Bylaws of Oregon State University Panhellenic Association
Last Updated: April 27th, 2016
Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Oregon State University Panhellenic Association.
Article II. Object
The object of the Panhellenic Association shall be to develop and maintain women’s fraternity life and interfraternity relations at a high level of accomplishment and in so doing to:
1. Consider the goals and ideals of member groups as continually applicable to campus and personal life.
2. Promote superior scholarship and basic intellectual development.
3. Cooperate with member women’s fraternities and the university/college administration in concern for and maintenance of high social and moral standards.
4. Act in accordance with National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) Unanimous Agreements, resolutions and policies.
5. Act in accordance with such rules established by the Panhellenic Council as to not violate the bylaws, policies, sovereignty, rights and privileges of member women’s fraternities.
Article III. Membership
Section 1. Membership Classes
There shall be three classes of membership: regular, provisional and associate.
A. Regular membership. The regular membership of the Oregon State University Panhellenic Association shall be composed of all chapters of NPC fraternities at Oregon State University that are registered as a Volunteer Student Organization (VSO). Regular members of the College Panhellenic Council shall pay dues as determined by the College Panhellenic Council. Each regular member shall have voice and one vote on all matters.
B. Provisional membership. The provisional membership of the Oregon State University Panhellenic Association shall be composed of all colonies of NPC fraternities at Oregon State University. Provisional members shall pay no dues and shall have voice but no vote on all matters. A provisional member shall automatically become a regular member upon being installed as a chapter of an NPC fraternity.
C. Associate membership. Local sororities or national or regional non-NPC member groups may apply for associate membership of the Oregon State University Panhellenic Association. The membership eligibility requirements and the process for submitting an application and approval of the application shall be determined by the Panhellenic Council. Associate members shall pay dues as determined by the College Panhellenic Council. An associate member shall have voice and one vote on all matters except extension-related matters and, if they are not participating in the formal recruitment process, they shall not have a vote on recruitment rules and establishment or modification of Panhellenic total. An associate member may be expelled for cause by a majority vote of the Panhellenic Council. An associate member shall not be entitled to vote on the question of its expulsion.
Section 2. Privileges and Responsibilities of Membership
A. Duty of compliance. All members, without regard to membership class, shall comply with all NPC Unanimous Agreements and be subject to these Oregon State University Panhellenic Association bylaws, Code of Ethics and any additional rules this Panhellenic Association may adopt unless otherwise prescribed in these bylaws. Any rules adopted by this Panhellenic Association in conflict with the NPC Unanimous Agreements shall be void.
Section 3. Non-Discriminatory Clause
A. Membership shall not be denied to any student on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, disabled, veteran or Vietnam-era veteran status.
Article IV. Officers and Duties
Section 1. Officers
The officers of the Oregon State University Panhellenic Association shall be President, Vice President Regulations and Judicial, Vice President Administration, Vice President Recruitment, Vice President New Membership Services/Extension, Vice President Gamma Chi, Vice President Finance, Vice President Scholarship, Vice President Community Service, Vice President Programming, and Vice President Campus Relations.
Section 2. Eligibility
Eligibility to serve, as an officer shall depend on the class of membership:
A. Regular membership. Members from women’s fraternities holding regular membership in the Oregon State University Panhellenic Association shall be eligible to serve as any officer. In order to serve on the Oregon State University Panhellenic Association they must be declared in good standing academically, financially, and socially by their chapter.
B. Provisional membership. Members from women’s fraternities holding provisional membership in the Oregon State University Panhellenic Association shall not be eligible to serve as an officer.
C. Associate membership. Members from women’s fraternities holding associate membership in the Oregon State University Panhellenic Association shall not be eligible to serve as an officer.
Section 3. Selection of Officers
The selection of all Panhellenic Executive Officers shall be conducted using the steps described.
A. Step 1: Applications Distributed
1. A newly colonized chapter member shall not be permitted to run for the office of President until the chapter has held regular membership on Panhellenic Council for one academic year.
