Study Guide

  1. What country led the way for exploration? Portugal
  2. Which explorer circumnavigated the world? Magellan
  3. What was the main event that triggered WW1? The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
  4. You should know MAIN---explain each. Militarism (buildup of military, taking land by force); Alliances (agreement to join together for a common purpose like defending one’s territory); Imperialism (taking over and ruling other territory or land); Nationalism (extreme pride and love for one’s country).
  5. What were the years of WW1? 1914-1918
  6. Who were the Allied Powers during WWI? France, Britain, Russia, U.S.
  7. Who were the Central Powers? Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, Italy.
  8. Which country had to pull out of WW1 and why? Russia because of the Russian Revolution.
  9. Who was the last czar of Russia? Czar Nicholas II
  10. What year did the US enter the war? 1917
  11. What ended the war? What were the clauses? The Treaty of Versailles (1919). (GARGL) Guilt-Germany had to accept blame; Armed Forces reduced; Reparations-Germany had to pay war damages; Germany lost territory; League of Nations was formed.
  12. Who rose to power in Germany after WW1? Hitler and the Nazi party
  13. What were the dates for WW2? 1939-1945
  14. What was the Holocaust? Period of time when Hitler was having all of the Jews in Europe killed.
  15. Why did WW2 begin? Germany invaded Poland
  16. Who were the Axis Powers? Japan, Italy, Germany.
  17. Who were the Allied Powers during WWII? France, Britain, Soviet Union, United States.
  18. When did the US enter WW2? December 7, 1941 (After the bombing of Pearl Harbor).
  19. Who were the superpowers that came out of WW2? United States and Soviet Union
  20. What was the cold war? The period of tension between democratic countries in west Europe and communist countries in east Europe following WWII.
  21. What is NATO? North Atlantic Treaty Organization---formed so that the US and Canada would protect Western Europe from the Soviet Union.
  22. What happened to Germany after WW2? It was split up between the allies.
  23. What happened to Berlin after WW2? It was split into democratic West Berlin and communist East Berlin.
  24. What was the Iron Curtain? An invisible line that separates communist countries and democratic countries.
  25. What were airlifts? Airplane deliveries of needed supplies during Stalin and the Soviet Unions’ blockade of West Berlin.