The Eastney Practice
Dr Jane Richbell, Dr Laura Procter, DrRebeccaLake, Dr Annie Eggins
Eastney Health Centre, Highland Road, SouthseaPO4 9HU
Tel: 023 9200 7603
Patient reference group progress report 2013-14
Dear Patient
We are now into thethird year of our patient reference group. This is now a well established group with regular quarterly face to face meetings and via email with our virtual group. With the involvement of the group, the Practice has successfully implemented changes and made improvements to various aspects of the day to day running of the surgery
During 2012-13 we produced an action plan for year 2 and the outcomes are included at the end of this report.
We invite patients to attend meetings 3-4 times a year. At these meetings we discuss area’s where changes or improvements could possibly be made. We also invite a speaker to come and give presentations.
To date during 2013-14 we have had the Carers association, the Health checks representative from PortsmouthCity Council. Dr Procter gave a talk on understanding blood results and our Practice Pharmacist gave on a talk on the influenza vaccine. At our September meeting we said goodbye to our Senior Partner, Dr Richard Tyrrell who retired on 1st October 2013 and will be greatly missed by patients and staff alike. We welcomed our new Partner Dr Annie Eggins to the Practice at our December meeting.
We continue to keep our notice board in the waiting room up-to-date with all the information regarding our patient group including, minutes from previous meetings and any action plans.
To ensure all our patients are given the opportunity to participate in our surveys and join our patient group we performed a detailed analysis of our practice profile. This showed we have a good representation in the virtual group but still strive to encourage patients from all backgrounds to attend the group meetings. We advertise our patient group extensively in the waiting room and on our practice website. We also post our invitations to patients that do not come to the surgery regularly. GP’s and Nurses encourage patients to join or attend meetings during consultations.
On the next page you will find the practice population profile.
The Eastney Practice
Practice population profile = 4737 patients / PRG profile = 263 membersAge
% Under 16 / 19.36 / % Under 16 / 5.76
%17 - 24 / 9.85 / % 17 - 24 / 16.53
% 25 - 34 / 15.97 / % 25 - 34 / 30.14
% 35 - 44 / 14.48 / % 35 - 44 / 15.76
% 45 - 54 / 15.76 / % 45 - 54 / 14.23
% 55 - 64 / 11.72 / % 55 - 64 / 7.30
% 65 - 74 / 7.80 / % 65 - 74 / 7.60
% 75 - 85 / 3.72 / % 75 - 85 / 1.92
% Over 85 / 1.44 / % Over 85 / 0.76
White / White
% British Group / 79.0 / %British Group / 81.15
% Irish / 0.6 / %Irish / 0.7
% White & Black Caribbean / 0.20 / % White & Black Caribbean / 0.38
% White & Black African / 0.5 / % White & Black African / 0.38
%White & Asian / 0.6 / % White & Asian / 1.0
%Indian / 0.2 / % Indian / 0.38
%Pakistani / 0.1 / % Pakistani / 0
% Nepalese / 0 / % Nepalese / 0
%Bangladeshi / 1.5 / % Bangladeshi / 4.0
%Caribbean / 0.1 / %Caribbean / 0.7
% African / 0.8 / % African / 0.7
% Chinese / 0.5 / % Chinese / 2.0
%Any Other / 16.0 / % Any Other / 9.0
% Male / 48 / % Male / 51
% Female / 52 / % Female / 49
Practice Specific Care groups
e.g. learning disabilities, substance misuse, nursing homes, travelling community, Faith groups, specialist units etc. / 1 carer, 1 disabled and 2 patients with chronic disease attend
To decide on the key areas for our next survey we met with the patient group on 17thApril 2013 to discuss what they felt they were the most important priorities to include. Invites to the meeting were emailed to the virtual group, posted to patients without email addresses. We also advertised in the waiting room and on our practice website. It was agreed the areas would be clinical care, reception issues, patient education, getting an appointment and opening times.