2. Candidates must be in university and chapter academic/social/financial good standing.
a. Standing in the university will be verified by the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life prior to slating
b. Standing in the chapter will be verified by the president prior to the interviews through submitting a signed document confirming her standing with the chapter
3. Candidate cannot hold a chapter executive office in addition to a PHC Executive Board position.
B. Step 2: Establish Slate Committee
The Slating committee will be composed of the following individuals:
1. One representative from each chapter, recommended either as a past or present chapter President and/or past Panhellenic Executive Board member of that chapter. Otherwise, the president shall choose a representative to serve in her place.
2. The outgoing Panhellenic President and Executive Board shall serve as non-voting members of the slating committee.
3. The Panhellenic Advisor shall serve as a non-voting member of the slating committee.
4. No person is eligible to serve on the Slating Committee if she has applied for a PHC Executive Board position.
C. Step 3: Interview Candidates
The slating committee is responsible for interviewing candidates. Only candidates who are eligible for office and in good standing (as specified in Step 2) will receive an interview. A representative from each chapter must be present in order to conduct business.
D. Step 4: Voting
Voting of the slate shall abide by the following guidelines:
1. After interviews are complete the slating committee shall select a single slate of the entire Executive Board.
a. The interviews and creation of the first slate shall take place at least 2 weeks prior to Installations.
b. The order of completing the slate shall follow the order of officers as they are listed in the OSU PHC Bylaws.
2. All applicants will be contacted and offered the position for which they have been slated. They have the opportunity to accept or decline. If a candidate declines, the slating committee will immediately choose another candidate that will be offered the position instead on the slate.
3. The final slate will be presented to the Panhellenic Council delegates at the next General Body meeting or via e-mail depending on time constraints.
4. The delegates will take the slate to their respective chapters for approval.
a. The delegates will formally vote on the slate on behalf of their chapter. A majority vote is required.
5. If the slate is not passed, the slate will be divided and voted on immediately by using of the following procedure:
a. The slated candidate is automatically nominated for the position.
b. Nominations from the floor shall be allowed at elections, provided the nominee has completed an application and was selected for an interview by the Slating Committee.
c. Candidates will give a speech that is no longer than three minutes in length.
d. The delegates will vote by secret ballot.
e. A Majority vote is required.
f. In case of a tie, two re-votes will be taken following discussion. If a tie vote remains, the Panhellenic President shall break the tie.
Section 4. Office-Holding Limitations
No more than 2 members from the same women’s fraternity shall hold office during the same term.
Section 5. Term
The officers shall serve for a term of one year or until their successors are selected. The term of office will begin January 1st of winter term and will serve until December 31st of fall term the next academic year.
Section 6. Removal of Officers
Any officer may be removed for cause by a vote of two-thirds of the Panhellenic Council.
Section 7. Vacancies
Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner of selection as provided in Section 3 of this article.
Section 8. If a Panhellenic officer resigns mid-term for any reason, the current executive board will open applications as per Article IV; Section 3, with the current executive board and delegates serving as the Selection Committee.
Section 8. Duties of Officers
A. The President shall:
· Preside at all meetings of the Panhellenic Council and the Executive Board.
· Serve as an ex-officio member of all Panhellenic Association committees.
· Be familiar with the NPC Manual of Information and all governing documents of this association.
· Ensure that the NPC annual report is completed.
· Communicate regularly with the Greek Life Director, OSU Panhellenic Advisory Board and NPC area advisor.
· Be aware of all campus issues and concerns, and assume the responsibility for calling them to the attention of Panhellenic.
· Be the official spokesperson of Panhellenic.
· Work closely with all Greek councils, chapters, and leadership to oversee all aspects of the operations of Panhellenic and Greek Life, including but not limited to attending regular meetings with other Greek life leadership and advisors.
· Work closely and regularly with other advisory groups, administration, and organizations in both the Oregon State and Corvallis communities.
