Nutrition and Physical Activity to Prevent Obesity Symposium Results


What does it look like for individuals? What are they experiencing? (Vision) (asterisks indicate duplicate entries)

Symposium Priorities

·  Businesses provide incentives

·  Walkable, accessible communities

·  Disease not the norm



Ø  Group Compilations

·  Exercise and activity as a reward

·  More family time

·  Families are knowledgeable in nutrition and exercise

·  People are vibrant, creative, empowered, informed

·  Less rushed pace of life – more balance between work and life

·  More family interaction

Ø  Individual Compilations

·  I can, would enjoy, and will safely walk, bike, or take public transit to my friends home, to my places of entertainment, to do my regular tasks such as grocery shopping, other shopping

·  I will not complain as frequently about lack of parking or gas prices because I won’t be as dependant on using a car

·  People have time to exercise

·  People are more aware of use of fat ingredients in their traditional recipes

·  Walking and biking are positive emotional experiences

·  More quality family time**

·  Family fun time/activity

·  People learning sound health and nutrition fitness principles

·  Parents encouraged to play with children

·  Kinder – not so stressed out because now they walk, etc

·  Not so isolated

·  People are happier and there is less violence in our schools

·  More family interaction

·  Life is less frantically paced and balance between work and home

·  Better time managements

·  Better peer relationships

·  It’s fun to ride a bike for short trips

·  More energy and positive attitudes

·  Multi generational activities/parks

·  Less divorce rates

·  People more aware of world around them

·  Accessible – know opportunities

·  Cultural

·  More family interaction

·  Fun/enjoyment

·  Increased quality of life

·  Relationships – families , neighborhoods, workplaces, schools are vibrant

·  Safe

·  Wellness is the norm

·  A life of reward with looking forward to go for a long walk to start a day with a smile

·  People encouraging each other to eat health and exercise

·  X person works in office as department club manager from 8-5. However she doesn’t have time to do exercise. Her employer offered to all employees sport training and 30 minutes before leaving work for everyone to do exercise. Those who exercise 3 times a week in their log books received 5 more days vacation annually. As her children the school has 30 min morning and 2- 30min afternoon to play and at home they have computer games that require movement and school lunch meals are 50 or $1 less is students eat salad or fruit. This system worked on restaurants and becomes a policy incentive

·  I am a middle aged woman with 2 teenagers who are able to got o school events with other middle ages women who have a BMI less than 25. We are able to use the school facilities between 6am and 8pm walk, run on the track. My kids have milk and healthy snacks the can purchase at school .They have nutritious lunches no open campuses. They have intramurals or encouraged non “jocks’ to stay active and physically fit.

·  Size 10-12 feel good about themselves

·  Capable of doing more

·  Healthy people*

·  People doing more for themselves

·  Not afraid to get old because they’ve taken better care of bodies

·  People are vibrant, empowered, creative, appreciate positive efforts, better at informed decision making

·  Decreased emphasis on weight

·  Families slowing down pace

·  People are managing stress well

Physical Activity

Ø  Group Compilations

·  Increased leisure/vacation time taken

·  More non-competitive group athletic activities

·  Walking and biking to work/play/school

·  More people active in athletics

·  Physical activity opportunities for all ages

·  Decrease screen time to 1 hour per day

·  Waking, biking to schools

·  Physical activity is a priority

·  More people walking because it is safe

Ø  Individual Compilations

·  People are walking or biking on a daily basis for work, play, errands, school, etc

·  More people are walking places – safe places to walk*

·  Exercise is second nature

·  People would know their opportunities for increasing physical activity

·  More “fit” bodies

·  Less TV and more activity

·  Families outside during all seasons and enjoying fitness activities – TVs off 1 hour per day

·  Older adults gather to walk, bike, etc.