Male / 62 / White BritishMale / 69 / White British
Female / 78 / White British
Female / 70 / White British
Female / 69 / White British
Female / 69 / White British
Male / 74 / White British
Male / 45 / White British
Male / 45 / White British
Male / 67 / White British
Female / 82 / White British
We then sent the following survey out to the virtual group asking them to select 2 key areas that they considered to be a priority.
To ensure we gained the views of as many of our patient’s from all backgrounds, ages ranges, ethnicity, we did the following:
The survey wasavailable for completion on the practice website and we also gave out paper copies to ensure everyone had the opportunity to complete the survey
We emailed our virtual group
Questionnaires were posted to patients without an email address.
Questionnaires were posted to ethnic minorities
Questionnaires were handed out at the reception desk.
Survey started: 02/06/13
Closed: 08/07/13
Number of surveys sent out: 300.
Survey Questions
What do you think are the most important priorities on which we should consult our patients? For example, which of the following 2 issues do you think we should focus on?
Clinical care
Getting an appointment
Reception issues
Opening times
Patient awareness and education
Please could you add any additional issues that you feel need to be included in the survey?
Number of Responses: 47
The results were
Clinical Care55%
Getting an appointment87%
Reception issues8%
Opening times27%
Patient awareness and education21%
Additional issues 0%
We then invited the virtualpatient group to attend a meeting in 9th July 2013 to discuss the results of the survey. We also sent out postal invitations and advertised the meeting date in the waiting room and on our practice website.
We then finalised the draft questions at our next patient group meeting on 10th September 2013.
Meeting 10th September 2013
Male / 62 / White BritishMale / 69 / White British
Female / 78 / White British
Female / 70 / White British
Female / 69 / White British
Female / 69 / White British
Male / 74 / White British
Male / 45 / White British
Male / 45 / White British
Male / 67 / White British
Female / 82 / White British
Female / 79 / White British
Female / 75 / White British
Female / 52 / White British
Female / 31 / Chinese
At the meeting the areas of priority from the surveywere discussed and from this the group put forwarda draft plan of the following questions that they would like to be included in the next survey:
- Are patients happy with the overall clinical care?
- Are patients happy with the telephone consultation system?
- Are patients satisfied with the reception team and privacy at the reception desk?
- Would they like the appointments line to be open longer during the day?
- Are patients aware of the DNA rates at the practice and could we advertise these more widely?
- Should the practice have a Face book account?
- Would you like to be able to book appointments on line?
The survey questions were then emailed to the virtual patient group for agreement on 26th September 2013. We asked for responses within 2 weeks.The virtual group did not come back with any responses so the survey was agreed.
This survey was thensent using the same methodology as the previous survey. The survey asked patients what they considered to priorities for the practice action plan.
Survey started: 31/10/13 Survey closed: 02/12/13
Survey sent out: 400 Number of Responses: 241
Please see the survey report on the next page
Survey Results
Patient Survey
Q1. How satisfied are you with the service and care you receive from the Doctors and Nurses here at the surgery?
Not satisfied0%
Fairly satisfied16%
Very satisfied83%
No response1%
Q2. How satisfied are you with the service you receive from the reception staff?
Not satisfied1%
Fairly satisfied11%
Very satisfied86%
No response2%
Q3. Would you like more privacy at the reception desk when discussing your health?
No response2%
Q4. Do you have difficulty getting through to the surgery on the telephone to make an appointment?
No response3%
Q5. The appointments line is open from 9am. Do you feel it would be of benefit to open the line from 8:30am?
Q6. The appointments line closes between 12.00-2.30pm. Do you feel it would be of benefit to open the line for longer in the afternoons?
No response2%
Q7. Would you like to be able to book appointments online?
No response3%
Q8. How satisfied are you with the telephone consultation system?
Not satisfied3%
Fairly satisfied30%
Very satisfied63%
No response4%
Q9. Are you aware that the practice has a high rate of patients not attending their appointments?
No response2%
Q10. Do you feel that it would be of benefit to advertise in the waiting room and practice website the amount of missed appointments?
No response3%
Q11 . Should the practice have a Facebook account to keep patients up to date with what is happening at the surgery?
No response5%
Q12. Would you be happy to recommend the Practice to your family and friends?