· Must attend all retreats, Corvallis Area Alumni Panhellenic Meetings and appropriate leadership conference.
B. The Vice President Regulations and Judicial shall:
· Perform the duties of the President in her absence.
· Be familiar with the NPC Manual of Information and all governing documents of this association.
· Serve as Judicial Board Chair
· Be responsible for reviewing and revising the Constitution and Bylaws every year.
· Give leadership in and adhere to all women’s fraternities’ alcohol education/awareness and risk policies.
· Be in charge of organizing, training and working with of women fraternities to inform them of all rules and regulations.
· Work with IFC Vice President Regulations and Vice President Judicial in a joint judicial board.
· Be responsible for conducting investigations when necessary
· Attend all Council and executive council meetings and retreats
· Perform all other duties as assigned.
C. The Vice President Recruitment shall:
· Be responsible for the Delayed Fully Structured Recruitment.
· Be responsible for all recruitment promotions throughout the year.
· Be reimbursed $1,000 for expenses, which will not be paid in full until after formal recruitment.
· Be a resident of Corvallis for the duration of her position (including summer).
· Be responsible for promoting and adhering to the Recruitment Rules and Regulations.
· Attend all executive and council meetings, retreats and Oregon State University Start sessions.
D. The Vice President Administration shall:
· Take the minutes at all Executive Board and Council meetings
· Distribute the minutes to those requiring them.
· Keep an electronic file of the Panhellenic minutes and a running history of chapter officers and advisors.
· Represent Panhellenic Council as ASOSU Senate, if the Oregon State Panhellenic Association has a vote.
· Attend all IFC meetings and report back to the Panhellenic Council.
· Assist the president in all office proceedings.
· Be responsible for training of all the responsibilities assigned to delegates.
· Maintain Panhellenic website, Facebook, and other media sites, as applicable, in conjunction with Vice President Campus Relations.
· Attend all council and executive meetings and retreats.
E. The Vice President Finance shall:
· Sign and be accountable for all receipts and disbursements of the funds of the Oregon State Panhellenic Association.
· Submit a financial report to the Panhellenic Council one-month prior to the end of each recruitment term.
· Be responsible for preparing the budget and presenting it to the Panhellenic Council for approval, and updating it regularly to ensure accurate records.
· Pay all bills through Auxiliaries and Activities Business Center (AABC).
· Bill each Panhellenic chapter for their annual dues, as well as special billings the fourth week of every term, and deposit through AABC.
· Chair the Donations Committee.
· Adhere to the Memorial Union Business Office audit of the Panhellenic finance books following her term in office.
· Attend all council and executive meeting and retreats.
F. The Vice President New Member Services shall:
· Aid the Vice President Recruitment in her duties in the delayed fully structured and informal recruitments.
· Be responsible for the design of the t-shirts for Go Greek days and Gamma Chis.
· Coordinate bid day.
· Be responsible for publicizing and coordinating informal recruitment registration and pledging.
· Chair the Extension Committee and extension liaison to incoming chapters as needed.
· Be a liaison to Extension at Oregon State University.
· Attend all council and executive meeting and retreats.
G. The Vice President Programming shall:
· Plan the annual IFC/Panhellenic Awards program.
· Provide a calendar of all chapter programming.
· Coordinate programs for the community to attend sponsored by chapters.
· Be responsible for working with the cultural centers on campus and other Greek organizations on campus in accompanying events and programs.
· Keep Panhellenic aware of cultural events happening on campus.
· Plan diversity events and workshops.
· Coordinate with Panhellenic and IFC counterparts on upcoming events and possible programs.
· Attend all council and executive council meeting and retreats.
H. The Vice President Campus Relations shall:
· Be responsible for planning and evaluating inter-sorority and inter-Greek events including Greek Week, Panhellenic Woman of the Year, Panhellenic Underclassman of the Year, and the Vanderpool Sorority of the year awards.
· Serve as IFC/Panhellenic joint activity coordinator.