Second Six Weeks Study Guide


What factor led to the independent Greek city-state?

Under whose leadership did Athens become the most sophisticated of the poleis?

Why did Women have more freedom in Sparta?

What is Hellenism and who facilitated it?

Did the Greeks create a major long lasting religion?

What is the major tenant of Greek philosophy?

Who could not participate in Athenian Democracy?

Where did Alexander stop his conquest?


What group dominated the Romans prior to the establishment of the Roman Republic?

Rome was invaded and sacked by which Group?

What civilizations greatly affected Roman culture?

What was the Ruler in early Rome called?

What was the PaxRomana and what ruler began it?


During what period were the Byzantines the leading civilization?

Why was Justinian’s Legal Code Important?

What is the main issue that led to the great schism?

What is Caesaropapism?

What civilization’s influence led to the iconoclasm movement?

What was the Byzantines greatest contribution to post-classical civilization?


Who were the Bedouin?

What is the Hajj?

What is a Caliph?

Over what issue did Muslims divide into Shia and Sunni??

How are Muslims supposed to pray according to the five pillars of Islam?

What holy shrine lies in the center of Mecca?

In what Period didthe first international as opposed to regional connections arise?

What facilitated the end of the post-classical period?

Why were the muslims able to easily conquer the Middle East?

Who became the mercenary protector of the Abbasid dynasty?

What group did the crusades affect most, Europeans or Arabian?

What were the Islamic missionaries, who helped spread islam, called?

What group sacked Baghdad, thus ending Abbasid rule?

How did Islam spread throughout Africa?


How did the Mandate of Heaven affect Chinese rulers?

How would a ruler’s loss of the Mandate of Heaven be shown to the people?

What school of thought returned order to the Chinese after the Warring states Period?

China was the main producer of what product?

China (cont.)

What is the correct order for the Chinese Dynasties?

What is the main tenant of Legalism?

Who posed the greatest threat to Han China?

What two dynasties represented a golden age in china?

How did Tang rulers control the nomads?

How was Social Mobility possible in China?

Describe Neo-Confucianism:

What Song policy aimed to reduce the gap between rich and poor?

The invention of movable-type printing lead to what?


What political organization did the early civilizations tend to use?

What Gender dominates in a Patriarchal Society?

When was writing translated in the Indus Valley or Harappan civilization?

Why was Sargon the Great important?

What was the basis of all classical economies?

What lead directly to development of specialization and hierarchical classes?

Who created the first alphabet?

Who spread out Egypt (united Egypt)?

How did the invasion of the Aryans in 520 change Indian Civilization?

Who was the first to unify India?

What were the different districts under Persian rule called?

Map Section








Mediterranean Sea

Red Sea

Dead Sea