No response3%
To help us analyse the answers please tell us a few things about yourself
Are you Male or Female?
No response3%
What age are you?
Under 161%
17 - 247%
25 - 3416%
35 - 4418%
45 - 5419%
55 - 6413%
65 - 7411%
75 - 846%
Over 841%
No response8%
What is the ethnic background with which you most identify?
White British85%
White Irish0%
Mixed White & Black Carribean0%
Mixed White & Black African0%
Mixed White & Black Asian0%
Black Carribean0%
Black African1%
No response8%
Invitations to attend the next patient group meeting on 3rd December 2013 to discuss the results of the survey and produce an action plan for 2013-14 were emailed to our virtual group. We also sent out postal invitations and advertised the meeting date in the waiting room and on our practice website
The profile of the group that attended the meetings
Age / EthnicityMale / 66 / white British
female / 76 / white British
Female / 69 / white British
Male / 74 / white British
Male / 64 / white British
female / 52 / white British
male / 65 / white British
Female / 51 / white British
male / 66 / white British
female / 81 / white British
Female / 43 / white British
Female / 61 / white British
At this meeting the areas of priority were discussed and from this the group put forward a draft of the following questions they would like put into the next survey.
- Open Triage telephone line at 08:30
- Close telephone line for 1 hour only at lunchtime
- Have a practice Facebook account*
- Display coloured notices for DNArates in the waiting room
- Organise On line booking of appointments for patients
*The group felt that although it was not a top priority from the survey they would still like the practice to trial this
The draft action plan was then emailed to the virtual patient group for agreement on 4th December 2013. We asked for responses within 2 weeks. The virtual group did not come back with any objections to the plan.
Our next step is to implement the action plan for 2013-14
Thank you for taking the time to read this report and to all the patients that have taken part in the surveys during 2013.
We would like to encourage more patients to join our group please see the link on the home page of our website or ask reception for details.
Please find on the next page our 2012-13 action plan.
The Eastney Practice
Dr Jane Richbell, Dr Laura Procter, DrRebeccaLake, Dr Annie Eggins
Eastney Health Centre, Highland Road, SouthseaPO4 9HU
Tel: 023 9200 7603
ACTION PLAN: 2012-13
The practice implemented the agreed priority area’s and action plan for 2012-13.
The patient group agreed that the practice should implement a local rate 023 92 number due to the high cost of using an 0844 number
We now have a new local number 023 9200 7603.
Patients now pay local rate charges for calls to the practice.
In order to try and reduce the DNA rate the patient group agreed the practice should send text messages to patients to remind them of their appointment
Our clinical supplier implemented the sending of text messages to patients who have a mobile phone.
Patients are being reminded about appointments by text message.
The group also felt a practice mobile phone for patients to send text messages to cancel their appointments should be purchased.
The practice purchased a mobile phone in March 2013
We now have a practice mobile phone for patients to contact us via text message to cancel appointments.
These are now being displayed in the waiting room.
Leaflets available to read to gain a better understanding of conditions that could possibly be managed by the patients
The Eastney Practice
Dr Jane Richbell, Dr Laura Procter, DrRebeccaLake, Dr Annie Eggins
Eastney Health Centre, Highland Road, SouthseaPO4 9HU
Tel: 023 9200 7603
The practice also offers an extended hours service for pre-bookable appointments only.
*Alternate Saturday mornings: 8-10 am
*Practice Nurses (not vaccinations) Tuesday and Thursday early mornings: 7.00- 8.00 am
TimesMonday / 08:00 - 18:30
Tuesday / 08:0 - 18:30
Wednesday / 08:00 - 18:30
Thursday / 08:00 - 18:30
Friday / 08:00 - 18:30
Services available during opening hours under the NHS Contract
Core Services:
- General management of medical conditions
- Health Promotion Advice
- Emergency Care if appropriate
- Referral for other services, if appropriate
- Urgently required care for temporary residents
Additional services: Cervical screening
- Contraceptive services
- Vaccinations and immunisations
- Child health surveillance
- Maternity services
- Stop Smoking service