Chapter 5

  1. What enables us to use our freedom according to God’s plan? Grace
  2. What is the English translation of Yahweh? I Am
  3. What is our ability to know who God is and to choose to love and serve him? Freedom
  4. What are short stories that are meant to capture the attention of Jesus’ listeners? Parables
  5. Which word refers to our responsibility to always respect the uniqueness and beauty of creation? Stewardship
  6. What is the first book of the Bible? Genesis
  7. Which part of us is most a reflection of God? Soul
  8. Who did God call through a burning bush? Moses
  9. Which prophet wrote, “Can a mother forget her infant…”? Isaiah
  10. Jesus tells parables about two lost items. What are the items? Coin and sheep
  11. Who were the first people to come up with a story of creation? Babylonians
  12. Are faith and reason compatible? Yes
  13. What is the limit of God’s mercy and forgiveness? None
  14. Is God generous? Yes
  15. Does the Bible tell us how the universe came to be? Yes. God created it out of nothing
  16. Do all of the creatures on Earth have a value and purpose? Yes.
  17. What does the Church say about the theory of evolution? It respects it, but does not fully subscribe
  18. What is one thing that Jesus reveals to us about God through parables? Pg 64

Chapter 6

  1. What is there only one of, that is shared equally and totally by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Nature
  2. What do we call an ancient Jewish prayer? shema
  3. List three other names that we call Jesus. Beloved Son
  4. What word means to make holy? Sanctify
  5. What is the Hebrew word for “wind”? Ruah
  6. How do we gain our Christian belief in the Holy Trinity? Sacred Scripture
  7. What is the Christian family? Describe it. Domestic church
  8. What is another word for Holy Spirit that is used in John’s Gospel? Advocate
  9. Who truly did the Divine work of creation? Holy Trinity
  10. What is a dogma? Truth taught by church
  11. How close is the relationship of Divine Persons in the Holy Trinity? United as one
  12. How did Jesus express the intimacy he felt with God? Abba
  13. When were the Apostles and Mary visited by the Holy Spirit? Pentecost
  14. How does God reveal himself to us? As the perfect communion of persons
  15. Who is called the Father of Orthodoxy? Athanasius
  16. What does Orthodoxy mean? True teaching
  17. How did the early Church experience the Holy Spirit? At a deep level
  18. What is the basic Catholic belief about the mystery of the Holy Trinity? 3 divine persons as 1