DurhamCity Regatta
Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th May 2012
Sponsored by Ramside Hall
Held under British Rowing Rules and Row Safe Guide.
Sunday13th May
Division 1 Start Time –9.30am
1800m Time trails over the long course – downstream – rolling start
Events offered in Open Mens & Womens Categories (Non Qualifying)
IM2 / 4+, 2-, 2x, 1xIM1 / 4+, 4-, 2-, 2x, 1x
Elite / 4-, 2-, 2x, 1x
J16 / 4+, 4-, 4x-, 4x+, 2x, 1x
J17 / 4-, 4x-, 2x, 1x
J18 / 4-, 4x-, 2-, 2x, 1x
Masters (Non Novice)
Crew must have points / 4+, 4x-, 2-, 2x, 1x
Division 2 & 3
700m downstream, Stake Boat Start (Qualifying where applicable)
Division 2 (11.00 – 14.30pm) / Division 3 (14.45 – 17.30)NOV 8+ / WNOV 8+
IM3 4+ / WIM3 4X- / WIM3 4+ / IM3 4x-
WIM3 2x / IM3 1X / IM3 2x / WIM3 1x
WNOV 4+ / NOV 4x+ / NOV 4+ / WNOV 4x+
NOV 2x / WNOV 1x / WNOV 2x / NOV 1x
J15 4+ / WJ15 4x+ / WJ15 4+ / J15 4x+
J15 1x / J15 2x / WJ15 2x / WJ15 1x
J14 4x+ / WJ14 2 x / WJ14 4x+ / J14 2x
WJ14 1x / J13 1x / WJ13 1x / J14 1x
WJ13 4x+ / J12 4x+ / J13 4x+ / WJ12 4x
MAS NOV 4+ / WMAS 4x+ / WMAS NOV 4+ / MAS 4x+
MAS 1x / WMAS 2x / MAS 2x / WMAS 1x
MIXED 4x+ / MIXED 4 / MIXED 2X / CLUB 8+
New to the sport events will be held for Open Men & Women
Presentation Medals will be awarded where applicable
Entry Information – Sunday 13th May
- Entry fees are £7 per seat for Long Course Events (Division 1) events and £5 per seat forShort Course Events (Divisions 2 & 3) Coxes are FREE
- Prizes in long course events will be awarded where 3 crews start.
- No doubling up within a division (crew and equipment). Times of divisions are approximate and are subject to change depending on entries
- Please state if you are NOT prepared to row at higher status/ age group. Master handicap system will be used as required
- Entries and payment by Online BROE ONLY
- If you have trouble using the system, please contact the entries secretary .
- Entries close at 6pm Friday 4th May 2012.
- Any changes of status at York Spring should be notified by the end of 5th May.
Draw Information
- The draw will take place on Saturday 5thMay and Sunday 6thMay.
- The draw and safety instructions will be posted on on or after 8th May
Cancellation Policy
In the event of cancellation or suspension of the event entry fees will not be refunded.