, South Carolina. The title of the article is: “Republicans talk tough on Iran, tender about Israel”. I think the concise statement by Michele Bachman, Minnesota Congresswoman, said it best: “…developments in the Middle East are setting the stage for nuclear war against Israel. Iran is working with countries like Syria and groups like the Palestinian Hamas movement…the table is being set for worldwide nuclear war against Israel”.
But, the consensus of political analysts is that no matter who gets in the White House in 2012, nothing much will change in US policy towards Iran or Israel. It has long been known that no matter whether a person is Democrat or Republican the Presidents are chosen 4-8 years ahead of time by think tanks like the Bilderberger Group, and/or the Club of Rome. In other words, we have hidden ones who have been orchestrating the end-game for a long time. So, while most of Yahuweh’s people sleep, the enemy is hard at work.
Attacks against Israel have continued to this day and are increasing, especially against the work of Jews to rebuild their land. Now the international community is trying to force Israel to halt the rebuilding of settlements on their own land. This is an attempt by Lucifer/Satan to break the Covenant that Yahuweh made with the seed of Abraham, Yitzak, and Ya’cob, and their descendants. Ahmadjinedad of Iran has said: “Let us wipe Israel off the map”. The international community of Illuminists under Lucifer look to Ahmadinedad to do just that – to start the chaos to bring the “order”--the new world order under their control. This Maudi, Twelfth Imam, myth is a good cover for their real reasons.
In Psalm 2, we read the same scenario, referring to the world’s elite Illuminati leadership: “The Kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take counsel together, against Yahuweh and against His Messiah saying `Let us tear apart Their bonds, and throw away Their ropes from us’ ”.