·  Emphasis on PA as a priority

·  It will be second nature to do exercise

·  Fun activity and PE every day in school for every child

·  Exercise before breakfast

·  Adults have choices/places to leave children while they are exercising

·  Use stairs for all events

·  Exercise is the norm

·  Fitness and exercise – utilize 24hour fitness facilities, post work shifts to minimize stress and weight loss

·  Physical activity is a priority

·  Walking is not punishment/video and TV not a reward

·  Sports not just for jocks

·  TV come with sensor that says “Time to turn TV off and go play”

·  Families participating together in physical activities outdoor

·  Video games and TVs only allow children to play an allotted time per day

·  Increased physical movement and people of all ages feel good about moving

·  Families are working out and playing together outside and inside

·  It becomes the status to walk

·  It’s easy and fun to exercise and there are lots of options


Ø  Group Compilations

·  Common health messages by all entities

Ø  Individual Compilations

·  Consistent messages from pediatricians to geriatric clinics

·  Consistent messages begin in peds clinics, schools, elderly

·  Food signs and advertisements are not in your face 24/7

·  Common message on health (reduced mixed messages)

·  Media, conversation, information based on health, one common message

·  Messages are consistent –reinforcing

·  When media reports wellness etc industry always gives consistent messages


Ø  Group Compilations

·  Water is our main beverage

·  Healthy food looked at as a reward

·  Fast food restaurants will have healthy menus

·  Foods without chemical additives

·  Healthy fast foods options that are affordable

·  People eating well/size tolerance

·  People like to eat vegetables/ not just have to eat them

·  Utilize farmers market at WIC clinic

·  Access to health foods in all settings – school, church, social, work

·  Decreased fast food establishments

Ø  Individual Compilations

·  I know other people who cook

·  Individuals can find many healthy eating restaurants free of smoke and full of healthy cooked item at a reasonable price

·  Soda expensive, milk cheap

·  Healthy fast food options

·  Stores offering reasonably priced fresh produce

·  Fast food chains offer fruits and veggies as their menus

·  Restaurants offer nutritious choices for meals

·  Families are enjoying fresh fruits and veggies

·  Fresh fruit and veggies for all snacks

·  Many options available in communities for physical =fitness for all ages

·  Citizens take responsibility for eating healthy foods and exercising

·  Grocery stores offer cooking classes and how to prepare certain foods

·  People like and eat fruits and veggies

·  Better understanding of healthy cooking

·  I can buy “small” sized food and drink not just tall/med/grande/large

·  All the food in Hy-Vee is in the “health market” portion of the store

·  Fewer fast food restaurants and more activity and farmer’s markets and healthy eating places

·  Availability of healthy food

·  Decrease fast food est.

·  Eat available nutritional food with less chemical induced products

·  Have better choices at any time or place for physical activity and nutritional choices less processed foods

·  Healthier “fast food”

·  School lunches will be lower fat and good variety

·  All healthy foods in vending machines at schools

·  Healthier foods easily available at restaurants , stores, meetings, etc – expected not the exception

·  Meals with fruits and veggies

·  Employers and students look for healthy food options from worksite and school vending cafeteria food services

·  Restaurants with normal portions

·  Water as a main beverage*

·  Spend time in family meals

·  Increased price of less healthy foods, and decrease price of healthy choices

·  Children and adults have access to nutritionally sounds food choices at a reasonable cost

·  Access to healthy food choices in all settings ie. School ,social events, worship etc

·  Decreased fast food establishments

·  Snacks are chosen wisely

·  Fast food is a convenience, not a treat

·  Large portions are not better

·  Kids receive healthy snacks in school as well as bank, grocery stores

·  Fast food is no longer unhealthy food

·  Access to sustainable edible landscapes

·  No food insecurity

·  No fast food

·  Cherish home cooked meals

·  Smaller portions

·  Increased normal eating

·  Decreased good food/bad food mentality

·  Enjoy a wide variety of foods

·  Increased accessibility to healthy foods

·  People cooking more instead of eating out

·  Restaurants have healthier choices, smaller portions

·  Healthy balanced diets

·  Smaller servings

·  Food isn’t the cure for emotional issues for those served and those serving

·  Families sharing a nutritious meal together at least once daily

·  Water for breakfast, fresh fruit at meals

·  McDonalds menu has changed

·  Food not use for emotional issues

·  Families eat together

·  Fast food restaurants provide health menus that are good for you

·  Its affordable to get health food

·  People are creative about preparing healthy meals

·  Fresh fruits and vegetable vending machines in school and worksites instead of candy and pop

·  Increased priced high calorie foods and decreased low calorie foods

·  Families preparing meals from fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains

·  Decreased fast food opportunities in all towns/ cities

·  Foods stamps selective to raw foods with a balance of all food groups


Ø  Group Compilations

·  Architecture of community reflects more sociability

·  Communities recognized for health initiatives

·  Safer communities

·  Communities built to have complete streets, sidewalks, bike paths, etc

·  Available and easily accessed activity centers

·  Easy access to trails

·  Neighborhood parks and child care in all subdivisions

·  Clean, safe and handicap accessible integrated playgrounds

·  People are vibrant, creative, empowered, informed

·  Improved access to nutrition and activity

·  Day care for walkers/exercise groups

·  Business, citizens, schools, healthcare – working, coordinating, and pooling or resources to build a culture of health in their community

·  Healthy communities which support activity and healthy eating at parks, schools, business, etc.

·  Revitalize downtowns for walkability and community needs

·  Transportation to physical activity events for special populations

·  Walkable communities with access to school, groceries, church, etc.

·  People experiencing a greater sense of community

Ø  Individual Compilations

·  Trails and natural areas are within easy access to all Iowans

·  Connected trails

·  Climbing walls

·  Water experiences

·  Increased vacations

·  “Fun clubs’ for youth encourage participation in sports and activities in friendly un-competitive atmosphere

·  Support for activity and play throughout neighborhoods (safe)

·  Knowledge of available resources within community to address health concerns

·  Autos not used to trips less than 3 miles (other than work)- disincentive for short distance auto trips

·  Affordable recreation and fitness facilities for all

·  People have easy access to biking/hiking trails and parks

·  Bus and com organizations are working with schools and families

·  Resources are pooled within constraints of funding streams

·  smoke free environments

·  community partners working together

·  Increased community interactions

·  Neighborhood is safe to play and walk in

·  More seniors living at home

·  Kids outside playing more riding/walking to work

·  Individual only use family care to go on out of town trips

·  People use public transportation that is now in most of the small towns in Iowa. People also walk and bike more. There are safe bike and walk paths in most communities.

·  Fitness center/ parks are rewards

·  Transportation is not a sedentary6 activity – even if you drive you own vehicle you can still get physical activity

·  Many walking trails that connect the town can be found with stations to exercise strategically placed

·  Increased number of community centers and trails

·  Daycare at parks and pools and after school

·  Opportunities for safe physical activity will be within reasonable distance of all homes

·  Supportive community values

·  Farmer’s market at our WIC clinics

·  Bike paths to work

·  Fast food = good food

·  Walk/bike were going

·  Fitness center more accessible

·  More inclusive and respectful society

·  Better community cohesion and cooperation

·  Evenings you can see families and extended families in walking trails

·  Easy access to facilities for physical activity – esp in winter cold and summer heat ie. Persons with disabilities

·  Convenient transportation to physical activity facilities esp for those who can’t drive and esp in rural areas not funded with add’l $$ but by existing available transportation such as churches org vans, etc.

·  Sidewalks – design*

·  Healthier communities for all age groups

·  Streets are safe and more people on them

·  People are walking and biking to work and school

·  People experiencing a greater sense of community

·  Transportation for special population to access pa

·  Safe/completed walking biking trails*

·  Clean update safe playgrounds

·  Cleaner environment in which to breath or observe

·  Experiencing more community and people come together to get things accomplished

·  Use of less pesticides

·  Local availability improved – market driven access to F/V